Top 34 Mike Klepper Quotes

If you can see something, and it is wrong, you can fight it with a reasonable chance of success. Fighting the nonexistent is worse than pointless: Don Quixote tilted at windmills, but at least windmills are real.


Any success against a false target is a false victory.


For any reputable person or organization to be successful, that person’s or organization’s actions must be based on solid information, not conspiracy theories, not hearsay, not rumors, and certainly not fear mongering.


It is much easier to make an Active Patriot into a friend rather than the other way around.


There is a word we should be using towards government officials whenever they deny our individual rights: “No”. Being just a word, it isn’t a strong weapon. But it is the intellectual wellspring from which all other weapons flow.


You’ve been taught to “render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s”. Unlearn that lesson. Free men would not permit Caesar to exist.


The fire and passion in a militiaman’s eyes has not been extinguished; the brightness and eagerness remain. I want to be around such men, for they are the only ones worth knowing.


The real acts of a real devil you know have been made acceptable by the fictitious actions of a nonexistent devil that you do not know.


Public-sector employment — another way to be shielded from reality.


Of everything we must first ask: is it real or not?


If we don’t make our own future, it will be made for us.


If you stay true to your principles, you have confidence, conviction, purpose, values – in other words, you have a future.


Sometimes, the lessons that are learned by accident, or in the process of failing, are the most lasting.


Never, ever, trust a man who is willing to die in glory but is unable to live with pride.


People sell their soul in such small quantities – a seemingly trivial compromise here, a rationalization of a minor evil there – that they don’t realize what they’re doing until it is too late.


Monsters that live under children’s beds have power only because of the child’s ignorance. Thus the nonexistent becomes efficacious.


By sabotaging logic, the common frame of reference, and the common language, we have removed a “safety valve” that allows cultural divides to be resolved.


The only legitimate purpose of government is to protect the lives and property of its citizens.


For the evil our government does, tinfoil hats are simply not required, and are indeed a detriment.


Justice can be achieved only if one has the pertinent facts, and excusing evil requires that those facts be obscured; justice is thus precluded.


When people come to a conclusion that is contrary to popular opinion, there’s a calm resolution to them, for they are experiencing a short burst of pride. They have just captured an intellectual territory, and they will hold that territory.


It is simply impossible for “refugees” to check their Islamism at the door.


You can take the Muslim out of the Caliphate, but you can’t take the Caliphate out of the Muslim.


The period of time between eligibility to vote and the start of adulthood is a window of opportunity that the liberals are willing to exploit to their advantage.


America is not a country of immigrants, we are a country of pioneers.


The acts of observing and judging are necessarily solitary acts.


Patriots must have the ideas and the tools so that we can recruit, sow the seeds of doubt, and take the fight to the enemy’s safe place.


No revolution, no political change, is ever born from immaculate conception.


Decency is such a rare thing in this world, and it can only be repaid with loyalty.


Difference in opinion does not imply difference in principle.


Socialism, communism, and fascism are the political manifestations of unachievable ideals, carried to genocidal extremes.


An inconsistent political philosophy is that which feeds our battle yet starves our victory.


Abandoning civil society will leave the enemy in control, not by victory but by default.


The advantage to fighting the evils that are in plain sight is the fact that it is quite easy to win-over the “opposition”.



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