Top 33 Kamal Ravikant Quotes

Now I know what success is: living your truth, sharing it.


No matter how smart we may think we are, no matter how committed we are to our truth, we can lose our way.


Ask yourself: what is it, that if I believed it down to my core, would change everything?


The act of going within, finding our truth, and then sharing it, it helps us far more than we know.


One thing I’ve learned: we don’t stumble accidentally into an amazing life. It takes decision, a commitment to consistently work on ourselves.


Pain doesn’t last. And when it’s gone, we have something to show for it. Growth.


If there’s a definition of freedom, I think it’s this: living life on your terms.


Imagine the feeling of catching yourself loving yourself without trying. It’s like catching a sunset out of the corner of your eye. It will stop you.


Success and failure come and go, but don’t let them define you. It’s who you are that matters.


The Secret to FlightDon’t flap your wings so hard. It only exhausts you. Close your eyes. Lean into the currents, say yes. Let the wind raise you higher and higher. So easy. That’s what Eagles do. Oh, this is the secret to life as well.


The things I carry are my thoughts. That’s it. They are the only weight. My thoughts determine whether I am free and light or burdened.


Peace is letting it be. Letting life flow, letting emotions flow through you.


The simple act of putting your truth on paper, only you and your thoughts, is one of the most powerful exercises you can do.


The only rule is that truth must empower you, make you better in every way possible.


If there is one lesson I’ve learned from failure and success, it’s this. I am not the outcome. I am never the result. I am only the effort.


Sometimes, the only way to evolve is to open ourselves fully.


Whatever human endeavor we choose, as long as we live our truth, it is success.


When something comes from within, when it is a part of you, you have no choice but to live it, to express it.


Reach out, share your truth, tell someone, “This is who I am. This is what I stand for. Hold me to it.” Often, we’ll do far more for another than we will do for ourselves.


Life is a river,” a wise friend told me. “It’s flowing. You’re never at the same place twice.


You cannot stay at the same level as when you first practiced your truth, life won’t let you.


Once you cross the threshold, you will never be the same. That is a fact.


There is one rule, though: once you discover your truth, you have to go all in. Fully. Every single chip.


Knowledge is never enough. Even action, if it’s just following a prescribed way, will never fully express your potential.


You dive deeper, you strip away the cleverness and the words become more important than your ego and that’s when you know it’s real, when it’s good.


The insights we receive when going silent, it’s our gift to ourselves. Returning and living them, sharing them, that is our gift to the world.


Threshold is where the madness ends and the magic begins.


Creating anything that never existed before is not sanity.


If ever in pain, I think the best thing we can do is to create something.


Life is a series of choices and all we can do is make them.


It is not giving up, it is accepting. And the light will enter. Always does.


The greatest achievement of humanity is the human spirit.


When we go all in, we find the answers. They’re in us.



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