Top 30 Venus Williams Quotes

I don’t focus on what I’m up against. I focus on my goals and I try to ignore the rest.


My ambition is to enjoy my life and to do exactly what I want to do. And I’ll do that. I will be free.


Some people say that I have an attitude- Maybe I do. But I think that you have to. You have to believe in yourself when no one else does- that makes you a winner right there.


Some people say I have attitude – maybe I do… but I think you have to. You have to believe in yourself when no one else does – that makes you a winner right there.


I contribute my best in my sport and I also have a ton of respect for myself and my family.


Equality for men and women, across the world, not only in sports, is the goal. We obviously have a long way to go, but every little bit helps.


Sports are a great place to show that equality can happen.


As an athlete and as a woman, I get my confidence from playing sports because it shifts your focus from what your body looks like to what your body can do for you. That’s what we all should be doing. It shouldn’t be about looking perfect.


Unfortunately the world is what it is now. People don’t get along for whatever reason. As professional athletes, in a way we’re almost ambassadors for peace, because sports brings everyone together.


In the sports arena I would say there is nothing like training and preparation. You have to train your mind as much as your body.


I think women athletes who have been successful need to help other sports, those sports that are just emerging. That’s what I’ve been thinking about and looking forward to.


Tennis has been around for so long – women have been playing the majors since the 1800s. Other sports have not had professional leagues for women for as long.


I spent my whole life playing sports and training and pushing myself to the limits.


Understanding that being nervous, having doubts and lacking confidence are emotions that are human is how you deal with it. It is okay to feel that way… and then understanding that you can work through it.


As long as we set up equality, we’ll go in the right direction.


Early in the morning, it’s super tough for me to eat right away, but I still need energy for practice. I try to start out with a protein smoothie, a green juice, or some sort of fruit.


I’ve gone to school for business, for design, for architecture.


I love the food in Thailand because of the exotic spices they use. Their style of cooking is unique to their culture and always amazing.


Tennis is mostly mental. Of course, you must have a lot of physical skill, but you can’t play tennis well and not be a good thinker. You win or lose the match before you even go out there.


I want my opponents to look at me across the net and just not want to play me because I look so fit and amazing and strong. So that’s always my goal.


You have to let fear go. Another lesson is you just have to believe in yourself; you just have to. There’s no way around it. No matter how things are stacked against you, you just have to every time.


I have been recently diagnosed with Sjogren’s Syndrome, an autoimmune disease which is an ongoing medical condition that affects my energy level and causes fatigue and joint pain.


I just try to stay positive and focused on the tennis, not let anything get to me, like crazy questions. But I’m tough, let me tell you, tough as nails.


I do expect a lot from myself, but it’s also a balance of being… positive and also pushing yourself.


The principle of the design – the harmony, rhythm and balance are all the same with interior and fashion design.


All those lessons that I’ve learned on the court, I have applied them to my life outside of the court in business, my company, called V Starr interiors, an interior design company, and EleVen, which I wear on court.


My style is kind of eclectic and I don’t like to do the same thing over and over again. I like to have fun and explore myself so you won’t see the same design.


My mom didn’t want us to go to the candy house, she didn’t want us to go to the ice cream truck, she didn’t want us to go to the… There was actually a donut truck, if that makes sense.


It wasn’t like I was self-motivated. My dad started me. It was his dream before it was mine.


My dad loves to eat, and he loves everything I make!



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