Top 30 Jerry Spinelli Quotes

She was bendable light: she shone around every corner of my day.


When a stargirl cries, she sheds not tears but light.


She might be pointing to a doorway, or a person, or the sky. But such things were so common to my eyes, so undistinguished, that they would register as “nothing” I walked in a gray world of nothing.


He tapped my chest. ‘Happy is here.’ He tapped his own chest. ‘Here.’I looked down past my chin. ‘Inside?”Inside.’It was getting crowded in there. First angel. Now happy. It seemed there was more to me than cabbage and turnips.


Everybody has an angel hiding inside. When you die, your angel comes out. You can die, but not your angel. Your angel never dies.


Disagreement is not necessarily a reason to head for Splitsville. In fact, a relationship without disagreement is probably too brittle to last. Some of the best human bonds are forged in the fire of disagreement.


Amanda took the torn page from Maniac. To her, it was the broken wing of a bird, a pet out in the rain.


This was the start of a period that blurs as I try to recall it. Incidents seem to cascade and merge. Events become feelings, fellings become events. Head and heart are contrary historians.


I did leave something behind with you: my heart. Of course, you didn’t know it at the time. Maybe I didn’t either. What have you done with my heart, Leo? Have you taken good care of it? Have you misplaced it?


This was the ghetto: where children grow down instead of up.


If you believe it, it happens. If you don’t, it doesn’t. When you believe him, you put your own power in his hands.


Who are you?’I didn’t understand the question.I’m Uri’, he said. ‘What’s your name?’I gave him my name. ‘Stopthief.


Let us ride our own orbits and trust that they will meet. May our reunion be not a finding but a sweet collision of destinies!


What she saw, she felt. Her eyes went straight to her heart.


I understood. I suffered. But whose sake was I suffering for? I kept thinking of Señor Saguaro’s question: Whose affection do you value more, hers or the others’?


if you learn to hate one or two persons… you’ll soon hate millions of people.


If you start by hating one or two people, you won’t be able to stop. Pretty soon you’ll hate a hundred people.


Did I ever tell you my pet peeve?’No,’ I said.People who dress up their pets to look like Little Lord Fauntleroys or cowboys, clowns, ballerinas. As if it’s not enough just to be a dog or cat or turtle.


As we approached each other, the noise and the students around us melted away and we were utterly alone, passing, smiling, holding each other’s eyes, floors and walls gone, two people in a universe of space and stars.


And the trouble with bad times is, you can’t sleep through them.


So distracting, so complete is she that she is gone before many realize that she had no escort, she was along, a parade of one.


So distracting, so complete is she that she is gone before many realize that she had no escort, she was alone, a parade of one.


I’m looking over a four-leaf clover that I overlooked before.


His smile was so wide he’d have had to break it into sections to fit it through a doorway


You haven’t lived until you’ve basked in the adoration of people.


If Heaven and angels exist in a timeless medium we call Forever (“Hey, nobody here but us angels!”) …Then … ues what? …There will be no end of me!


At the same time, we held back. Because she was different. Different. We had no one to compare her to, no one to measure her against.


Live today. Not yesterday. Not tomorrow. Just today. Inhabit your moments. Don’t rent them out to tomorrow.


Just because so many conforming kids wake up every morning asking, ‘What is everybody else going to wear today?’ doesn’t mean that they don’t wish it were different. Peer pressure is just that: pressure.


Ideas come from ordinary, everyday life. And from imagination. And from feelings. And from memories. Memories of dust in my sneakers and humming whitewalls down a hill called Monkey.



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