Top 29 Francis de Sales Quotes

If, when stung by slander or ill-nature, we wax proud and swell with anger, it is a proof that our gentleness and humility are unreal, and mere artificial show.


The body is poisoned through the mouth, even so is the heart through the ear … And even if we do mean no harm, the Evil One means a great deal, and he will use those idle words as a sharp weapon against some neighbor’s heart.


If you have firm trust in God, the success that comes to you will always be that which is most useful for you whether it appears good or bad in your private judgment.


God is merciful to those who want to love Him and who have placed their hopes in Him.


Make yourself familiar with the angels and behold them frequently in spirit; for without being seen, they are present with you.


Our possessions are not ours- God has given them to us to cultivate, that we may make them fruitful and profitable in His Service, and so doing we shall please Him.


Be patient, you are in good company. Our Lord Himself, our Lady, the apostles, and countless saints, both men and women, have been poor.


Grace is never wanting. God always gives sufficient grace to whoever is willing to receive it.


When we find that we have been aroused to anger we must call for God’s help like the apostles when they were tossed about by the wind and storm on the waters. He will command your passions to cease and there will be a great calm.


Certainly all virtues are very dear to God, but humility pleases Him above all the others, and it seems that He can refuse it nothing.


Humility consists in not esteeming ourselves above other men, and in not seeking to be esteemed above them.


Let us make our way through these low valleys of the humble and little virtues. We shall see in them the roses amid the thorns, charity that shows its beauty among interior and exterior afflictions, the lilies of purity.


A man who can own pearls does not bother about shells, and those who aspire to virtue do not trouble themselves over honors.


The King of Glory does not reward His servants according to the dignity of their office, but according to the humility and love with which they have exercised it.


Little deeds that proceed from charity please God and have their place among meritorious acts.


Truly it is a blessed thing to love on earth as we hope to love in Heaven, and to begin that friendship here which is to endure for ever there.


Fits of anger, vexation,and bitterness against ourselves tend to pride and they spring from no other source than self-love, which is disturbed and upset at seeing that it is imperfect.


Never be hurried in anything. Do all things calmly and in a spirit of repose. Do not lose your inward peace even if everything seems to be going wrong. What is anything in life compared to peace of soul?


He would never exhort the faithful to persevere if he were not ready to give them the power to do so.


He will unfailingly be pleased with our patience and take note of our diligence and perseverance.


Be patient and one day you will be in Heaven, where there will be only peace and joy … You will possess an enduring tranquility and rest.


If we walk steadily and faithfully…God will lift us up to greater things.


Take patiently the petty annoyances, the trifling discomforts, the unimportant losses which come upon all of us daily; for by means of these little matters, lovingly and freely accepted, you will give Him your whole heart, and win His.


God’s favor floats as it were over all this and finds joy in turning all those miseries to the greater profit of those who love Him. From toil He makes patience spring forth.


Frequently give up some of your property by giving it with a generous heart to the poor … It is true that God will repay us not only in the next world but even in this.


Examine your heart often to see if it is such toward your neighbor as you would like his to be toward you were you in his place. This is the touchstone of true reason.


Ought we not to love dearly the neighbor, who truly represents to us the sacred Person of our Master? And is this not one of the most powerful motives we could have for loving each other with an ardently burning love?


I was hungry and you gave me to eat; I was cold and you clothed me; come, possess the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.’ He who is the the King of the poor and of kings will say this at His great judgment.


For acting thus you will remain innocent among the hissings of the serpents, and like a sweet strawberry you will receive no venom from the contact of venomous tongues.



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