Top 29 Andrew Murray Quotes

Prayer [is] the quiet, persistent living of our life of desire and faith in the presence of our God.


Our forgiving love toward men is the evidence of God’s forgiving love in us. It is a necessary condition of the prayer of faith.


Use every opportunity of humbling yourself before your fellow-men as a help to abide humble before God.


Humiliation is the only ladder to honoring God’s Kingdom.


Prayer not only teaches and strengthens one for work, work teaches and strengthens one for prayer.


I see what the joy is; it is the joy of always loving, it is the joy of losing my own life in love to others.


Each time, before you intercede, be quiet first, and worship God in His glory. Think of what He can do, and how He delights to hear the prayers of His redeemed people. Think of your place and privilege in Christ, and expect great things!


Answered prayer is the interchange of love between the Father and His child.


The sooner I learn to forget myself in the desire that He may be glorified, the richer will be the blessing that prayer will bring to myself. No one ever loses by what he sacrifices to the Father.


The great thing in prayer is to feel that we are putting our supplications into the bosom of omnipotent love.


…Cast yourself upon, abandon yourself to this Christ who lived that life of utter surrender to God that He might prepare a new nature which He could impart to you and in which He might make you like Himself.


Our insight into the need of redemption will largely depend upon our knowledge of the terrible nature of the power that has entered our being.


Pride must die in you, or nothing of heaven can live in you.


Humility is nothing but the disappearance of self in the vision that God is all.


Here is the path to the higher life: down, lower down! Just as water always seeks and fills the lowest place, so the moment God finds men abased and empty, His glory and power flow in to exalt and to bless.


Our humility before God has no value, except that it prepares us to reveal the humility of Jesus to our fellow men.


Humility is the displacement of self by the enthronement of God.


Humility, the place of entire dependence on God, is the first duty and the highest virtue of the creature, and the root of every virtue. And so pride, or the loss of this humility, is the root of every sin and evil.


Humility is simply the disposition which prepares the soul for living on trust.


Stand by; for I am holier than you!” What a parody on holiness! Jesus the Holy One is the humble One: the holiest will ever be the humblest. There is none holy but God: we have as much of holiness as we have of God.


The root of all virtue and grace, of all faith and acceptable worship, is that we know that we have nothing but what we receive, and bow in deepest humility to wait upon God for it.


As truly as God by His power oncecreated, so truly by that same power must God every moment maintain.


Fellow-Christians, do let us study the Bible portrait of the humble man. And let us ask our brethren, and ask the world, whether they recognize in us the likeness to the original.


How different our standard is from Christ’s. We ask how much a man gives. Christ asks how much he keeps.


The great thing in prayer is to feel that we are putting our supplications into the bosom of omnipotent love.


When we pray for the Spirit’s help … we will simply fall down at the Lord’s feet in our weakness. There we will find the victory and power that comes from His love.


Nowhere can we get to know the holiness of God and come under His influence and power except in the inner chamber. It has been well said: “No man can expect to make progress in holiness who is not often and long alone with God.”


The great thing in prayer is to feel that we are putting our supplications into the bosom of omnipotent love.


Let it be your business every day in the secrecy of the inner chamber to meet the holy God. You will be repaid for the trouble it may cost you. The reward will be sure and rich.



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