Top 28 Charles Stross Quotes

Unfortunately it’s also true to say that good management is a bit like oxygen – it’s invisible and you don’t notice its presence until it’s gone, and then you’re sorry.


Any civilization where the main symbol of religious veneration is a tool of execution is a bad place to have children.


The rules of physics are, in some cases, suspiciously anthropic.


I am me and I have been Juliette and both of us have dreamed this dream repeatedly. And what makes this dream so unfortunate is that it is a true thing that happened to someone else … who is both of us.


Like the famous mad philosopher said, when you stare into the void, the void stares also; but if you cast into the void, you get a type conversion error. (Which just goes to show Nietzsche wasn’t a C++ programmer.)


Idiots emit bogons, causing machinery to malfunction in their presence. System administrators absorb bogons, letting machinery work again.


It is a truth universally acknowledged that a sane employee in possession of his wits must be in want of a good manager.


The encapsulated bird your conspirators sent you to fetch. The sterilized male chicken with the Creator DNA sequences. The plot capon. Where is it?


Bob loses saving throw vs. shiny with a penalty of -5. Bob takes 2d8 damage to the credit card.


Old Enochian running on neural wetware is not the fastest procedural language ever invented, and it’s semantics make AppleScript look like a thing of elegance and beauty


Although I am unconvinced that I desire life, I am not yet ready to embrace death.


All men are islands, surrounded by the bottomless oceans of unthinking night.


Contract law is essentially a defensive scorched-earth battleground where the constant question is, “if my business partner was possessed by a brain-eating monster from beyond spacetime tomorrow, what is the worst thing they could do to me?


Steampunk is nothing more than what happens when Goths discover brown.


First and most importantly, death is just the absence of life—oh, and for human beings, the absence of consciousness, too, but not just the absence of consciousness, the absence of the capacity for consciousness.


This has serveral consequences, starting with screwing over most cryptography algorithms–translation: all your bank account are belong to us–


I am the Eschaton. I am not your God.I am descended from you, and exist in your future.Thou shalt not violate causality within my historic light cone. Or else.


Humans: such a brilliant model of emotional self-awareness.


The five stages of bureaucratic grieving are: denial, anger, committee meetings, scapegoating, and cover-up.


Identity is theft, don’t trust anyone whose state vector hasn’t forked for more than a gigasecond, change is the only constant, et bloody cetera.


Humans are just barely intelligent tool users; Darwinian evolutionary selection stopped when language and tool use converged, leaving the average hairy meme carrier sadly deficient in smarts.


Private ownerships of a …slave chip is illegal in many polities. It tends to be a government monopoly, much like other forms of violence. But I had fallen among pirates and life insurance underwriters.


There are good ways and bad ways to get my attention. Whacking on my ego with a crowbar will get my attention, sure, but it’s not going to leave me well disposed to the messenger.


Christmas: the one time of year when you can’t avoid the nuts in your family muesli.


Some say the Internet is for porn but you know that in truth the Internet is for spam.


I let the happy times slip through my fingers and gripped on to the sad times as if they were my heart’s desire


They need a social mechanism to make us require conformity of one other, and the best way to do that is to provide a mechanism to make us punish our own deviants.


Science fiction was rocket-mad for about 40 years until aerospace hit a brick wall about 1970. I would not write off space colonisation or exploration completely, but we are profoundly ill adapted for going boldly into outer space.



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