Top 276 Kilroy J. Oldster Quotes

Expressing doubt is how we begin a journey to discover essential truths.


We bring happiness into the world one day at a time by accepting pain and returning understanding and compassion.


Life goes on without regard to our whims. What we make of life is what counts, how we address the challenges in our lives determines our respective levels of personal accomplishment and happiness.


The only recourse for an escape artist from world affairs is to explore their inner sanctum where hopes, dreams, insecurities, and despair collide.


A person tied to the world of sorrows can return to nature for inspiration. Nature provides solace to troubled hearts.


Life introduces us to the gentle, cosmic rhythms of an extraneous world. What is objective truth might exceed human capacity to ever fully perceive, comprehend, and explain.


Using reason without applying it to experience only leads to theoretical illusions. Ideas derived from real world experiences lead to acquisition of knowledge, and the accumulation of time-tested principles leads to wisdom.


Parents’ transmit their attitude towards education to children via soundless, aphonic messages.


We must master many subjects in order to implement our dreams. Our personal journey begins by gathering appropriate learning experiences and awakening our minds to observe, evaluate, and recall what we experience.


The emotional ingredients that sustain long-term relationships are kindness, thoughtfulness, and compassion.


Relationships abhor a vacuum. Whenever one person refuses to mark and fight for their territory the other person will occupy the treasured ground either by default or by committing an act of aggression.


We create a meaningful life by what we accept as true and by what we create in the pursuit of truth, love, beauty, and adoration of nature.


The pathos of the human life teaches one that idolatry of the ego is a sham. Only by living in harmonious accord with the entire world can a person distill happiness that flows from cultivating a state of mindfulness.


The aim of all life is death. Life is the apprenticeship that we serve preparing for death. Life is the fleeting spark of divinity that precedes a deathless eternity.


There is more than one road to spiritual salvation. We discover a philosophical way of living by encountering the world, culling knowledge from all available resources, and thinking reverently about life.


Nature attunes children to receive the coded messages that parents issue how to live a joyful and virtuous life.


Life is fleeting we must master it in the present.


Personal writing takes up where public education leaves off – with intent to know what is important about life.


Life and death issues are a universal concern. A person can learn about life by investigating the psychological and social aspects related to dying.


A miserable scrooge whom lacks charity for the entire world is a menace to society. Spiritual sullenness destroys men quicker than gunfire.


Spiritual grace adds to a life and it is crucial ingredient in any person’s quest to attain self-realization.


The paramount terror that plagues humankind is to live a meaningless life of an exile, an incomplete person whom fails to experience the rapture of living in an astonishing manner.


Hate springs from fear. Violence is released hatred. Behind every hateful crime and act of human brutality is an admission of fearfulness.


A person achieves enlightenment only through a purposeful engagement with life and by resolutely searching for truth and shedding artifices.


Whole life is a search for the splendor of love, companionship, and beauty. When I found you, my search ended, and we began a magnificent journey of one heart, one mind, and one destiny.


Our thoughts and feelings make us whereas love and beauty sustain us.


Our compassion, spirituality, and appreciation of beauty provide us with the capacity to love.


Our sacrosanct obligation is to tend to our own personal wounds and furiously love the entire world irrespective if the world loves us back.


We are what comes to us and by what we choose to fulfill. We learn love by experiencing other people loving us and by cultivating compassion for all humankind.


We must be able to love other people or forever endure the stain of disgraceful loneliness. By recognizing and expressing empathy for other people, we come to accept our own fallibility.


We might respect a serious person with an austere and rigid personality, but we adore merry, kindhearted, and artistic people.


We live mindfully by harvesting evocative scenes to pay attention to including the mountains and oceans, flowers and trees, love and friendship, music and literature, art and poetry.


Condemning war has not curbed armed conflict. Religion and education did not eliminate war. Warfare did not terminate more wars. Armed combat simply breeds endless wars.


We can imprison ourselves with our wants, wishes, and false dreams.


The soul is a cloister, its parameters frame both realized and failed dreams.


We must treasure our memories just as we cherish our dreams because without dreams and memory human life would be sad, brutal, and meaningless.


All nightmares are a peephole through which we see the unsettling particles of our trampled past, whereas all uplifting dreams are a portal to escape the inexplicable undercurrents that worry our survival.


Dreams fuel human beings imaginative response to existence.


We are condemned to be free people, liberated people who must make life-defining decisions. Freedom requires choices and all choices entail value decisions.


Self-questioning is the road to personal liberation and spiritual enlightenment. Self-questioning spurs the mind to consider new opportunities to arrive at truth.


Nature is never static. It is always changing. Everything is in a constant state of flux. Nothing endures. Everything is in the process of either coming into being or expiring.


Transitional periods in life are unsettling because a person’s latent fears constantly whisper warnings.


We fear change because it insists we discard long held structures that no longer function suitably.


A willingness to let go of an old self and allow creative thoughts to remake a person into a better version of oneself requires an act of courage.


Personal experiences that disrupt stale routines result in the phenomena of cognitive dissiliency, jolting our minds and enhancing our ability to internalizing new information.


Pain is essential for survival, pain is the tangible material that creeps into our mind and screams at us to recognize that something is terribly wrong.


Humankind demonstrates an unerring ability to witness beauty. By observing nature’s beauty and striving to create beautiful things, humankind brokers its own salvation.


Love, reverence, and adoration, are multifaceted emotions. Similar to a painting by an artist, how we respond to a beautiful woman, nature, and the world that we encounter reveals the spectator and not life.


We must exude a sense of proportional gratitude that humankind’s exquisite texture is composed of a feeling soul and an intelligent will, which people refer to as memory of the heart.


No beautiful aspect of humankind is foreign to person with a lucid soul.


An artistic person taps into the destructive emotional energy of guilt and shame and the longing to love and be loveable and transforms these powerful emotions into a creative force.


The human spirit’s unquenchable drive for originality and compulsion for creating art is the compelling force of our humanity.


We view art in order to escape our own skins, to get outside of the commotion inside our skulls.


Art translates human souls. Each passing eon’s public display of sophisticated hieroglyphics cast a unique depiction upon the rudimentary art of survival.


Behind every creative act is a statement of love. Every artistic creation is a statement of gratitude.


Literature is map of humanity, the documenter of civilization. Books introduce us to the landscape of the greatest minds of every century.


Reading literature and engaging in writing breaks through the mental rigidity that experience and repetition breeds.


Self-knowledge, a spiritual metamorphosis, precedes understanding other people and comprehending the beauty of being part of the spontaneous interplay of the natural world.


A narrow hallway is all that separates rational from irrational, creativity from insanity, and intelligence from stupidity.


Gifted people of discernment, intelligence, and talent flourish in virtually every occupation. Every field produces perceptive and prescient persons whom exhibit the rare capacity to observe what eludes most people.


Storytelling is ultimately the only way that we know besides song, dance, painting, and music to share with our tribesmen what it means to be human, express the indefinable feelings that unite humankind.


The mental mist of ambiguity and the fog of ambivalence hamper human existence.


A pensive personality and ambivalent attitude towards power and money can cause other people to take a high production or creative person for granted.


The nonessential employees, the type of workers whom remain at home when it snows, are the quickest to complain about how the talented persons of an organization behave.


Each person must implement their preferred problem solving method to address existential questions pertaining to life and death, living and loving, working and playing, resting and restructuring.


Some people never stop working, especially the demanding type of person whom the world never seems to touch, the indomitable person whom is determined to make the world their own place.


Human labor, the manual work that people engage in to build their world, both physical and spiritual, defines the realization of their conceptual realm.


What work a person does to earn a viable income shapes their thinking patterns, buttresses their sense of self-worth, and affects how they adapt to predictable and unpredictable obstacles.


A person must make peace with oneself before they will find peace with the world.


We cannot achieve personal enlightenment – a clarification of our souls – until we cease deluding ourselves. We must accept that life includes witnessing and personally experiencing pain.


A person must face the root cause of their relentless personal pain. Irrespective of whatever bricks buttress our youthful personal philosophy, pain avoidance, and pain therapy are likely two of its foundation stones.


Conflicting egos destroy many relationships. Lasting, stable marriages are a true treasure because they demand that both parties adjust to the constant cellular flux of their partner as they metaphase through changing seasons of life.


Self-healing requires tremendous action, a willingness to go beyond the normative to discover something transcending.


We hold within ourselves the medicinal materials to mend self-inflicted injuries sustained while traversing the thorny obstacle course of life.


A person’s outlook on life colors their interpretation of specific events. Human beings’ behavioral and thinking patterns enable people to thrive or cause them to live in despondency and despair.


The human mind is the principal agent of creation. How we think is the prism for how we perceive reality.


The metaphysical poetry of our innovative life springs from the aesthetic, scenic, and systematic processes of inventiveness, the creative impulse of an active mind generating aesthetical intuition.


An act of redemption, the ultimate act of personal grace, is an undervalued form of courage.


Courage is an act of grace when it is not required; it originates from an inner necessity to honor, love, and cherish people, and respect oneself.


A person must never live a lie. We free ourselves to live a full life by discovering the courage to face our illusions and live a true life.


We derive courage from love. Bravery borne from love trumps the ingrained desire for self-preservation.


A person of large dreams does not allow other people’s opinion to damper his or her zestfulness. Overcoming fear of making an irreversible, lifetime mistake is the first step of living an artistic existence.


A person who magnanimously exhibits their passion allows us to witness their authentic personality whereas a cold and calculating personality remains inscrutable.


Our exterior world affects our internal landscape, our inner world affects our interpretation of physical sense impressions, and the combination of emotions, thoughts, and physical sensations influences how we address reality.


All things want to float as light as air through the world witnessing all that is. I am a mote of dust floating freely in the firmament, a person who merely is, and I feel full of joy for all worldly treasures, the immaculate gift of life.


An enlightened person strives to live a meaningful life, defined by their personal humility joy, passion, and profound reverence for life.


The foremost calling of the human brain is to script a safe, secure, and joyous future for a person.


Cockiness – the state subjective or intuitive state of self-assurance – is a sign of ignorance. Maturity comes with encountering the horrible and learning about what a person can withstand.


The phrase ‘Boys will be boys,’ reflects that a male child is expected to be unpredictable and occasionally troublesome.


Self-realization, which leads to purity of the soul, requires forgiving our enemies and working on the most horrendous modules of oneself.


The most important thing in life it to be true to ourselves, to never give up attempting to become the very finest version of what we wish to be, no matter how arduous that proves to be.


A person begins to live a moral life when they cease asking what life will provide them and begins to determine what he or she expects from oneself.


A restless human heart always seeks to increase personal understanding and works to attain excellence.


A person must cultivate their personal tutelary spirit in order to achieve their ultimate visage.


Our thoughts shape us. We become our obsessions. Our thoughts can enslave us or save us.


Time provides all of us with the opportunity to change, alter our belief system, and create new perspectives that challenge a person’s character and teach him or her how to become a happier and wiser person.


We become the product of our recurrent thoughts. Writing is one method of explicating upon our thoughts, condensing multiple scenes, times, and ideas, and editing our fragmented beliefs.


The soul evolves as a person addresses the chaos, vagaries, and perplexities of enduring an earthly life. We each ultimately become our own version of an ideal self by stage-managing who we become.


Idealistic notions that guide a younger person frequently prove unsustainable. Concluding any stage of life demands that a person rebuilds oneself after living destroys our ideological beliefs.


The artistic methods of poetry, painting, photography, and writing share certain commonalities of deep composition: spirit, rhythm, thought, and scenery.


Without opposition, there could be no creation. All life would cease without resistance. Emotions also have their polar opposites: attraction – repulsion, love – hate, aggression – meekness, and mercy – callousness.


We each possess the ability creatively to respond to the ontological mystery of our existence.


A creative person aspires to devote the core state of their mind fixated upon performing the surge of work that expresses the raw passion driving an evolving notion of their quintessence.


Writing evinces the soul of an active mind and every era produced persons whom devoted their being to exploring the mysteries of life, seeking to discern answers pertaining how to resolve the complexities and paradoxes of life.


Literature recounts history, explores knowledge, narrates universal themes of human existence, actives human conscience, enhances understanding of human motives, and explicates the nuances of human behavior.


An emotionally locked person refuses to let go of their sad memories and live in the now.


Boredom and ineffective attempts to escape tedium are the perpetual lot of humankind.


Disquietude that springs from the fundamental nature of being a human being is vaster and more encompassing than depression, which has a cause and therefore a cure.


Professing not to care is a primordial defense mechanism. Whenever a person finds oneself mired in failure and despondency, rebelling is a viable option to preserve false personal pride.


We are the directors of our own life, creating our own version of truth, which can be humorous, pleasurable, miserable, brutal, or stupid. Reconciling loss and misfortune can provide a sense of sublimity or catharsis.


Everything that occurs to us in life is a resource, an experience that we can learn from and grow from.


Human mortality linked to the human ability consciously to choose how to act by exhibiting free will, humility, hard work, kindness, and compassion provide exemplary opportunities to learn and develop self-discipline.


Examination of our past is never time-wasting. Reverberations from the past provide learning rubrics for living today.


Meditative thoughts assist people escape a vapid fantasy life and reconnect with ultimate reality.


Engaging in meditative self-reflection and gaining increased control of inner experiences provides a person with a sense of control over fear and trembling and the chaos of life.


The closet bond that we share with our brethren is that of grief. Every community knows sorrow.


A life of conflict and greediness causes a person to suffer from the rheumatism of sadness.


A life premised upon honest effort and questing for love is bound to generate regret and remorse.


In a suspended psychic state, writers cull words and symbols from the mystical world of memory, imagination, and intuition.


Memory, imagination, and passionately responding in accord with the deeply embedded impulse to act with decency are pliable mechanisms that we can employ to attain happiness.


Every child matures, which is both a blessing and a damn shame. Children can imagine worlds that never exist, worlds far more interesting and consoling than an adult knows.


We learn invaluable life lessons from people whom exhibit courage and grace under extraordinary circumstances.


Human beings are self-motivated. The two desires that spur human action are hunger and love. Without memory, humankind would no longer hunger for love.


Our most potent memories include the taste and smells of foods we enjoyed as a child in part because it reminds us of who fed us a meal.


We can only come to terms with our own place in the world by compassionately commiserating with the pang of longing that our brethren experience.


We nurture our own being by respecting all people and consciously working to mitigate the pain of the world.


We foster personal meaning out of life by exulting in all of nature, exhibiting a reverence for people, animals, plants, and by expressing compassion and sympathy for the entire community of life.


Every person struggles with the self to find and kindle their special radiance, which comes from cultivating kindness, charity, and love.


A person’s attitude creates the tone of his or her life. The highest expression of human dignity is to live a purposeful life devoted to principles and exhibiting compassion for other people.


Nature blessed every person with the innate capacity to express wonder and awe for the eternal world and act with a kind and unstinting soul.


Human inertia induces us to believe that our lives will never change unless we relocate.


Human migration is an important part of our ancestral story. The places we live shape us, the places we leave behind forges our history, and the places we might travel to becomes our mysterious future.


We develop our whole character from our thoughts, actions, attentive observations, and from the resolute pursuit of our inspirational dreams.


We inhabit an internal world that is subject to diversification. Every day we undergo personal transformation based upon experiences, thoughts, and feelings.


A person must move beyond guilt and unexamined thoughts and motives in order to discover a purpose for living vibrantly.


All of our thoughts – ideas – are traceable to a sensation, an encounter with the world that leaves an impression upon the mind.


We cannot measure a person’s value to the human race by tabulating the size of his estate. We must judge each person by his or her final contribution to humanity and nature.


Embracing human frailty, fallibility, and heartbreaking aloneness is crucial for any person seeking to attain self-actualization and self-realization.


A bird with a broken wing cannot survive nor will a man with a broken spirit endure.


Life includes unforeseen incidents that prove critical to promote personal growth. Life rarely gives us what we want. We are lucky if life gives us what we need in order to fulfill the path that was in place at our birthing.


Writing about the self to spur intellectual growth or attain a teardrop of emotional salvation is akin to a fish attempting to construct a net that will capture itself.


Each of us encounters many diverse experiences that make us grow and transform, but we seek to return to our roots, which is quietude.


We each act as the creator of the self, and therefore, we strive to attain self-realization by understanding what we were in various stages of life including what we began as and what we transmuted into becoming.


We employ free will to design of our own being and therefore we must accept responsibility for our actions.


Liberating a prejudiced mind from its preconceived notions and scripting a life of purposefulness requires constant postulation, observation, evaluation, and synthesizing.


A life of leisure never satisfies anyone who possesses a lively mind.


The ego with its protective defense mechanisms is the biggest impediment to attaining spiritual growth.


All knowledge begins with an expression of curiosity pertaining to the unknown or unknowable. Expressions of uncertainty and a doubtful nature lead a person to useful discoveries.


Age 50 is the mile marker where any mildly perceptive person becomes acutely aware that he or she alone is accountable for the content and coherence of their character.


Americans share an affinity to establish a distinctive identity and know one’s self in a physiological, psychological, and spiritual sense, and we strive to attain self-actualization, self-realization, and/or bliss.


Living is a process of developing oneself. Without experiencing pain from disconcerting periods of our lives, we would be different person, perhaps a lesser person.


Self-questioning – an effort to get in touch with our essential self – is an endless stream of thought.


We discover part of our true self only by conspicuous inspection of the depths of our conscience.


A person must claim the meaning behind his or her existence. How we live is our final testament to what we believed in and our journey through the corridor of time determines our decisive character.


Suffering becomes beautiful whenever a person bears great calamities with cheerfulness.


Paroxysms of pain and twinges of desire leach from universal sources. All human suffering buttons itself to the pang of wanting.


When a person understands the problem that vexes them, and comprehends the choices that created them, they begin a journey of the mind seeking personal liberation from suffering.


Although we amplify our cognitive degree of awareness and enhance our appreciation for life experiences by maturing, it also brings us death. Facing a certain death forces a person to examine the worthiness of continuing to live.


A principled person’s greatest disappointment will always be his or her own failures to respond to setbacks in a dynamic and positive way.


Indecision and fear can cripple any chances of succeeding and lead to maelstroms of regret that fuel our most fantastic nightmares.


Mythology and religion are relevant and remarkable, as they each represent imaginative truths – projections of human beings innermost desires – intermixed with fragments of factual reality.


We each possess the capacity for self-development. We also possess the capacity for self-destruction. The path that we chose to take – to pursue lightness or darkness – is the story that we take to our graves.


There are times in life when the best part of our life and the worst part seemingly coincide, especially those periods that demark commencement of significant personal transformation.


Our life force is a form of flowing energy, a blast of verve renewed through our ongoing daily interactions and the inevitable collisions between the id and the ego.


A person’s greatest limitations are not genetic, but imposed by self-doubt, insecurities, indecision, and timidity.


A writer is not born but made through study and sheer willpower and ability to embrace beauty and agony.


A writer’s amulets include explication, free association, parallelism, antithesis, and epiphany to create a silhouette of that which heretofore did not exist and now speaks with an autonomous, ghostly reverberation.


Each of us, along with our ancestors, inhabits the same cosmos. When we tell stories, we enter the stream of human consciousness; we take with us into the Ring of Time the people whom we crossed paths with in our earthly sojourn.


Writers cheat death by constructing an immortality vessel.


The personal eloquence of other people expressing aspects of nature and human condition inspire us, as do persons whom exhibit courage to gain strength when dealing with the hardships and struggles of a mortal life.


All throughout our lives, we selectively draw on selected shavings of life events and reflect upon them through consciousness, creating an arranged catalogue of senses, faculties, and mental activities that compose our personal life story.


Our attitudes and personal values create outcomes. The consequence of any venture shapes our evolving ethical precepts, and the product of a sundry of worldly experiences in turn establishes our personality.


The human mind is a rover, it constantly returns to think about times past, cogitates upon the future, and actively considers the entire range of alternative plans to meet our daily survival demands.


Storytelling creates a healing serum. The thematic unguent of our personal story represents a fusion of the ineffable truths that each of us must discover within ourselves.


A person must be in tune with the light and dark forces of their nature and remain in harmony with the bands of their own multivariate being.


The road to enlightenment requires a life dedicated to self-study, accepting the minor tragedies of life as an ineluctable part of the human condition.


We employ our personality, what we know, think, and believe, in order to interpret the world, making self-understanding a critical act because it establishes the baseline for our philosophical and intellectual approach towards life.


Narrative writing represents a personal attempt to quantify and understand the psychological singularities behind the author’s personality traits as delineated by winnowed list of formative life experiences.


We gain knowledge about the interworking of our personal mind through observation of the external world and personal introspection. Contemplation requires a degree of stillness, the willingness to consider deep thoughts.


Reading and writing are solitary activities that increase a person’s capacity for concentration, awareness, and conceptual thought as the person weaves immediate information with stored memories.


Self-questioning and a desire to gain self-understanding is the fêted act of humankind.


With every passing day, we add a page to our personal story, an illustrative script that casts our character shaped by an implacable external environment and fashioned by our supple state of inwardness.


To ask who we are represents a primary reflex in human consciousness. Every person seeks to understand him or herself and reach a verifiable and cohesive image of his or her own identity.


Self-development requires direct action. Knowledge must precede action. The self’s relation to the world must be grounded in reality through ideas and thoughts. Self-reflection and introspection expands our appreciation of life.


Pent-up anger is oftentimes more destructive than a good quarrel.


Each person is chargeable with the essential task to make his or her thought processes as refined as possible. Every person must declare what important distinctions will allow him or her to live a vivid and reflection filled life.


The most evocative life memories, which produced a synesthesia of emotions, consist of a host of small pleasures intertwined with the homespun stitches of love, affection, kindness, humility, and appreciation of nature.


Life’s most precious moments are not all loud or uproarious. Silence and stillness has its own virtues.


Periods of silent solitude spent in introspective reflecting are sacred and a source of great strength and comfort. We can learn from listening to the rhythms of nature and from appreciating the eternal hush of the cosmos.


Every person interprets the silence that surrounds him or her. The eternal silence of the universe that we exist in is terrifying because it forces each of to ask what our purpose is, why are we here, and what should I do?


We are always in the process of becoming. Self-identity is a fusion of our prior decisions and our current thoughts.


A journey of the mind – a written vision quest – has only one goal: to interact with the world and attempt to develop the dormant intellectual and spiritual awareness of the author.


The best way to determine a person’s character is to judge them when their world is falling apart.


Life will never meet all of our expectations. We must nonetheless accept all disappointments without becoming bitter and cynical. We must always remain mindful of the opportunity to extend kindness and work to improve our character.


How we respond to tragedy is the hallmark of character. Suffering a great loss places us at a spiritual milepost. The wind of our souls can either sour and wither or rejoice and thrive.


Every person lives bounded by the structural formation of human anatomy and the provincial demands of the human condition.


The fresh and crisp air of the country reminds us that our blood surges from of the natural world and how tied we are to the sprung rhythms of earth and sky, weather and season.


Growing old is humbling and it takes effort to accomplish this stage of life with dignity.


Life never ceases having a meaning for a humble person. The freedom of choice, the sovereignty that we hold over our own souls, enables a person to discover the meaning of his or her own life every day, even in suffering or death.


We choose the prism that we use to view life. Life can be a mystical tour or an outright bummer. We can live our life with the taint of aftermath or look forward to embracing each beguiling day with renewed energy and enthusiasm.


Witnessing the moonrise each month, a person cannot resist noting a modest sense of optimism tugging at his or her enclosed capsule of bodily fluids.


We each appear only one time in history. Whatever occurs in our life will never occur again. Our life is significant and worthy of living if we are brave, love fearlessly, and remain optimistic regardless of our earthly hardships.


We must each ascertain our own way to quantify the world. We can choose to peer at life harshly or benevolently. The prism that we select to view the world ultimately is the same standard that we employ to judge ourselves.


It is important to measure ourselves at least once in life, undertake a personal odyssey that constructs a clarifying prism of our being.


Through our work and play, each of us eventually becomes a personification of what we cherish in life.


A person archives self-realization by engaging in deliberate contemplative acts that serve to unify of all aspects of the self. To deny part of the self, a person risks spiritual decay.


Life is full of unanswerable questions including how to live and what to live for. It takes extreme courage to live honestly by a person’s beliefs and never rest until a person achieves the type of life that he or she envisions.


Accepting that a person will die and shucking off any aversion to this blunt thought awakens the mind to realize what is possible in a human life.


Tedium and boredom are related, but not identical. Tedium comes from a person lacking an ideology to live by; the dulling fear fomented in the soul after confronting the paucity of life.


A person without a philosophy for living is at the tender mercy of other people.


Human beings can learn valuable lessons in conservation of necessary personal resources for accomplishing the fundamental tenants of life by observing a judiciously paced turtle determinedly and stealthily traversing the world.


A noble journey through the travails of time calls for a person to disregard conventional social, cultural, and moral contexts and strive to cleave a personal meaning that guides their existence.


Irrespective of what religious or intellectual philosophy guides an enlightened person’s life plan, self-mastery plays an important, if not quintessential role.


A living philosophy entails a conscious act of awareness. Without a living philosophy to guide and support us, we are not living as receptive, thinking, and emotionally responsive human beings; we are merely surviving as people.


Philosophic concepts are a form of sentiment. Conflicts between lofty ideas and vouchsafed values are endemic for any thinking person.


Mindfulness can serve as an antidote to living a fragmental life riven with deleterious delusions and illusions.


Storytelling is the distinctly human implement designed to synthesize our purposeful interaction with reality.


The most regretful behavior always leaches from a wound to our sanctimonious pride.


Writing places a person in the community of those imaginative spirits whom preceded their birth. Writing also connects a person with the intrepid spirits whom share the present as well as with those souls whom are not yet born.


Philosophic questions are attempts to understand the root nature of reality, existence, and knowledge.


A person experiences anxiety when they realize their insignificance in the cosmic field, which present state of angst can exacerbated by other confusing life questions.


Unresolved issues from childhood revisit us in adulthood.


Summers end to soon just as childhood ends before we apprehend the effervescent of our youth.


Summertime is a period for youthful explorations, a joyful time when we learn lessons without grand expectations or harsh consequences.


Unerring solitude forces a person to confront their morality and aloneness. Solitude makes personal confession possible.


The psyche of some people, whether through innate structure or via adaption to personal experiences, is uniquely adept for absolute aloneness.


A person realizes inner calm and a state of rapturous peacefulness with nature whenever they stand in solitude and contemplate their existence in an infinite world filled with multiple galaxies.


In the modern world, human beings display little tolerance for waiting. We are addicted to fast food, instant messaging, and other conveniences of life. Patience is a lost virtue.


The biggest impediment to loving life is our inflated egos. Only by suppressing our ego and controlling our selfish thoughts can we truly comprehend the immaculate beauty of every day unfolding before us.


The ego resists change. False pride is an impediment to change.


Without parlaying with the renunciation of the world, a person must establish a means to live in harmony with the uncertainties of a chaotic world.


A person can hurry through or sleep walk through life, but whenever they stop to catch their breath or awaken from a long nap, they will find apprehension, disquiet, and fretfulness waiting their directed attention.


Attempting to succeed in a competitive external environment, we can lose track of how to live without anxiety.


The supreme artist lives as closely as possible to replicating the perfect dream, with life unfolding in a manner that a person could never conceive or direct.


We can only hope to live a meaningful life by serving as earnest witnesses to life’s tragic beauty.


The highest degree of human attainment comes when a person is blissfully at peace with his or her own nature and the natural world.


Life flows at ease whenever a person ceases complaining about the past, worrying about the future, lives in the now without resisting pain, and accepts the moral sublimity of living in a state of grace.


A person must always be ready to kindle the candle in their heart and fill the void in their soul by unveiling into a courageous, peaceful, and loving person.


Serenity of mind produces an expanding awareness that fosters creative selflessness, which in turn enables us to experience unabashed harmony communing in rhythmical bliss with nature.


Telling our personal story reveals the shape shifting landscape of our mind.


People naturally impose a narrative story-line upon their experiences. Autobiographical writing allows a person to cast their experiences into a narrative thread and organize their thoughts based not upon conjecture but with applied reason.


The great gift of American democracy is freedom to think, act, and carry out our lives in a manner that imbues meaning not only to our own life but enhances other people’s lives through our everyday actions.


A person whom lives by faith is not bound to feel hopelessness or the agony of infinite despair.


Feelings of regret represent our aversion to reality.


All people share doubts. The lingering question that eventually worms it way into all thinking people’s brain is how to live splendidly and how to die without remorse and regret.


Childhood introduces children to the wounds of the world.


Attempting to express a person’s objective reality and subjective state of mind with the written word is an endless task because writing alters our perception of reality and amends our mental equilibrium.


Writing the story of their own life allows the author to parse their story into examinable segments while continuing to engage in the act of communion and creation.


Writing about oneself is an egotistical adventure unless the act of self-exploration revolves around the distinct goal of heightening a person’s cache of knowledge, ideas, and level of self-awareness.


A dreamer rises above their inherent fearfulness that they will always produce inferior work and grants oneself a license to put forth their best effort.


Everyone who loves life is an artist at heart. Although it is sometimes difficult to love our world and our lot in life, failure to find the ability to love life and express appreciation for our world is tantamount to not existing at all.


No construction of thought represents a label, barrier, or a full stop. Each sentence, paragraph, and page represents an exploratory probe into the unknown; each statement is an act of experimentation, investigation, creation, and growth.


An ethical idealist, a person whom embraces the honorable philosophy of ethical idealism, performs acts that are honest, pure, and righteous regardless of their fearfulness.


Human life is an incongruous combination of tragedy and comedy.


A person’s irregular surfaces are what make us interesting.


Writing is one means to investigate the mystique of life. Each fresh page is an unsullied canvas that an inquisitive writer employs to explore the poetic transience behind their existence.


A writer seeks to discover a lucid state of creative consciousness uncoiling from a boule of internal disequilibrium and dutifully attempts to bridge that cavernous divide between the known and the unknown and articulate raw truths.


Many life-affirming questions lead to an endless spool of disconcerting propositions and contradictory conclusions, and even more troubling, some queries prove unanswerable.


Drinking caffeinated drinks including high potency energy drinks, and consuming other enablers, we do not need to develop an internal source for the energy, effort, endurance, and enthusiasm needed to confront each day.


A writer must be willing to leave oneself behind in order to explore new territories of the mind and unearth primordial truths that startle and frighten us.


Death does not mark the end of a chapter in a man’s life, but the end of a book of man, the beautiful conclusion to his yearnings.


The tragedy of life is not death, but fearing to live, allowing parts of us to wilt and die instead of flower and rejoice.


Writing fiction or nonfiction is a lonely battle wrestling with sentences in an effort to put together an intelligible thought that speaks for the author.


A person’s industrious and creative mindset can overcome great obstacles that besiege their existence. Humankind’s greatest unraveling is our propensity to panic when confronting the pealing silence of nothingness.


We tend to live down to other people’s expectations, especially the people closest to us. It is more difficult to obtain approval of people who hold us in high regard than to accept the lower standards that other people hold of us.


Living is a constant process of debunking our romantic notions of how our personal life will unfold. Reality oftentimes fails to meet a person’s glamorous expectations.


The grandest form of delusion is misconstruing the obvious. Persons with an open, inquisitive, and intuitive mind can detect hidden clues that aggressive, narrow-minded, and impatient rationalist fail to perceive.


Laughing and crying are closely related. Smiling and grimacing both involve a person showing their teeth as does laughing and growling. Crying and laughing always represents the expression of actual emotion.


A common human error is a tendency to recognize personal truths as universal truths.


Because survival and love are the immortal truths of humankind, no generation is a total stranger to the forerunner generations of humankind.


The life of hero is the tale of a person overcoming personal hardship and obstacles while striving to achieve an exultant victory that voices repressed citizens’ ecstatic thoughts and dreams.


Virtually every tribe in the march towards civilization developed its tailored made initiation practices. In America, sports are part of the test for a young man’s initiation into manhood.


Personal disillusionment accompanied by self-pity and self-loathing are the Achilles’ heel of modern humankind, representing the weakness of the human spirit.


Living with love for all humankind and worshiping nature’s immense beauty cures heartache and restores bliss. Respecting the splendor of nature awakens us to the beauty inscribing our own humanity.


An authentic life facing reality without mental equivocation is the simplest type of life.


A teenager boy is a monstrous cyborg, an unfeeling, beastly machine, not fully human, and not housebroken. Rumbustious teenage boys are an infernal organism disdainful of everything, yet intent of contributing to human evolution.



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