Top 27 Mayur Ramgir Quotes

You have limited time on this planet. Convert each moment into Perl by spreading happiness. Giving is much more fulfilling than taking.


World is so beautiful when you look beyond your self-interest. Success and self do not work together. Rise up the ordinary.


Don’t let people’s negative perspectives impact yours


Dreams are dreams until you make them a reality. And that won’t happen until you give up your sleep, Wake Up.


The greatest thing in the world is not in dying rich but leaving the richness behind for the world to treasure.


Do something in your life which will make millions of people attend your funeral. Have a worthy life.


Explore new avenues and look for ways to have a greater, much more influential impact on the world around you.


Leadership is not about gaining something from your actions. Gain is the outcome and should not be the purpose.


Your success lies in your ability to believe in yourself


Convince yourself that you can do it, and the rest of the world will automatically be convinced


You must look through an opportunity and not at it.


Opportunity to help others is the opportunity to help yourself in disguise.


Let the sun shine on the darkness created by my Ignorance. One World One identity. peace, liberty, and justice for all.


Money should not be the motivator in your life, it will only make you slave. Stand for values and you will die in honor.


Passion will fuel your determination to move mountains


Sometimes you need the eclipse in your life to show you the importance of sunshine.


Trust is the most important element. By con you can win once and lose forever but with honesty you can win over and over again.


Experience every failure closely because each failure is taking you closer to your goal and preparing you to be the unbeatable.


Fools are those who do not understand, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Take your actions carefully to avoid unwanted results


You got one life, one chance , don’t screw up. Put your fears behind your determination. Take the first step. Go for it my friend.


The true essence of greatness is in finding self in selfishness


Your words and actions must match to build your character. Any gap in those will put a dent in your credibility. Be a man of your words.


Opportunity to help others is the opportunity to help yourself in disguise


You must look through an opportunity and not at it


Opportunities are visible to those who are looking for them.


Opportunities are visible to those who are looking for them


Sometimes, life is all about just surviving. Whether one gives up or not that differentiates the winners from the losers.



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