Top 246 T.F. Hodge Quotes

Life: It is better not to wrap philosophy around such an inconceivable evolving beautiful mystery. If based on perception, alone; whatever the conclusion – it is still guessing.


Don’t spoil me with your lies, love me with your truth.


The ego lusts for satisfaction. It has a prideful ferocious appetite for its version of “truth”. It is the most challenging aspect to conquer; the cause for most spiritual turmoil.


There are two paths of which one may choose in the walk of life; one we are born with, and the one we consciously blaze. One is naturally true, while the other is a perceptive illusion. Choose wisely at each fork in the road.


Not every instance requires a response. Truth resides silently in the seat of power.


Hating skin color is contempt for God’s divine creative imagination. Honoring it is appreciation for conscious, beautiful-love-inspired diversity.


There is but one supremacy… and it remains known and unknown to it’s human creation… of many hues, shapes and sizes.


Let discernment be your trustee, and mistakes your teacher.


From the cradle to the grave, joy and pain is the fertilizer for wisdom.


The critical nature of ‘choices’ — [the] timing will prove to be an asset or liability; it will reward wisdom or expose stupidity. Either way, we learn from the path of suffering or satisfaction… by choice and by design.


The critical nature of ‘choices’ — [the] timing will prove to be an asset or liability; it will reward wisdom or expose stupidity. Either way, we learn from the path of suffering or satisfaction… by choice or by design.


Huge difference between being happy at will, and chasing euphoric moments as an escape. One doesn’t cost a dime, the other will tax your soul.


The positive vibrations of unregulated joy, peace, happiness and tranquility is freedom.


You do not get what you wish for, unless it be known to the source of your desire.


A King and Queen cannot support a crown with eyes looking down. Their universe expands as far as you can see.


To conquer frustration, one must remain intensely focused on the outcome, not the obstacles.


Tough love may be tough to give, but it is a necessity of life and assurance of positive growth.


Some lean back. But those who lean forward are poised to cross the finish-line, first!


Manipulation, fueled with good intent, can be a blessing. But when used wickedly, it is the beginning of a magician’s karmic calamity.


Betrayal and dishonor is usually an inside job. Keep it ‘sucka-free’, loved one!


The path of peace is not a passive journey. It takes incredible strength not to open a can of ‘whoop-ass’, justifiably, when ones button is pushed.


You cannot build a dream on a foundation of sand. To weather the test of storms, it must be cemented in the heart with uncompromising conviction.


Each moment of worry, anxiety or stress represents lack of faith in miracles, for they never cease.


Elevate your inside game. A negative attitude is below the horizon…a place for lonesome hearts.


Life is short only if you are not living your purpose.


Success is not determined by the outcome. The outcome is the result of having already decided that you are successful to begin with.


The energy it took to exit mother’s womb is the same force required to manifest a dream…a different kind of struggle. Push, push, push!


If the thought inspires you, and it feels good and right…it is yours, alone, to exercise. So get right on it!


While fear depletes power, faith gives wings for the soul’s elevation.


Don’t wish…DO! Don’t try…BE! Don’t think…KNOW! And above all: Bless a stranger with a small, yet powerful, random act of kindness. You feel me?


Never let haters ‘still’ your flow. They can only do so with your permission.


The first law of nature is self-preservation. Cut off that which may harm you. But if it is worth preserving, and is meaningful, nourish it and have no regrets. Ultimately, this is true living and love of self…from within.


One who will not accept solitude, stillness and quiet recurring moments…is caught up in the wilderness of addictions; far removed from an original state of being and awareness. This is ‘dis-ease.


Fully inhale your dream and completely exhale manifestation of it.


What are you prepared to give for your dream? If it is not everything…stop pipe dreaming.


Your life experience is a moving picture, of which you are writer, director, performer, producer and critic.


What you do teaches faster, and has a lasting impression, far beyond what you say.


Making a dream into reality begins with what you have, not with what you are waiting on.


If you have a dream, keep it. But write it down and take appropriate actions to see it manifest.


It is common to represent a title, but inspiring to represent a purpose.


Today is not just another ordinary day. It is an opportunity to do, or say, something that just might inspire someone to greater becoming…especially a wayward youth.


Both friend and enemy reside within us. One lives by the rule of compassion, the other by the rule of hard knocks. Though potential influence of either extreme is inevitable, our actions bear witness to the one we embrace.


The Motto of Champions: If you are hurt, you can suck it up and press on. If injured, you can rebound and return bigger and better…and continue to inspire!


Though I think and speak of greater becoming, I, too, am an infinite work in progress.


Divide the constant tide and random noisiness of energetic flow, with conscious recurring moments of empty mind, solitude, gratitude and deep…slow…breathing. Of this, the natural law of self-preservation demands.


Perception can be one-sided or variant: “Glass half empty or half full.” There usually is more than one way of perceiving. Thoroughly check your inner dialogue.


It is more substantial to represent a purpose, rather than just a title.


I choose many voices to consider and reckon with, rather than just one to tolerate.


Bravado may stir the crowd, but courage needs no audience.


To witness miracles unfold in your experience, count your blessings and be thankful. Perceived small blessings accumulate to be the most powerful.


In the game of life, we all receive a set of variables and limitations in the field of play. We can either focus on the lack thereof or empower ourselves to create better realities with the pieces we play the game with.


If you wish to transform, pretend this day until it is so.


There is bound to be turbulence in the clouds of confusion before one can view the friendly skies, and an illuminated landing strip.


Do not only think about it, but feel about it, also, before taking appropriate action.


During moments of strife and ‘dis-ease’, check your flow and redirect your focus to that which is naturally good.


When individuals and communities do not govern self, they risk being ruled by external forces that care less about the well-being of the village.


Bling” is not an indication of riches. It is a product of value-based spending, to enrich the pockets of those outside of ones sphere of influence…the haves’ bleeding the have-nots’.


You may have the dark and cold street life, ruled by the lessor light of the moon. During this time I restore my temple, and later awake to greet the awesome radiance of the sun-star.


Life, for the living, is a gift of opportunity; an exercise of the will to choose.


Though the earth contains greater energy and mass than any single being, linked together, “people make the world go-round”.


For the human experience, life in the natural world seems to require the application of meaning, in order to evoke purpose.


Image is only temporal. Substance endures. Who said, “Image is everything”? And who believed it?


Fear is the lack of faith in one’s ability to create powerful solutions.


Rulers are not anointed. They are created by the void of self-mastery.


Get busy with the issue! In this regard, time is not friendly…nor should it be.


Given the opportunity of ‘Earth-School’ enrollment – some are humble enough to learn and grow, stubborn enough to fail and repeat, and wise enough to graduate and never return.


Who dare tries is a success, and shall master the art of conquering dreams.


The only kind of love to be found, is within you. That other kind everybody wants… it finds you.


Where they come in the spirit of perpetual giving – the house that love built.


Where they come in the perpetual spirit of giving – the house that love built.


Be willing for purpose; it pays huge returns on investment. And along the journey, those who dis your willing sacrifice(s) will ponder their own foolishness.


The vision teller tells the vision to unguarded minds’ of prey. The programmed.


Drama don’t arrive by surprise; it is summoned, undisguised.


It’s futile to point the finger of condemnation and say, “Men… this” or “Women… that”. Truth is, we are all guilty and innocent of many of life’s trials.


The illusion, as ego suggests, is that it’s about time – mechanical mind; it is not. It is, however, all about conscious space – something [the] soul has always known.


If soul does not evolve it is dead… even if its body still breathes.


If there is no love for others, love of country is just a slogan.


Only nurture a broken heart that recognizes it, and is willing to put in the work of minding.


That sassy low classy, but dress real cheap-fly-n-fancy, with a chip on her shoulder — she’s just a bitterly wounded dove, wanting to be sieged by love.


You’ll never cross an emotional bridge, if you keep rushing back to the other side.


For the wealthy, money is a tool. For the impoverished, it is the rule.


When exercising gifted will-power, move boldly without hesitation. The reward for such decisiveness is increased confidence in what the heart knows, which the mind does not feel


When a turbulent mind and wounded heart surrenders to grace, breathing is easy.


Quite often it’s not about what is said, but what isn’t. And even when it’s spoken, read between the lines. Listening with the heart is just as important as hearing with the mind.


Love is never blind; it sees with ucute clarity. A closed mind, wounded heart, and a bitter disposition surely cannot perceive love’s myriad ways of communicating.


Scorned and torn, former love mates aim and shoot childish devastating daggers that penetrate beyond target to pierce the heart of their offspring.


Feed the mind good wisdom, the body good nutrition, the soul good vibes, and the heart good love. Elevation for your situation.


The artist speaks with inspiring tools of creativity. Thinkers challenge with the weapons of choice. These two forces are necessary to move souls beyond limitation.


My plate is full; I dig that. And I can’t be everywhere all the time, but my mind, heart and spirit has no bounds.


Think about rethinking what you’re thinking, before speaking the thought you were thinking, and cause unintended consequences for speaking what you probably shouldn’t have been thinking.


If one abuses or neglects internal powers, external forces will act accordingly.


Feeling powerless is the result of yielding to fearful thinking.


Words do have purpose; they are essential clues in determining actions, or lack thereof.


Made from divinity must mean mindstate to create is intrinsic – no fiction. Stop playin’ with your power, your inner ‘G’, and build on purpose – accordingly. Being free is for free, so force the issue.


Seeking higher ground is not a destination, but an elevation. Wings up, eyes shut open.


When you mix with the wrong energy, there’s bound to be an explosion. Pay attention and switch lanes when the signal changes. What’s really real, is ultimately revealed.


My People: Prepared and never scared, fueled by faith in a sea of despair – we rise and we shine, ’cause it’s like that’!


Many quote scripture, less study it, and even fewer live it. ~T.F. Hodge


Cultivate confidence, and eradicate the need to control.


Passion is the driving element of purpose. When one is possessed with it, labor is not perceived as toil – it is revealed as love.


Time’ is the illusional domain occupied by the state of boredom. ‘Space’ is the infinite – reality – experienced by the state of higher creative consciousness. Choose wisely.


Walking in ignorance is a choice for those who find reality too hard to face.


Nothing we do makes us real. That which is real makes us do.


When you’re a light instead of a dim switch, your brightness radiates in every direction.


Romance begins upstairs, then culminates downstairs.


Love making is much more than physical expression, it is a soulful dance of sensual wonder and euphoric amazement.


Truth’s nakedness is not concerned with whom it strikes – painfully, or with pleasure; responding appropriately to its ingenuous temperament, however, rewards perceptions of unbiased transparency.


A culture of vultures steeped and born of violence shall choke on the blood of its offspring.


Institutionalized:Ghetto stars pimped so hard for so long — they’ll starve to pimp themselves behind psychic bars.


The promise of hope provides more comfort than the limitations of doubt.


Every day, strive to refine your contagious shine, and shake the nonsense offered by those who lack the will to polish-up from within.


Have concern about where you’re from, where you live, and where you may travel. The village is global.


If lies comfort, and truth disturbs – self is being agitated as a result of prideful living.


The most challenging aspect of living is staying in your lane.


A genius masters the art of observation, and unites with the source of imagination to create advancements in the cause for human evolution.


Appreciate the creation, respect the creator of it, and admire the source of all creativity.


For certain you can be helped, should you accept it. But as far as being made…no one can do that. This occurred on the day you were born. An earth day is not a birth day. Own what you create as well as what you break.


What does one do with experience? Do we react negatively, or do we (pro)create from the space of positivity?


Success needs no authorization, yet failure requires permission.


We can’t make up for lost time, but we can make room to share space.


Achieving a goal requires endurance and sacrifices beyond limitations.


Utterances of cursed language defiles the hearts and souls of man and many.


Worrying paralyzes progress; prayer, preparation and persistence ensures it.


Pray FOR positive outcomes, never ON perceived dilemmas


Much is known by reading, more is mastered by doing.


On a surface level, all one finds is repeated forms of shallow whispers. Having the courage to explore deeply, a wealth of buried infinite lifetimes emerge – an undeniable force.


Where there are two on point of independently distinguished purposes, you will find one infinite journey whose path is blazed with the guiding light of wisdom.


Building on a bond is bankable. Building on bitterness is bankrupt.


Do not trust a teacher that is unwilling to learn.


A flirtatious soul misses the point of intimate trust relations.


Not Eve:Under any condition, in any situation, a mature woman does not need to be checked by her man. She is not childish, but fully capable of [a] self check if she respects the wisdom given to her by The Most High; her name ain’t Eve.


Pride and ego makes a mockery of an apology. Humility wins forgiveness without question…so break ‘yo’self’!


The beauty of inspiration is its unpredictable timing.


True to the GAME (Giving, Affirming, Manifesting, Evolving).


When you imagine it, feel it, then write it – creation is inevitable.


Dream on it, think on it, ink on it, speak on it… then proceed to bring on it. Fulfillment is ordered to find you. Shine time!


The Spirit, and your soul are not the same things. The Spirit is God – the source. Your soul is God’s imagination.


Souls from the same star find it impossible to resist dancing to the tune of inevitability.


By exchanging quality time for ‘turn-up’ times, what many of today’s wayward youngsters have become – men and women of the village have failed them.


A practice of giving [it] your best, means you don’t just have to hope for it.


First organizing it on paper isn’t just academic, it’s an applied prerequisite for manifestation.


A dream conceived from the inside-out eventually becomes reality. But a dream desired from the outside-in is subject to spoil and tragedy.


If you cannot find peace where you stand you shall not find it where you land.


The Spirit, and your soul are not the same things. The Spirit is God – the source. Your soul is God’s imagination – the subject.


Souls’ may be subjugated and regulated – for a time – but never terminated. They live!


Reclined legs don’t get fed, they get limp like boiled spaghetti. Walk it out!


Preaching vs Teaching:The difference between preaching and teaching: one makes you feel good, the other makes you grow.


The solution to self-pity is found in the labor of selfless giving to others.


Between you and you, let there be no secrets. ~T.F. Hodge


A man who rightly governs self, may also govern family without the crippling cowardice, crutch of control.


A personal revolution is the consequence of confronting self – as is.


In silence you shall face self…and have respect.


Pride can be friend, ego can be foe…depending on which one we choose, or not, to conquer.


Rumors run wild when one sacrifices for self and temporarily forsakes those who assume entitlement to one’s persona.


Self Hate: The deadliest ‘dis-ease’ experienced by wounded souls.


If we are meant to be gifts to one another, living in the past negates the present we need to be.


The best remedy for people who have become your headache is to take a ‘chill pill’ from your willingness to endure their misery.


If you have no competition there’s no need to debate.


Though sometimes conflicted and seemingly restricted – grace be [the] wings of clarity.


Perception of one’s life journey does not, always or necessarily, have to be judged as good or bad. It certainly demands that one take responsibility for all aspects of it, however.


One who be armed with positive force energy may repell negative daggers, walk through the wilderness – and live to tell it.


Driving in someone elses lane is easy, but remaining in your own seems to be the most challenging self discipline. No matter how big the highway, imagine yours is a singular road traveled in one direction – you’re own.


When hip-hop was born she had no commercial home, and was an invention of beautiful creativity. Born from a beautiful struggle, today she is mostly a ‘ratchet’ bitch spitting nonsense from her pimp’s mansion.


Humanity has determined it is supreme in the kingdom of animals, yet [the] beasts live a less tragic existence…and many of their tragedies are a consequence of so-called human brilliance.


Sustained negative flashbacks can stir a heart attack.


Club Hate’ does not admit fine people to it’s membership.


Promoting what you don’t like, invites more of it to your doorstep. Beat the right drum. ~T.F. Hodge


A coward’s gun is emptied when fear pulls the trigger, and hate is the ammunition of choice.


Subject to the law(s) of nature, hate is born to die


It’s not enough, and so limiting, to teach the simplistic value of a designer’s material wear. Give children the gift of values that will last far beyond [a] fad’s temporal popularity.


A human who learns, and practices the art of love as does divinity, is no longer human.


When you’re way too real, fake people be like: “You’re a trip. I want somebody with real game (lies).


When the word is heard consult the source, and beware the messenger.


When it occurs without having to voice it – vibin’ on the same page, flowin’ on the same wave, soakin’ up the same light rays.


More than just someone to lay down with, is a spirit to pray up with.


If the choices you make are not quality, don’t put them on the top shelf.


Talent is divinely gifted, and never to be cheaply exchanged for the sake of trinkets and fame.


Karma and manifestation work 24/7 to balance the scales. Do justice, in due time.


Consider intentions carefully. Karma gives a damn about ego, awards allegiance to none, and its justice is truly blind.


Word Powers:A beautiful bitch has four legs, not two. Even terms of, so called, endearment have unintended manifestations. Guard your grill.


The energy you bring, positive or negative, dictates your perceptions, receptions and radiations.


If someone is speaking to you and elevating themselves at the expense of another, consider the source a non-factor; that’s keepin’ it ‘sucka-free’.


Ego, being love’s kryptonite; two souls must be on the same page of humility.


If you’re a boss, and not a leader, your time is limited.


You don’t have to be a big name to do big things. Shine does not require recognition.


Don’t kill the game with your ‘funk’, elevate it with your humility.


Once there is realization of self challenge, ego versus soul, competition with others becomes futile.


Don’t restrain yourself to mundaneness. You’re subject to consciousness that makes you more than animalistic.


It takes time, patience, productivity and persistence to ‘pop the oil’; just keep digging. Worthy investments take time to show positive returns.


It is highly probable that we choose our posture, not our problems.


Avoid having to pump your brakes by keeping your flow on cruise control.


A leader learned to follow, and serves the followers who are learning to lead. ~T.F. Hodge


Ideally, love is unconditional; practically, it is more often the opposite.


Mix a little time with some space, and suddenly good things fall right into place. No worries, don’t doubt it – just build!


When life throws you a curve ball, have a good eye.


I’ll date you, love…not you and your iPad. I can’t feel plastic palm play; I’m live like Memorex.


How one lives during limited time on earth’s school is perhaps how one may dwell in the space of eternity.


Until we get it right, we shall return to the earth-school time after time.


The best is always worth waiting for. And once you taste it, no other taste will do.


External beauty is certainly cool to admire, but when worshipped – it eclipses internal shine.


The seer does not see, by choice, what the blind can see by default… from within.


Any relationship (friend, romantic or business) that’s one sided isn’t one; it’s a one way street headed in one direction… nowhere. Cultivation requires input from willing participants.


The seemingly most hateful, those on the front lines of despair, are mere instruments of sinister forces, which pull the manipulative strings of manufactured supremacy.


Ignore the voice that scorns and ridicules to ensure it does not mold you. Stifling subtleties like these, if unchecked, are oppressive. Freedom is a love supreme birthright, not a privilege to be governed by any other.


After a bad trip, don’t carry your luggage on board the next flight. Stay grounded til you figure out a new way to travel.


I belong to the divine source from which I originated.


Don’t pound your chest when it’s all good, then blame God when it’s all bad.


What we possess owns us, and we absolutely own nothing.


Careful not to blur the lines between what belongs to characters, and what does not belong to you. Even ‘reality tv’ is scripted. Don’t get it twisted. ~T.F. Hodge


What is different is not necessarily dangerous, and what is similar is not always secure.


Rules, laws and codes become obsolete among the self-governed.


When you’re being celebrated and flying high, don’t allow fanatics (fans) to elevate you so far out that you forget whose sky it is.


In the company of ignorance, be silent…or join the suffering.


Haters’ don’t hate you, they hate self and project the energy outward because there is no courage to confront internal fears. Therefore, ignore hate or else it becomes you, also.


Waste no time lamenting with regard to what is lacking. In such instances, immediately turn focus toward what is to be…and remain poised to receive that which is due.


Don’t rush to fellowship at the church, temple or mosque if you don’t do so at the house – first. “Charity begins at home”.


If someone you love and care for is determined to traverse the path of despair, natural law obliges that they ‘will’ regardless of any and all efforts to redirect their lowly path.


Do not hate someone else’s ‘shine’…but have enough courage to look in the mirror and see the truth for what it is.


When they bring the drama, get silent, don’t react…and watch what happens (not to you, but those who habitually thrive on your ‘willing’ participation).


Each one comes to their own understanding and recognition of truth in their own time, not in yours.


No matter how much and how often – ‘things’ will never compensate for loss or absence…no matter how guilty a parent feels.


One who seeks to control others is one who suffers from the affliction of fear.


Healing comes by three avenues; what one eats, thinks and celebrates.


Sometimes, rather than just think about it, we need to feel about it. The intellect is limited or finite, while intuition connects to a sea of unlimited consciousness that expands far beyond time and space (as we know it).


If he lacks verbal expression of it, you may find his love profoundly in his works, deeds and creativity; so recognize rather than criticize.


CAPITALISM: If everything worked without need of repair, upgrade or replacement, then peaceful minds and prosperity would prevail among the masses rather than just the few who control markets.


Streams of conscious ‘knowing’ flows like the Nile when one is open from within.


Upon examination of a people’s history, beware the story teller’s motives.


If you don’t doubt it, be ’bout it. Intuition is soul’s watchman.


Why play, lounge or labour in a social wasteland? It’s toxicity is contagious, and no respecter of persons. Fall back!


Better to be a diamond in the rough, than a polished fake in denial.


One owes loyalty, only, to those who demonstrate in kind.


There is no honor in seeking praise for doing that which is expected of you.


When you’re in the zone of your purpose with passion…time stands still.


The eye of judgment sees at a distance what it refuses to see in it’s own reflection.


Apply expectations appropriately. Do not assume [all] adults are as grown up and mature as they should be, or appear to be.


Those who do not succeed do not believe in their ability to exercise the potential power to forge beyond perceptions of limitations.


You carry the message you’ve been seeking, but realization of it is found in healthy retrospection, not among the wilderness of chaotic noise.


With regard to navigating relationship’s highways and bi-ways – avoid changing lanes without first giving a signal.


As falsehood peels like paint, eternal truth is uncovered.


Time, place, and space for all things, but spending [the] majority of one’s time playing in outer places, and far less time exploring inner space, is perhaps the worst form of neglect. Don’t play yourself; the real you awaits.


Nothing about me is “deep”, but my divine creator is so.


Manifestation blossoms when we turn down or tune out doubtful noise.


Being thankful for and celebrating what is attracts more of what can and will be.


We will never outrun the nagging of original divinely inspired purpose.


First sons and daughters seduced to play and party ’til it was too late to realize they were being lead to the slaughter. They discounted the law of moderation.



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