Top 24 Lena Dunham Quotes

Let’s be reasonable and add an eighth day to the week that is devoted exclusively to reading.


I thought I would marry my boyfriend and grow old and sick of him. I thought I would keep my friends, and we’d make different, new memories. None of that happened. Better things happened. Then why am I so sad?


I know that when I am dying, looking back, it will be women that I regret having argued with, women I sought to impress, to understand…


That is because no one could ever hate me as much as I hate myself, okay? So any mean thing someone’s gonna think of to say about me, I’ve already said to me, about me, probably within the last half hour.


Youth, with all its accompanying risks, humiliations, and uncertainties, the pressure to do it all before it’s too late.


For me, sleep equaled death. How was closing your eyes and losing consciousness any different from death? What separated temporary loss of consciousness from permanent obliteration?


Ambition is a funny thing: it creeps in when you least expect it and keeps you moving, even when you think you want to stay put


But ambition is a funny thing: it creeps in when you least expect it and keeps you moving, even when you think you want to stay put.


I always reminded myself that this wasn’t exactly where I was meant to be, but pit stops are okay on the road of life, aren’t they?


Here’s what I have to say about being married: someday you will look at him, hating him with every fiber of your being, wishing that he would die the most violent death possible. It will pass.”–Hannah Horvath’s dying grandmother


I just don’t want to be around people who don’t hate everything in their life right now.


The end never comes when you think it will. It’s always ten steps past the worst moment, then a weird turn to the left.


The most terrifying aspect of human health is our refusal to take steps to help ourselves and the fact that we are so often responsible for our own demise through lack of positive action.


I’ve never seen Star Wars or The Godfather, so that would be a good excuse for us to spend a bunch of time together.


The most terrifying aspect of human health is our refusal to take steps to help ourselves and the fact that we are so often responsible for our own demise through lack of positive action,


When I graduated college I had a series of just humiliating jobs that I couldn’t believe I was at.


I mean, I – it’s so funny, I am, you know, I am, you know, a working woman out in the world, but I still live with my parents half the time. I’ve been sort of taking this very long, stuttering period of moving out.


I never thought of myself as like, a funny person.


I’m ridiculous in my oversharing my mom and sister are very open but a little more judicious than me… and my father is a decidedly private person.


I’m not great at dating, but I need to do it to relax.


All my freakouts have been pretty private and directed at family pets and/or people I have been dating for too short a time to freak out at in that way.


I think romantic comedy, when done right, is my favorite genre. It’s just a genre that’s very human.


I feel like you don’t know if someone’s equipped for a romantic relationship until they’re out of their twenties.


My weight fluctuates depending on my mood and my current devotion to my fitness routine.



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