Top 24 J.S.B. Morse Quotes

A broken heart is just the growing pains necessary so that you can love more completely when the real thing comes along.


A pure heart is superlatively rare and even more attractive.


The story of humanity can be written as the struggle to acknowledge all human beings as human beings.


If you live life so cautiously as to never fail, you end up failing at life itself.


The most purely free decision one can make—and thus, the highest order of spirit on Earth—is believing in something without evidential knowledge.


The choice to believe is yours. It’s the only thing that truly is.


Ironically, the only people anyone believes these days are the skeptics.


People aren’t crazy, they’re just reacting normally to an abnormally crazy world.


You eat the wealthy, sir, and it will be your last meal.


You will never find the perfect person but you might be lucky enough to find someone who wants to be.


When people start talking about Right and Left, they stop talking about right and wrong.


It’s a certain tragedy when agony and resentment are all you have left connecting you to someone you once loved.


If you spend enough time with someone who doubts you, you can’t help but believe them.


The more laws that are created, the closer we get to lawlessness.


Making universal prosperity a right is the surest way to universal poverty.


No one can take away your Natural Rights, but they can do great damage making you think they can.


If you require force to promote your ideal, there is something wrong with your ideal.


When enough people realize that they are slaves but don’t have to be, revolutions happen.


I don’t believe in the Constitution because I’m American, I’m American because I believe in the Constitution.


Harming one’s unalienable rights in order to serve justice is injustice.


Two things I’ve learned: 1) you simply cannot change someone’s mind on certain issues and 2) some issues are so important you cannot stop trying to.


Some people are like singularities. Get close enough and you will be uncontrollably consumed in an infinite attraction and will cease to exist apart from them.


Change is inevitable. If you don’t seek it out, it will seek you out.


True unalienable rights do not require one to trample other unalienable rights.



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