Top 230 S.A. Tawks Quotes

Besides the pain in my gut, why shouldn’t I laugh? I’ve almost escaped death in a foreign country.


I think that Richard was more of a one-girl-for-the-rest-of-your-life-marry-and-make-a-family kind of guy.


It is neither poor handling nor the weather that turns the pages of a book a fine sepia. It is the reader’s imagination.


Ms Rainn, when was the last time you visited a library for the books and not the free Internet it offers?


She lost touch with reality and was dragged into her imagination.


I think the last thing you should do to someone willing to put your penis in their mouth is give them criticism.


Your imagination and some masturbation is a much better alternative to finding out what kind of person a bit of casual sex transforms you into.


Don’t get me wrong, she was an attractive girl, but the last thing she needed was to get mixed up with me.


You’re a man, man. That means seeing two rocks on the ground that kind of look like tits will arouse you.


When the imagination takes over, the second hand could be the hour hand to a creator of stories.


The only thing better than a well-read book is a well-read book only read by yourself.


The imagination is a wild and dangerous forest that is impossible to know the full might of.


Reading for enjoyment won’t die altogether, but this Ereader device has the potential to repel those less imaginative from fiction. And that could have an undesirable domino effect.


With a little bit of spirit in her system to help her weave the lies and facts together, Emily told the partial truth.


The only thing more interesting than the truth is fiction dressed up as the truth.


There has to be at least one other reason besides money that makes you do the things that you do.


There’s no need to blame fate or destiny for a stupid decision.


Be warned, reader. Once seen, something cannot be unseen and once read, something cannot be unread. What lies ahead can be the future of spirit but the future of spirit can also be what lies inside your head.


We go round and round trying to convince one another that our opinion makes more sense. And the only winner is time for making us look like fools by wasting it.


If that’s the example you want set, you be the example.


I tried to kill myself when I was thirteen but failed. That was the greatest failure of my life.


As much as I respect him, he is somewhat of an ignorant fool.


Young lovers. If you get it right, it’s amazing what you can share. The challenging part is maintaining it.


What the future held for spirit, Emily could only imagine.


No one knows if something works until it actually works. That’s why you must always try.


Fear doesn’t gain respect. It just makes people do what you want to shut you up and get you away from them.


Maybe I am just an old fool with foolish thoughts, but those foolish thoughts allow this old fool to sleep quite comfortably at night.


What could a person like Emily do? Could she possibly satisfy both sides? Or would that only end badly?


You may not have finished today but the work you did got you closer than if you would have done nothing.


Then an argument would ensue because they were men with different ideas.


It was nice meeting you three, and I’m sure under different circumstances it would have been a pleasure.


You’ve got to try and not let it keep you down. Sure, let it hurt but don’t let it harm you.


I don’t claim to know everything, Wally. I only claim that everything can eventually be known.


Too many questions can cripple imagination, for how can you apply logical questions to something that is not real?


What if I were seeking a hardcopy? A book I can bury my nose in metaphorically and literally if I’m a self-confessed book-sniffer and proud to say so.


Could crushed spirit be destroyed if it encountered too much spirit?


Perhaps this new kind of reading will appeal to us after we give it a try.


The sisterhood of librarians is a non-profit organisation and our goal is to keep imagination alive, not make money.


Band together with the brothers and sisters of misery and never stray. You are the integral part of the deeply depressed. We found you. Hooray.


One shot is all anyone needs if they back themselves and do it right.


Emily wondered whether Artie would be so carefree if he knew The Book Club was performing grand theft imagination.


Someone who was just nice didn’t remain on your mind an hour after they’d left.


It means they engineered the spirit to have a negative effect on the imagination.


The power of fiction is a great thing. But, after all, reality is just a little more important.


Men cannot be nice and kind to a woman and have no affection for them.


I do not steal imagination. I use it and replace it by making people read.


We must stop this unimaginable atrocity before it becomes a reality.


There is so much we do not know about the imagination. That is why we must study it.


I believe the uncertain times are almost upon us, and they are much more uncertain than I imagined.


Manufactured spirit is much more reliable than organic spirit.


The imagination gland doesn’t die. It just becomes reliant on manufactured spirit.


My pragmatic nature, my impatience, will most likely have me drunk on aged spirit by noon.


It’s okay, Ms Rainn, you were simply lost in your imagination.


There were tough thoughts battling one another inside his head for the right to become reality.


Between giant spiders and meeting Edmund Ellis did I have a chance, Ms Rainn?


Through her eyes the day was new and anything was possible.


Do you know what the best and worst thing about a book is? The author can’t answer all your questions, only your imagination can.


There was a moment of silence as they imagined a future in which there existed an organisation that stole imagination for, undoubtedly, a sinister plan.


Too much thought can find fault in anything, even if there is no fault to be found.


It is important to take the seriousness out of things that do not deserve it. Take the seriousness out of it, and the thing loses its power.


How do you crush spirit? You take out all the good.


And I thought Ereaders could not become any more dreadful.


Never ask about the details of someone’s personal life, only the quality. Because if they want you to know, they’ll let you know. If they don’t want you to know, there is no need to know.


All writers read, Ms Rainn. With dwindling amounts of books circulating imagination, the less writers of all mediums will be able to exercise their own imaginations.


You can’t lose sleep over should-of’s and could-of’s.


You must learn not to rely so heavily on others. Only then will help come when you truly need it.


This didn’t sound good. It sounded like the optimism was escaping from him.


No one is better than anyone else. Some just simply don’t fulfil their potential of being the best they possibly can.


A cup of tea at the ready and a jug of water will suffice just fine.


They’re a group called The Spirit-crushers and their leader is known as The Almighty Spirit-crusher.


Ms Rainn, you might say, is a writing prodigy and I’m her mentor.


The memory will most likely come to me when I least expect it. When I’m in the middle of something else.


We each have a little imagination in all of us, and a book is the best absorbent there is.


The purpose of the Sisterhood of Librarians is to keep the secret of creative juice and keep the idea of libraries alive.


Sometimes one’s imagination can be more beautiful than the most picturesque beach.


The old author knew all too well that the imagination was a top cause for missing good meals.


But, you must remember, whatever you eat, make sure you have at least one bowl of salad with it.


A woman can never be late when she is meeting with a man. But a man can most certainly be late when he is meeting with a woman.


Her intention was to make the crowd aware, if they weren’t already, that John was the giant whose shoulders Emily stood on.


Thoughts. Your imagination. The voices inside your head. They’re all the same thing and spirit is what fuels it.


When you juice books from a library you are taking the history and imagination that has accumulated over so many years there.


It’s in my head now. It’s a memory. No camera could have captured what I saw and felt.


If someone knew equally as much about the ins and outs of your home, it would not be your home.


If you work hard all day and all night, something may come of it. You never know, it just might.


He could tell her that dogs used to look like cats and vice versa without a lick of proof and it would change the way she regarded the animals.


You’ve got to have high expectations to achieve top results.


It is that kind of thinking that is the problem; that movies, video games and the Internet, devices that simply amuse the imagination are more interesting than what a library stocks.


Isn’t it true that a well-read book seems more alive to you, Ms Rainn?


Your doubt survives by stuffing itself with your confidence.


WARNING: The production of spirit is a very delicate and dangerous procedure. It should be left to the professionals and under absolutely no circumstance be replicated.


I didn’t let what I wanted to do become a made up memory that I looked back on years down the road and wished it was real.


Honestly, if I stay on this gruelling path, I’m going to end up as another suicide statistic.


The day, like all good days, passed far too quickly.


She’s happy to be home but being home means that it’s an end to her adventure and escape.


Our bags will be light because it’s the best way to travel.


I’d gotten on the piss and it had kicked me the fuck off. Hard.


Besides, if it was the wrong choice, what difference was one more bad decision going to make?


Don’t just hope, dear. Plan and do. Only reserve hope for the things you cannot control.


Living the rest of my life in Kerobokan, waiting to die, was what I had in front of me.


You need a break every once in a while to enjoy the everyday and you need the everyday to enjoy the break you take every once in a while.


Reassuring thoughts have a funny way of getting stuck on repeat. Then you wake up one day and you can’t remember where you put the last thirty years of your life.


However, with a gut full of heroin, it’s hard to be an optimist.


Can’t get myself down by thinking about what could have been, right?


I figured this guy was a fair dinkum Australian. The type of guy that worked the land all day, cracked open a beer or two at night and called girls ‘sheilas’.


That’s one of those questions that you think of a better answer for five minutes after you’ve answered it.


I figured, what harm could come from a little bit of fun? Crabs. The Canadian girl gave me crabs.


I figured that maybe he was only hanging around for the tea and tobacco and when one ran out, so would he.


Sure, I might not be someone to look up to, but you’re no role model either.


By the first mouthful I knew that I was going to get drunk that night. The drink tasted too good not to.


What’s inside is none of your business. Your business is getting it for him and getting it to him.


Your choice is your choice and you need to accept what happens, not shift the blame to someone else if it doesn’t turn out your way.


I don’t make people smoke pot or meth, snort coke, put pills or tabs in their mouths or shoot themselves up with heroin. I just transport the stuff.


It’ll be the biggest decision of my life. Knowing me, I’ll probably make the wrong choice.


A donation to the police officer’s back pocket should have you on your way without a problem.


Appreciate the negatives. Because the negatives are what you learn from to make more positives.


Yeah,” I said because it led to more options than ‘no’.


Do you want me to call the internet police for you?


Natural art is the most amazing form of art there is.


In my defence, I did like my ex until she cheated on me. I just thought the feeling was love.


Staying out all night and sleeping most of the day is quite a drain on the wallet.


I guess my biggest problem is that I find it easier to relapse than to carry through.


My old ways were much more appealing than my new ways.


When you’re in the safety of the future, the past doesn’t seem so relevant.


I must have appeared like a real bad boy in Christy’s eyes. Well, at least a bad boy by home and away standards.


I have two moods when I get drunk. The common mood is the lazy, happy-go-lucky guy. The uncommon mood is the frustrated, self-deprecating guy. That night was the latter.


I was far too nervous to be concerned about contributing to the conversations.


I also smoked two cigarettes, which was pretty good considering I could have smoked five if I’d really tried.


You’ll be making so much cash that you won’t know what to waste it on.


My biggest problem is that my flight is to depart from Denpasar International Airport in Indonesia, where the penalty for drug trafficking is death by firing squad.


The spirit of pessimism inside of her was purely organic.


It wasn’t a glorious or grand act of misadventure but it was a start. It wasn’t what I should have done but it was what I truly wanted to do.


A fight needs at least two fighters. Sometimes you can win straight away by not fighting.


If there’s anything worse in this world than a bad batch of babi guling, it’s hindsight.


Someone who lives vicariously will never be truly happy because they’re not happy with themselves.


If you’re not happy with yourself, how can you even begin to figure out if another person makes you happy, annoyed, angry, sad and so on.


This is your chance. Are you going to cower and make excuses or are you going to do what you really want to do?


It seemed, at that point, my greed and cunningness were being rewarded.


She’d been fed anti-consumerist bullshit by her parents but didn’t understand simple economics.


Now comes the hard part. Peyton, Peyton, Peyton. Just say Peyton.


It’s called the kindness of a fellow human being. You should try it sometime, ya fuck.


So much to do but so many incompetent workers,” I said, playing to his take-no-shit-get-in-and-fucking-do-it attitude.


At least I can say I once worked a day on a tea plantation in Far North Queensland.


Everyday something unexpected happened. Everyday was exciting. Everyday was a misadventure.


The acceptance of just one person is enough to silence the rejection of thousands.


But now I think he was trying to teach me to never feel entitled because life can be a cruel bitch at times.


My newfound motivation had me feeling confident in my ability and I headed to Mackay with a plan.


Being determined delinquents, Peyton and I jumped the barricades and wandered around the dilapidated interior.


You know what’s the worst? Having realistic, ordinary expectations taken out of your reach by seemingly unrealistic, extraordinary circumstances.


The false hope I filled myself with is fleeing and I’m beginning to feel scared again.


You live by whatever rules you need to govern your life the best you think. Let’s just try not to encroach.


Nyree taught me not to trust anyone but Steve quickly corrected that lesson and taught me not to trust everyone.


Even freedom needs some rules to keep it from being complete chaos.


I took her word and didn’t let my concern for my future ruin the present moment.


The best experiences can’t be forced and they come when you least expect it. You don’t find misadventure, it finds you.


I realised I got anxious because my true aspiration wasn’t to become the chief of a multi-billion dollar, multi-national company that created widgets or some shit.


Time is wasted on the young and experience is wasted on the old.


It’s easy to give up at the beginning of something, but after gaining a bit of momentum it’s not as tempting or easy to just give up.


He was the captain of the rugby team and he was built like a fucking gorilla. He had the personality of a fucking gorilla, too.


Your days are only important if you decide to make them important.


If I hadn’t worked up the courage to talk to Christy, she most likely would have been a pretty face that disappeared back into the crowd.


People give up. People settle. People persevere. And you can do all three if you’re smart enough.


I let my initial stance on her prettiness stand and didn’t let any superficial thoughts hobble it.


Besides the gifts, the only thing that gave the headstones colour were the memories family and friends had of the people they represented.


Lighting a cigarette with a sense of achievement for company made the journey worth it.


They were queen bitches and it seemed everyone and everything they knew and everyone and everything they didn’t know deserved some kind of criticism.


The stretch of Bruce Highway between Gin Gin and Miriam Vale was long and lonesome.


It was as if I was automatically one of them because I smoked.


We smoked the joints down to the roaches and then relaxed beneath the stars to let the drug form dazzling constellations.


It was odd but I couldn’t jump the chasm of missing evidence to the conclusion Todd was making.


Most would probably call it a dumb idea, but considering my wants it was a good idea.


It was an impossible achievement but that didn’t stop me from trying and having fun.


What does that quote mean to you? Can you explain the concept behind it and not just repeat the pretty phrase to me?


Looking back really does make you wonder, but the truth is it doesn’t change a thing.


He seemed like he was baiting me to ask, like he wanted me to know his troubles but wanted me to ask first.


Everyones’ worst problems weigh the same, and it’s up to you how heavy that weight is and how much you let it drag you down.


I didn’t appreciate the moment as much as I should have while living it, but I can attribute that to my poor emotional state and hindsight.


Other times, when existential crisis mode kicked in, I flirted with the idea of giving up and drifting whichever way gravity and wind moved me.


Misadventure was my primary compass and I followed it without caring if I pissed off one person or a whole bunch of people.


It was a start, and a start is all anyone needs to put an end to something.


It was my duty as a mother to invade your privacy and search your room. I’m just glad you weren’t hiding an illegal drug.


In a world of differing opinions, mentally unstable people and complete psychopaths, it was the type of simplistic notion that some people wouldn’t want to follow or ignorance would just simply not allow them to understand.


I found it hard to get motivated because I found it hard to care.


My sense of misadventure took over and I began looking at my problems as challenges.


I liked learning but the challenge was that my mother’s need to turn education into a competition was ruining the experience for me.


Too much negativity can make the strongest structures dilapidate.


I found that disturbing the night’s calm ambience was almost as gratifying as the ambience itself.


Maybe I should have given more thought to her thoughts.


Self-harm appealed to my sadness but I didn’t let it coax me.


Would I come off as a creepy-stalker-kind-of-guy or would it demonstrate that I cared?


I’d developed an apology-is-much-better-than-asking-for-permission mentality.


My anger tempted the act of delinquency and it felt good to dabble.


The purpose of water is to drink it but we swim in it for the fun of it.


There were no snooty commuters at this late hour. They were home snug in their beds where they should be.


After spending the previous night the way I had, I felt I could afford to lose some of the daytime to sleep.


Maybe if you allowed me to blow off some steam, I wouldn’t have been so frustrated when I had to find higher order fucking derivatives.


Acting with confidence, but inside lacking certainty, I’d told her I could.


They had to be untrustworthy enough to buy a minor alcohol but trustworthy enough to not walk away with my money.


One thing a girl loves more than a bad boy is a self-aware bad boy.


As long as you don’t kill someone or seriously maim them, sure, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks as long as you have a good time.


Misadventure will always cause someone to be pissed off at you, because they don’t know what degree you’re willing to go to to satisfy your need for misadventure.


Substituting the discount rate for the ever increasing chance of death and a dollar for joy, joy today is worth more than joy tomorrow.


I’d been exposed to alternate ways of thinking and it seriously affected the way my mother had reared me.


A misadventure is an act that has a safer, less self-detrimental, less interesting alternative. But you choose that act because you want to do something memorable and worthy of discussion.


An adventurer has a purpose. Such as finding new lands and valuable treasures. A misadventurer, besides doing it for the hell of it and for a good time, doesn’t really have a good purpose.


Misadventure asked what the harm was partaking in one more and I decided not to argue with her.


Patience, persistence and hard work lead to success and happiness. Or you can do whatever the hell you want and with a bit or a whole lot of luck you’ll stumble onto success and happiness.


What does a guy say to that? What does an inexperienced guy say to a beautiful, smart, proper girl who’s not supposed to say things like that?


As academia became my identity, my fascination with firefighters became buried and, seemingly, died.


Cussing like a commoner wasn’t something I was tested on. I picked that habit up outside of high school.


I’ll tell you what you want to hear. I mean, what I need to hear. I’ll tell the truth.


Harry and I are misadventurous misadventurers that like to partake in misadventure.


He held out a shaky and worn hand and she met it with one of her young and inexperienced ones.


No two stories are the same. They may seem the same at first glance, but, once you take a closer look, give the story some of your time, you realise its unique qualities.


I’d be somewhat of a lousy writer if I didn’t know what to say.


If you aren’t polite when giving criticism you will come off as an awful person and if you aren’t polite when receiving criticism you will come off as an awful person.


The spirit of imagination smells exactly how the person inhaling it imagines it to smell.


They were completely alone on the long stretch of country road and there was no one else to share the moment with them.


I guess having one hundred and four condoms full of heroin in your guts and the thought of a firing squad in your head make will make most things seem insignificant.


The job description, like most, used complicated words that made job-hopefuls hesitant to apply because it may be out of their range of capability.


She didn’t want to alienate herself from the very wealthy man that was about to offer her a job by declining the polite offer of a drink.


You can’t draw lines in the sand like that. Humour’s a tsunami that doesn’t care about your little lines.


It was as if my rationale had a stupid friend that was always getting up to no good.


The big, bad unknown is only that until it is known. Then you look back and wonder what all the fuss and worry was about.


A gut full of heroin and the looming possibility of bunking in an overcrowded cell in Kerobokan to await my death makes you feel a bit sorry for some of the things you’ve done.


My job had been to get the package from point A to point B and what happened after that did not need to concern me. I was just the mule.


All you young Aussies just want to fuck and get fucked up, no?


The truth, Ms Rainn, is that advice and inspirational quotes and sayings may give you a kick start, but it’s up to you to keep that motivation alive.


There are other ways than conventional doors to get around my house, Ms Rainn.


By three in the afternoon, after one Bintang too many, I was absolutely smashed and feared that trying to stand may end badly.


Anyone can do the wrong thing if they really want to.



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