Top 23 Leta B. Quotes

Today, is the beginning of your futureso be as creative as your heart desires in designing your life map.


Children will often rise or fall accordingto the expectations of loved ones in their lives.


As you step out of your comfort zone,may life embrace you back.


The threads of logic, intuition, and humanity should be beautifully interwoven through the fabric of our world.


May you let the authentic colors of your heart illuminate and may you feel the light within others.


If a path in your life leaves you in a place where you feel lost and alone, may you follow your heart and souluntil you feel at home.


May you transform your pain, anger, and hurt into wisdom, kindness, and love.


No one has the ability to define who you are unless you give permission.


There are endearing people who come into our lives and leave a soul print.


Transform your anger into energy to effectuate positive change.


Every person has the choice to contribute to or drain from this world.


Nature streamlines the soul connectionwith the divine.


To be whole, we need to embrace bothintuition and logic.


The soul is steady just waiting to be fedand to blossom.


There is a vast existence beyond what our eyes can see, and if we close our minds we limit our possibilities.


Divine love is limitless and the source of miracles.


The simple truth is that every human being should be born with basic human rights without suffering from discrimination.


May you have the courage to choose love over hate.


If a rare golden heart is sacrificed in the process of trying to research or help many, then the world loses.


Until we align our minds with our souls,we will continue to grieve for our highest selves as individuals, a society, and as a world family.


The character of society coincides with how we treat our most vulnerable members of society.


Every precious human being born should have the right to live, love, and maximize his or her potential without suffering from discrimination.


To every person who has never experienced genuine love and kindness, may you still have the strength to find the love and light that exists within your soul to give, thrive, and shine.



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