Top 22 Dr Sivakumar Gowder Quotes

We derive vitamin D from the sunshine, and hence it can also be considered as “day” vitamin.


Vitamin D can be considered as vitamin of “defense” since it cures several diseases.


Culture” is essential for human life and also the life of a cell.


India will become the richest country in the world when all the politicians and their associates return their inappropriate money and assets to the government,


Simple natural food is far better than sophisticated food with artificial flavors.


Human body consists of nearly 60% of water. So, wasting of water is like destroying human life.


Water generates electricity and hence if we waste water, we will be in the dark world.


People feel alcohol heals heart (diseases) but in theory, it peels the heart.


Whether it is north or south, alcohol affects both health and wealth.


Although people are so kind to alcohol, still alcohol makes them blind.


Alcohol makes man into a monkey and then monkey into a donkey. Thus, there is evolution degradation.


Alcohol is not only a homely drink because also it drinks the whole family.


If you drink alcohol with your friends, then friends will become your enemies. If you drink alcohol with your enemies, then your enemies will become animals.


If a man drinks alcohol with his wife, then he is a thief. If he drinks alcohol with his son, it is sin. If he drinks alcohol with his daughter, he is slaughter.


If a rich man drinks alcohol, he will easily become a poor. If a poor man does not drink alcohol, he will easily become rich.


Alcohol is none other than a call from the hall (of alcoholics). That hall is none other than the hell.


Alcohol is good for killing microbes. It does mean that it also kills macrobes (human).


People drink alcohol as a whole, but alcohol makes a hole in the heart (for bleeding) and also a hole in the shirt (packet)(for squeezing money).


Alcohol initially makes man strong after a brief time, then makes a man ‘weak’ after a ‘week,’ after a ‘month’ – it affects his ‘health’ and after a ‘year,’ his life ends with ‘tear.


People use alcohol for just fun. This fun then makes them use gun. Finally, it ends up with sin.


Drink and drive are prohibited in all countries. Otherwise, alcohol will drive us to hell or at-least to jail.


India is a country for all but not a country for sale. Greedy politicians and greedy businessmen should aware of it.



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