Top 20 Sting Quotes

Without the voice of reason, every faith is its own curse.”)


If we seek solace in the prisons of the distant pastSecurity in human systems we’re told will always always lastEmotions are the sail and blind faith is the mastWithout the breath of real freedom we’re getting nowhere


If “Manners maketh man,” as someone saidThen he’s the hero of the dayIt takes a man to suffer ignorance and smileBe yourself, no matter what they


I don’t drink coffee I take tea my dearI like my toast done on one sid


Without the voice of reason, every faith is its own c


Takes more than combat gear to make a man Takes more than a license for a gun Confront your enemies, avoid them when you can A gentleman will walk but never run


I’ve spent a bit of time with the Prince of Wales, who I respect greatly. I’d give two cheers for the Monarchy.


That sense of failure, I don’t know where people put it who don’t write songs and aren’t able to emote physically. It must go somewhere.


I was famous overnight. I went from nowhere to being really big.


The acceptance of death gives you more of a stake in life, in living life happily, as it should be lived. Living for the moment.


Yoga is almost like music in a way there’s no end to it.


I see music as one language. If one musical form eats its own tail, it dies. So it needs to be a mongrel, it needs to be hybridised.


I hate most of what constitutes rock music, which is basically middle-aged crap.


I want to get old gracefully. I want to have good posture, I want to be healthy and be an example to my children.


I’m not much of a family man. I’m just not that into it. I love kids, I adore them, but I don’t want to live my life for them.


When the world is running down, you make the best of what’s still around.


Success always necessitates a degree of ruthlessness. Given the choice of friendship or success, I’d probably choose success.


One of the rewards of success is freedom, the ability to do whatever you like.


I have been through various fitness regimes. I used to run about five miles a day and I did aerobics for a while.


I can’t really change my life to accommodate people who are jealous. I don’t see why I should.



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