Top 20 Janny Wurts Quotes

An act made in fear is not the same thing as an action taken for necessity.


Mage-taught wisdom reproached him: any gift of power was two-edged.


Because you’ve survived, there is a next strategy.


The rebuke came, keen-edged. ‘Trusting the man is not the same thing as knowing what he’s about.


You cannot trust yourself,’ she agreed, bed-rock calm. ‘Therefore, let go. Seize life and place trust in me.


This is my present, also yours, free to choose. I am here at your side, alive, and no ghost. Let beauty and care forge the weapons tonight.


You are not mine to command. But the choice to kill always means closing the mind to the chance of a living alternative.


It’s tragic how the lack of imagination so often shapes our defeat.


What is a flaw but a human mistake, or an ignorance that sees without options?


There’s a choice?””Always. It’s the outcome that sadly limits things.


A man wreaks harm because he forgets to love peace. He kills because of self-blinded fear, that imagines no other protection.


Never get old. It’s a ridiculously uncomfortable process Ath Creator should be made to find a cure for.


How much suffering did you lay on yourself before you awakened and recognized that guilt is deadly, and empty, and profitless?


Death has no repeal. It is a brute ending that leaves us the legacy of an inscrutable silence. Therefore, I understand the voice of mercy very well.


Loyalty,” he stated, ineffably gentle. “A quality honoured by sages and fools, by which humankind finds the courage to trample the reflex for self-preservation.


An illusion threatens no one with harm. Neither can it be dispelled by armed force.


Speak for yourself. Only rank ignorance measures a man by appearances.


Show me a hero and I’ll show you a man enslaved by his competence.


You know, that’s the trouble with drinking. Come the morning, you can never remember their names.


There’s an alternate view. That no man or woman alive is the disempowered victim of another’s degrading circumstance. Each is equipped to pursue their own fate. No one needs saving.



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