Top 20 Coretta Scott King Quotes

Struggle is a never ending process. Freedom is never really won, you earn it and win it in every generation.


There is a spirit and a need and a man at the beginning of every great human advance. Every one of these must be right for that particular moment in history or nothing happens.


There comes a time when time itself is ready for a change.


Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated.


Segmentation was wrong when it was forced by white people, and I believe it is still wrong when it is requested by black people.


There is a spirit and a need and a man at the beginning of every great human advance. Every one of these must be right for that particular moment of history or nothing happens.


Non-violence is a permanent attitude we bring to the breakfast table and bring to bed at night.


The failure to invest in youth reflects a lack of compassion and a colossal failure of common sense.


Mama and Daddy King represent the best in manhood and womanhood, the best in a marriage, the kind of people we are trying to become.


Something is wrong that we have to feed so many. Why should there be poverty with all of our science and technology? There is no deficit in human resources – it is a deficit in human will.


Before I was married to Martin and became a King, I was a proud Scott, shaped by my mother’s discernment and my father’s strength.


When fear rushed in, I learned how to hear my heart racing but refused to allow my feelings to sway me. That resilience came from my family. It flowed through our bloodline.


Women, if the soul of the nation is to be saved, I believe that you must become its soul.


If American women would increase their voting turnout by ten percent, I think we would see an end to all of the budget cuts in programs benefiting women and children.


Revenge and retaliation always perpetuate the cycle of anger, fear and violence.


My story is a freedom song of struggle. It is about finding one’s purpose, how to overcome fear and to stand up for causes bigger than one’s self.


On Thanksgiving Night, 1942, when I was fifteen years old, white racists burned our house to the ground.


If you use weapons of war to bring about peace, you’re going to have more war and destruction.


Gay and lesbian people have families, and their families should have legal protection, whether by marriage or civil union.


Freedom and justice cannot be parceled out in pieces to suit political convenience. I don’t believe you can stand for freedom for one group of people and deny it to others.



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