Top 20 Christie Brinkley Quotes

When something bad happens to me I think I’m able to deal with it in a pretty good way. That makes me lucky. Some people fall apart at the first little thing that happens.


When something bad happens to me I think I’m able to deal with it in a pretty good way. That makes me lucky. Some people fall apart at the first little thing that happens.


Adopting a really positive attitude can work wonders to adding years to your life, a spring to your step, a sparkle to your eye, and all of that.


After the first miscarriage, I tried to take the attitude that it was my body’s way of telling me that this pregnancy wasn’t meant to be.


I think that ultimately your age is determined by your attitude. It’s not the number it’s not how many wrinkles you have on your face. It’s the energy that you project.


We decided to try in vitro, because both Peter and I felt we couldn’t handle another failure. When I miscarried after that, we had to come to terms with the possibility that this wasn’t meant to be.


My work makes me a better mom. It gives me a little door to step out of my parenting and bring the excitement from my day back home.


When doing sports… on the water, it’s crucial to stop aging by protecting your skin.


Some people think happiness is a luxury, but it’s a necessity. You need to make space for it in your life.


I really believe in the old expression that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. It’s through adversity that you find the strength you never knew you had.


No matter what your age is, you only have now. So it’s always about living in the moment and being in the moment… I refuse to let those numbers define me, and I just try to face each day positively.


I really believe that being flexible and grateful contributes a lot to your happiness, which contributes to your health and contributes to your look.


Every morning, I make myself a cappuccino with a drawing in the foam. I post them to Instagram with the hashtag #christiecappuccino.


I like coffee in the morning and decaf green tea throughout the day… When I was younger and modeling, to kick-start a diet I would do a juice cleanse.


At Thanksgiving, I always start at the top of my list and say I’m grateful for friends, family, and good health. Then I get more superficial… like being thankful for my Louboutins.


When you feel great, you emanate a certain energy that translates as beautiful. I don’t care if you have the standard beauty or not; it’s that X-factor that comes through, and the basis of that is good health.


We need to protect our wilderness areas and national parks. Everywhere you travel, you see blight, denuded mountains, logging. If people know what’s going on, they’ll become activists to safeguard those places.


Share your smile with the world. It’s a symbol of friendship and peace.


Smile. It instantly lifts the face, and it just lights up the room.


A smile is like an instant facelift and an instant mood lift.



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