Top 19 Vladimir Putin Quotes

If you want my personal attitude, I would tell you that I don’t care about a person’s sexual orientation.


How does one control weight? By not overeating. How does one stay in shape? One plays sports. There are no magic pills here.


Politics should not interfere with sports. And sports should impact politics.


As far as oligarchs who acquire sports team abroad, and invest money abroad, I wouldn’t treat this phenomenon as something bad.


The transfer of power is always a test of the constitutional system, a test of its strength.


Journalism, as concerns collecting information, differs little if at all from intelligence work. In my judgment, a journalist’s job is very interesting.


When the States already had nuclear weapons, and the Soviet Union was only building them, we got a significant amount of information through Soviet foreign intelligence channels.


Our military might is the guarantor of Russia’s security and independence.


The centuries-old history and culture of India, majestic architectural monuments and museums of Delhi, Agra and Mumbai have a unique attractive force.


We should not just consume hydrocarbon fuel but use it to develop nuclear energy, hydro power and renewable energy sources.


What is a uni-polar world? No matter how we beautify this term, it means one single centre of power, one single centre of force and one single master.


We are all different, but when we ask for the Lord’s blessings, we must not forget that God created us equal.


A considerable share of the world’s population still cannot afford comfortable housing, education and quality health care.


I think every person should have some faith inside him, in his heart. What matters is not an external display of this faith, but the inner state of the soul.


My working and personal relationship with President Obama is marked by growing trust. I appreciate this.


The task of the government is not only to pour honey into a cup, but sometimes to give bitter medicine.


My notion of the KGB came from romantic spy stories. I was a pure and utterly successful product of Soviet patriotic education.


At least in Russia, you cannot just go and tap into someone’s phone conversation without a warrant issued by court. That’s more or less the way a civilized society should go about fighting terrorism.


If there are people who act outside the law, then the state must use legal means to impose law in the interests of majority. That’s the way it’s done in the U.S., and that’s the way it’s done in Russia.



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