Top 19 Shelly Thacker Quotes

Mayhap it was not wise to question God’s plans; mayhap he had been meant to live, to seek this justice, to serve some purpose. The past was the past. And the future…


Beware, lion’s lady, for your predator is hungry tonight. He may not wait long before devouring you.” “Devouring me?” she asked, challenge gleaming in her eyes. “What if I devour him first?


Time. She had to go home. As soon as the lunar eclipse occurred in three weeks. Because if she stayed here, she would die. Either from the bullet in her back, or from the pain that was slowly sinking talons into her.


A fierce possessiveness gripped him, a need to brand her, to make her his, now and forever. And he knew it was madness.


The only thing that can hurt me now is the thought of never knowing this feeling again. To never be able to touch you this way again…


He watched her emerald eyes darken with need until they were the color of the Highland hills warmed by the summer sun.


At first, I did not tell you any of this because…you were not supposed to mean anything to me. And later…” His voice became rough with emotion. “Later, I did not tell you because you mean so much to me.


She lifted her chin and returned his unyielding gaze. “Do what you will.”His blue eyes darkened to the color of a moonlit sky. “You should be careful, milady, about issuing such an invitation.


Lauren closed her eyes, remembering how desperate she had been this morn in Chartres, how she had prayed for divine intervention to stop her wedding.She had never expected that intervention to be riding a black horse and wielding a sword.


She frowned at him. “Not every man thinks constantly of… of…”Darach grinned. “Aye, they do, demoiselle. Every man, from the time he is about ten until the day he dies, thinks frequently of that.


Camhanach, it is a bargain as old as the world itself.” He chuckled.”Women want protection…men want a willing lass to warm their bed.


They should put their clothes on if they could find them which might be difficult in the darkness.He decided that could wait until dawn.


What have I done?” he asked, his voice raw. “You used to be such a sane, sensible lady.””You took me on a journey into my own heart.


You have not known very many men.””I have no wish to know any others. I love this one.


As he looked at her, she felt that flood of restlessness that she now knew was called desire.


Now that you made me a knight again”, he said lightly, “I’ll have to keep my mind on certain knightly virtues like chastity.”Ciara could not remember that ever being a knightly virtue.


I’ve tried to deny it even to myself…My heart and soul are filled with you.


Ciara, there are certain things a man does not ask of a lady.””You are not asking.””Aye.


I would have asked you to let down your hair” turning to regard her with a grin, his teeth a slash of white in his blackened face.”But it is not quite long enough anymore.



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