Top 19 Awdhesh Singh Quotes

Even if you do nothing, say nothing and be nothing, there will still be many who will criticise you. It is much better to be criticised for success than be condemned for failures because success rids you of the many miseries of life.


The knowledge of the Spirit is the true secret of creativity, leadership and happiness. It is spiritual intelligence that makes an ordinary person a genius. When a genius loses his spiritual intelligence, he becomes quite ordinary.


A saint or monk can afford to be compassionate to all, but a leader or boss cannot always be kind. He may soon be without a job himself if he is unduly compassionate, and chances are, no one would show him any compassion then.


When a desire is deep, it reaches the subconscious mind and calls for cultivation of qualities that will help fulfill desires, and this is what transforms an ordinary person into a great leader.


Scriptures exhorted men to shun evil and become good—which seems to be an impossible task—since as soon as we try to add goodness in us, evil too gets added in us without our effort—almost automatically.


The very concept of evil challenges the wisdom of God because He would never create anything that is not desirable or not needed. Everything has been created in this world with a purpose.


People always have reason to hate, though they often may not find any reason for love.


A wise man thus seeks not a straight path, but one that is the shortest or most convenient. The idea is to reach your goal comfortably and quickly rather than wasting your time in finding ‘Which is the straightest path?


Intellectuals are rarely successful as leaders. They are so trapped in their ideals that they cannot venture out in the real world to win and lead.


Leaders are usually a reflection of the people they lead. How can a leader be moral if his people are immoral?


We praise our leaders when they act against our adversaries. But when our own interest is threatened, we begin to dislike the same leaders, irrespective of the sincerity of their intentions. An effective leader is bound to create enemies.


Hatred is the emotional price leaders must pay for getting love and honour.


A leader cannot avoid being hated. This hatred is directly proportional to his influence and power. A person who does not wish to be hated should avoid leadership roles.


A great leader is almost always a great follower for he knows what to learn and from whom.


You do not become a leader because people follow you. Rather, people tend to follow you because you have leadership qualities. The journey of leadership often starts alone.


Hatred is the price that society extracts from its leaders for the honour, power and wealth it bestows unto them.


Even if you do nothing, say nothing and be nothing, there will still be many who will criticize you. It is much better to be criticized for success than be condemned for failures because success rids you of the many miseries of life.


Love can be simply stated to be the desire of the human being to integrate oneself with other selves in such a way that one starts feeling the pain and pleasure of another person as if of one’s own.


Most people hate successful people for their small little faults rather than appreciating them for their great strengths.



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