Top 19 Anne Wojcicki Quotes

If we can actually decrease the failure rate from nine out of 10 drugs failing in clinical trials and instead have seven out of 10 instead failing, that is a major victory for drug discovery and for people having better therapy.


As a child, I had a teacher who told me, ‘Look, Anne, one person can’t make a difference.’


I think it is absolutely crazy in this day and age that I have to go through a trial and error method to see if my child is allergic to an antibiotic or peanuts. I should just know.


My perfect weekend is going for a walk with my family in the park. I don’t think there’s anything better.


Women who have been recently diagnosed with breast cancer can learn a tremendous amount from women who have already been treated.


I hope that Los Altos is one of the first cities to have self-driving cars, and if that’s true, well, awesome, because there’s a lot of parking lots that we could get rid of and use for parks. That would be amazing!


Making personalized medicine a reality will require a strong partnership between 23andMe and the physician and medical communities.


FDA clearance is an important step on the path towards getting genetic information integrated with routine medical care.


The paternalism of the medical industry is insane.


The FDA serves a real purpose: To protect public health.


Knowing your genetic health risks will help you make better decisions.


One of the best aspects of health care reform is it starts to emphasize prevention.


Part of the beauty of Silicon Valley is that people generally encourage you to think crazy. It’s the hypothesis that there’s nothing sacred that can’t be changed.


I first heard about ‘genes’ when I was six years old. At dinner one night, I heard my mom tell my sister, ‘It’s in your genes.’


I grew up with my mom being very, very cheap, so when it’s free, I’m like, ‘Oh my God, it’s free – I have to take as much as I can!’


One of the things that got me interested in genetics was the relationship between genes and environment. We are all dealt a certain deck of cards, but our environment can influence the outcomes.


I’m not going to change I’m very stubborn in this way. I am what I am.


The reality is that the only way change comes is when you lead by example.


It’s worth knowing more about the complicated environmental and genetic factors that could explain why traumatic brain injuries lead to long-term disabilities in some people and not in others.



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