Top 18 A.D. Aliwat Quotes

There really is nothing like firsthand knowledge if it’s mine.


You can be whoever you want to be. Sometimes all it takes is a little inspiration and effort.


I hate pretty much everyone almost as much as I love myself.


Sometimes it’s nice to remember the little things.


I know my kids will be incredible, just not as great as me.


Since humans are social animals, you’re basically only as good as your reputation.


I was nine when I figured out it’s better to be respected than liked.


I’m pretty much the definition of an American Hero.


It wasn’t really acceptable to be single for more than a week, two tops, if you were cool in junior high.


I make 2+2=5, and I get to keep the remaining 1 that’s not really there. I truly am a Master of the Universe. I don’t just do “God’s work,” as our CEO once put it, it’s more like I’ve actually become a god myself.


Being an investment banker is pretty much the perfect job for an all around triple-threat genius, and because I’m doing so well with it, I know I’m actually smarter than certifiable geniuses like Stephen Hawking and Einstein.


Alphas, like Scarface, can be drug dealers, but it’s still a little grimy.


Short guys with attitudes always just kind of made me laugh, like small, yippy dogs.


The kinds of jobs a fifteen-and-a-half-year-old can get are not worth doing. They pay shit and suck.


Worse than getting kicked out of your slot to go on to a winning season is to lead during a losing one. Nobody wants to be king of the losers.


There’s a reason why the Super Bowl is watched way more than the NBA Finals and World Series.


If I seem better than you, you like me more. If you feel you have no chance with me, you like me more.


Not caring is absolute freedom, and if you own it, all the way, it emits supreme confidence.



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