Top 178 Abdulazeez Henry Musa Quotes

It is better to have someone that likes you and makes you happy than to have someone that loves you and makes you unhappy.


True love is about appreciating each other unconditionally regardless of our title or position.


One of the best things I learned from my parents was to be HONEST and work HARD!


The power to shape your destiny lies in your strength to take control of your thoughts, abilities and actions.


A challenge only makes you stronger, wiser and a better person than you was yesterday.


Anything in life is possible when you work hard to achieve it.


Don’t do things to point out your weaknesses, do things to point out your strength.


Appreciate yourself for who you’re not for what you’re.


One of the golden rules of success is to treat everything like a competition.


The greatest gift you can ever give yourself is to believe in oneself.


If you rely on others to accomplish something in life, you’ll end up accomplishing nothing.


If you keep taking an approach that continues to lead you over and over again to the same result, you just have to take a total new different approach to get to your desired result”.


You will never know how much progress you’ve made in life until you go back and start from the very beginning”.


What makes you successful is other peoples’ success”.


Everything in life is possible only when you set your priorities straight”.


Every day is a new day and every sunrise brings hope to the hopeless”.


No matter what you do always strive to be the best”.


Your level of self-confidence in life is determined by the whole quality of your life”.


It is ok to make mistakes in life as long as you try again”.


The power of turning your life around lays in your ability to unleash your personal powers to accomplish it”.


To be the best in whatever you’re doing you need to have a master plan”.


The challenges you are passing through today, are only preparing you for your success tomorrow”.


Never ever allow your present predicament to alter your goals in life”.


Never take your loved ones for granted. You might lose them in a split of second and never got a chance to say good-bye.


Our life experiences only teaches us but not break us.


It is not what we do but how we feel doing what we do that matters.


There is no amount of love that is worth the life of a child.


I might not be the most intelligent one amongst my peers but with the little knowledge I acquired over the years, I was able to give back to the society that has made me the man I have become today”.


Just because you’re not successful doesn’t mean you can’t be successful.


Success lies not in our strength but our ability to do the right thing.


The gate to success lies in your ability to unlock it.


Success is a mind-set. If you think you can’t achieve something, then you won’t but if you believe you can achieve something, then nothing will stand in your way.


The road to success is often paid with so many sacrifices.


Determination and focus is all it takes to achieve success.


Success is obtained from failure. It is the one that learn that triumph”.


When you deprive yourself of happiness, you deprive yourself your sense of being.


Happiness is a necessity. It’s not a thing money can buy but a feeling that comes from within.


Don’t let your mood or happiness be dictated by the judgement of others but stay true to that you believe in because you’re the architect of your own happiness.


Happiness is not just a smile on the face but a joy from within.


Happiness is not in the amount of money we make ……it is in the good things we do to better mankind.


Happiness is a journey that starts with you. If you can’t find it within you, it will be logically impossible for you to make others around you happy.


The value of friendship is based on a solid underline friendship.


Friendship is not just about having fun, it’s about supporting each other in time of weakness.


It is better to have just one friend that adds value to your life than having a million friends that add no value to your life.


Attitude is a game changer. It either makes you or breaks you.


Life is like business. It’s 20% what happens to you and 80% how you respond”.


Customer is a very important key factor that every establishment big or small MUST recognize in other to succeed.


Business succeed when friends and relatives pays their bills promptly.


I’d rather be close to those that tell me the truth as it is than being around those that lie straight to my face knowing I’m worth the truth.


If you’re very passionate about your dream – chase it. It’s attainable.


The less negative people you associate yourself with……the more positive your life becomes.


Nothing is too late. It is only too late when you’ve completely given up.


You can make your dreams come true only when you work hard and be willing to put your effort behind your dreams.


Never settle for anything less… …Always be comfortable in your own skin.


When you are in the presence of someone whose seed is in you, you’ve to cultivate that seed and make sure that seed depict you.


We live in a world where our dreams are blocked by those invisible fences we carry in our mind. The only way you can succeed is to get rid of those invisible fences that are holding you back from achieving your dreams.


Don’t be afraid to let go of your past……it’s only but a distraction to your present.


If your life means nothing to anyone, it does mean a lot to you and that’s what is important.


Life can often be a competition and your greatest opponent is yourself.


Greatness is when you inspire others, motivate others and encourage others to live in harmony”.


There’s nothing that brings peace to the mind like joy.


In life, you can either hate yourself or like yourself. If you choose to hate yourself, your life will be miserable and if you choose to like yourself, there is no limit to what you can accomplish.


Apology means nothing without change, you have to follow it up with action.


One of life’s greatest lessons is learning from our own mistakes.


What divide us are not our Differences but our prejudicial attitudes towards others.


It is better to be the weird one than the one people say negative things about.


Every choice you make today is the choice you’re going to live with. So, make the best choices.


When you allow your past to define your present, you’re setting yourself up for future disaster.


There is nothing quite so comforting like being part of a community.


Our best advice in life usually comes from someone we least expect.


Persistently worrying yourself over what life throws at you never makes it better but deters you from your set goals in life.


Battles are won by those who never give up the fight.


If we are all equal before God… …Who are you to judge?


We cannot change our ugly past but we can make a better present.


We are all responsible for the choices we make in life.


If things are built on a poor foundation, there is absolutely nothing there”.


Our greatest threats never come from strangers but those closer to us”.


To deal with life and her many challenges, you have to have thick skin like a rhinoceros”.


Don’t waste your time with people you know are only out to use you!


It is very easy for us to make choices in life but the most difficult part is to follow those choices through “.


Life is full of risks. But only takes a great mind to make the right decisions”.


It is difficult to make the right choices in life, so it’s better to take it one step at a time”.


Religion is a tool used by wicked people to twist other people into doing the things they want them to do”.


Wise men verifies the truth of what they heard, foolish men makes conclusion based on what they heard”.


Live wisely amongst those who doubts your abilities”.


Progress does take time, it doesn’t matter how slowly or fast you go, it will sure come”.


True honor celebrates people for who they’re not for what they’re”.


Our past is never too far away but always a constant reminder”.


One of the worst things you can ever think of is not feeling excited about the future”.


Greatness is judged not by the negative things we say but the positive things we do”.


Our perception is only but a vivid imagination of our thoughts”.


There is nothing more valuable than the value you place on yourself”.


Life is all about doing what you feel is best for you”.


Life is a very scary reality; you just have to keep moving ahead, doing what you do”.


The face of an innocent child is just a mask; if not properly taken care of, a beast can just be unleashed”.


As you strive to attain greater success in life, never forget to brace yourself for the worse”.


A true champion is one that accepts defeat the same manner he accepts winning”.


Decency is judged by our actions not by our words”.


We live in an unpredictable society where anything or anyone can go wrong”.


An ugly woman that honors you is better than a beautiful woman that dishonors you”.


One of the greatest challenges a man can ever phase in life is the denial and inability to try new things beyond what he already know”.


The difference between a rich man and a poor man is that; a rich man only thinks of how to spend money while a poor man, thinks of how to make money”.


There’s no good feeling like having those you love behind you”.


It only takes luck to make the right choices in life”.


Energy spent to worry is a total lose. It is a down payment you’ve made without any return”.


Freedom is the most valuable asset anyone can ever acquire in life”.


Life is too short to waste your precious time on things that are of no value to your existence”.


The only friend you can ever have that understands you better than anyone else is you”.


Confidence isn’t about strength but ones ability to stand the test of time”.


A true friend is like a soldier that never abandons his partner alone in the battle field”.


Our stride for success is the beginning of wisdom”.


You can get through anything that life throws at you”.


No matter how hard you try, you can’t please everyone”.


The world is a stage where we come to play and go.


He who misleads others in other to succeed in life will definitely be misled at his post of success”.


Bullies are packed animals, when one fuels the fire others follow.


People who love God or fear God never lie before neither God nor His creation”.


We all have a second chance in life to make up for the first.


The thin line between good and evil lays in the decisions we make”.


There is no limit or borderline to achieving whatever you are set-out to achieve in life”.


Stress is not about carrying the burden yourself but, failure to set your priorities straight”.


When you commit a crime always remember that, the police are always very happy to be your friend”.


Everybody has a breaking point; the fact is, you don’t know where it is until you get there”.


The legacy we leave behind should be better than the legacy we inherited”.


Never allow your present situation deprive you from your happiness”.


Life isn’t about been brave but doing what you have to do to survive”.


Life is like a video game; sometimes you win, sometimes you lose”.


Your challenge in life does not define you but only refines you”.


No matter how bright your future seems you can never forget about the past”.


You never get somewhere, without starting from somewhere”.


Nothing is difficult; nothing is easy, all we need to do is work for it.


Our fears are illusions created by the mind of the beholder”.


Word, when you give it power that’s what it holds”.


Let’s not judge people by the color of their skin but those who makes us feel we are different from each other”.- Abdulazeez Henry Musa.


Politics is a game where only the strong survive”.


A true leader is one who accepts defeat in the same way he accepts winning.


Our strive to succeed in life is an endless journey until we are called to our final resting place”.


Mothers are irreplaceable treasure, you can always have a step-mother but never in life can you ever have another mother”.


Any child that wants special attention is arrogant”.


Our lust for earthly and material things marks the Genesis of our destruction.


Any man that hits a woman no matter the circumstances, he’s no man”.


People can never identify with you until they see a future in you”.


There’s no melody in life that is sweeter than the sound of success and accomplishment.


Our ability to study is not a discipline but a gift”.


There’s nothing more uplifting like the joy of waking up every morning knowing your family is safe from the perils of our society”.


Our success in life should be measured by the level of change you impart on the lives of the needy not by the amount of wealth you acquire”.


The choices we make today determines the future of our tomorrow.


No matter the amount of knowledge and wisdom you acquire in life, you can never be wiser than wise itself.


Where we are going to is closer than where we are coming from.


The road to success in life is never an individual battle but a collective effort.


We always seek to find the enemy when in reality, the enemy is really us”.


Never underestimate the pains of others but consider yourself lucky.


There are two things in life I never discuss, Religion and Politics. That is the only way one can have a serene life.


The world is a stage where people come to play their own part and leave, your contribution to making the world a much better place matters.


Life is all about how you take yourself to the other end that makes or breaks you.


It is wise for people to learn how to control their emotions instead of allowing it to overwhelm them and making them behaves irrational.


There is no one in the world that can best understand you the way you understand yourself. It only take you to make the best of you.


The reality of life is that, your friends can deny you, your family can deny you but God will never deny you.


When you fail to educate a child, you are storing him up for a future disaster.” – Abdulazeez Henry Musa.


Education is the best gift you can ever give to your child. Educate your child wisely and smartly.


The only thing that can create discord between friends is money and women.


The irony of life is we live to work and work to live


He who destroys another person to succeed in life will have destruction awaiting him at the post of his success.


A man without a wife is like a house without a roof.” – Abdulazeez Henry Musa.


An unfaithful wife is like a cloth in an open marketplace.


The world that we live in is made up of two phases, the real world and the fantasy world


Never make decisions you will live to regret later in the near future.


Always learn to take responsibility for your actions.


To be at peace with the world, you must first find peace in yourself.


The reality about life is that challenges are inevitable.


The future of our society today lies in the legacy we leave behind for our children.


No matter how many times you’ve been told no, you can do something or make it happen if you really want it badly because life is all about who delivers when you get out there”.


Good leadership isn’t about what you say but what you do.


A good leader is known by ‘his qualities’ not ‘his authorities’.


Be a leader with exceptional qualities, not deceptive qualities”.


Failure is allowing your fears to make the best of you.


Failure is inevitable. It teaches us things about ourselves that we could have learnt any other way.


When it comes to changing your life; there’s only one thing you’ve to change, that is everything.



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