Top 17 K. Martin Beckner Quotes

Initially they waited with hope, but as each hour passed, hope slipped away like the wind, the wind that as a small boy Ethan had once tried to capture with his tiny fingers.


She chose the attractive room, not noticing the cloven hoof exposed beneath the ornate curtains. That decision has surely haunted her every day since, finally catching up to her.


The world to him no longer seemed a math equation but rather a complex piece of art, a masterpiece of things not easily understood.


That scream left her mouth and entered my head, where it’s been ever since, sometimes waking me up at night.


I’ve left behind so many unfinished quilts in my life, beautiful pieces of dreams and intentions never fully assembled.


You can lock a lion up in a room, if you want to, but you’ll still hear it growling and clawing to get out.


But forever was a useless term, relevant only for the dead.


Miss Green can call a turd a rose if she wants, but that don’t mean people’s going to be lining up to smell it.


As a very young person, I was ready and willing to explore and try new things, unhampered by the daily routines that adults so often feel obligated to adhere to.


It’s a wonder Hell don’t open up and swallow her as the highlight of the service.


You’ll never avoid every mistake. All you can do is try to do your best and live with the consequences.


Stephanie took another puff from her candy cigarette, reached into her purse, brought out the rest of the pack, and said, “Want one of these damned cigarettes?


That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of. I think I would have more fun chopping thistles with a butter knife.


I could just hear my mom now, “You know those old candy cigarettes are bad for you. Next thing you know, you’ll be drinking alcohol, and they’ll find you dead in a ditch somewhere. I’ll never be able to show my face in this town again.


I hope you learn how to slow down and not let your life pass you by while you’re watching the idiot box. Life’s short, and one day you’ll wake up and look in the mirror and realize you look like King Tut.


I wanted to go in and tell them that, but George thought it would just be stirring up some trouble, you know, stirring up the cow pile. A cow pile may looked dried up, but if you stir it up, it can start to stink again.


People create all kind of fancy watches and clocks, never stopping to realize they’re building monuments to the greatest of all thieves.



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