Top 17 Jeffrey Tucker Quotes

Why anarchy? Because anything less would be uncivilized.


People and institutions that refuse to admit error eventually discredit themselves.


The instant that any government obtains a monetary printing press, it becomes a deeply dishonest government, empowered to rob people by stealth. A government with the power to print money knows no limits.


Recall that the minimum wage was initially conceived as a method to exclude undesirables from the workforce.


Ultimately, all arguments against markets are arguments against anarchy. Marx understood this much, at least.


When the state itself is held to the same moral standards as everyone else, it dies. And that’s a wonderful thing.


In the same way that central banking nearly wrecked the world and created one calamity after another, bitcoin can save the world one transaction at a time.It is time for a new beginning.


Someone asked me the other day if I believe in conspiracies. Well, sure. Here’s one. It is called the political system. It is nothing if not a giant conspiracy to rob, trick and subjugate the population.


No one wants their stuff stolen. No one wants their physical person harmed. If you understand the implications of those two truths, you can come to see the egregious moral and practical problems of a state-managed society.


People who can’t imagine order without imposition always end up favoring power over liberty.


Freedom is the foundation for all wonderful things in life.


The goal of intellectual life should be to see and understand what is true, not merely to adhere to a prevailing orthodoxy.


A person who says “every person has a right to a decent education” may not actually mean “people should be robbed to support bad schools” or “all children should be forced into a prison-like building for 12 years.


80s music sounds so 80s now. But in the 80s, it just sounded like music.


We really don’t get all the government we pay for, and thank goodness. Lord protect us on the day that we do.


The government never minds having more power, and is always prepared to paper over the problems it creates. An economy not bludgeoned by powerful elites is the ideal we should seek, even if it has a name that is wildly unpopular: capitalism


The market economy is delivering miracles by the minute and yet we hardly notice or care; worse, we denounce the realization of this dream of all of history, this coming of heaven on earth and call it decadent and dangerous.



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