Top 17 George Takei Quotes

Pioneering is never done in front of cheerleaders urging on a roaring grandstand of popular approval.


Humor is a powerful tool, and some of these politicians are so far out and easy to lampoon. They just provide such delicious opportunity.


I do find things funny. When you see life through the eyes of someone with a good sense of humor, which my grandmother did, life is a human comedy.


When I was a very young actor, I cruised around in a pretty cool vehicle called the Starship Enterprise.


One of the gifts of ‘Star Trek’ is my professional work colleagues have become my lifelong friends.


‘Star Trek’ is about acceptance, and the strength of the Starship Enterprise is that it embraces diversity in all its forms.


As my audience grew more diverse, I started interjecting social justice advocacy and commentaries about LGBT equality, and it just kept growing more.


I do think that Japan will be one of the nations that have equality, and that, too, will serve as an example for other Asian nations.


The arc of our history is toward more equality being expanded to more and more people.


My grandmother lived to 104 years old, and part of her success was she woke up every morning to a brand new day. She said every morning is a new gift. Her favorite hobby was collecting birthdays.


What is important is the reliability of my posts being there to greet my fans with a smile or a giggle every morning. That’s how we keep on growing.


STAR TREK is a show that had a vision about a future that was positive.


At the core of ‘Star Trek’ is Gene Roddenberry’s vision of the future. So much of science-fiction is about a dystopian society with human civilization having crumbled. He had an affirmative, shining, positive view of the future.


I’d like to think that, when I explain it, that Mr. Trump will understand marriage is defined by two people who love each other, commit to each other, and will care for each other through thick and thin.


We were American citizens. We were incarcerated by our American government in American internment camps here in the United States. The term ‘Japanese internment camp’ is both grammatically and factually incorrect.


People want to start their day off with a smile or, better yet, a guffaw.


I’m proud of my relationship with ‘Star Trek’! ‘Star Trek’ is a show that I am philosophically compatible with.



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