Top 17 G.K. Dutta Quotes

Nowadays LOVE and GOD has become a tool for franking people. So beware of being used.


I hate you, not because you broke my heart but because you broke my trust.


Be kind for as much as you can, but when you feel your limits are being pushed, and the thing inside you begin to stir. Warn them once about it and if they still do not listen. Then, unleash the dragon they pinched.


Your actions prove your efficiency and your lip service proves your inability.


You can only destroy something that I have but you can’t destroy something that I am.


Give one of your smiles, its costs nothing… but enrich others life to dream more.


It’s very easy to blame others, but very difficult to prove your ability.


How much you know it’s depending upon your action not in your lip service.


Your actions prove you efficiency and your lip service proves your inability.


My death was written in that day when I was born, That is why I don’t fear about to die. I just fear that when I die who will cry?


Don’t disappoint anyone by telling them that they are weak enough to fight for their rights. Encourage them by telling that they are strong enough to fight for their rights. Because they want your support not your sympathy.


Prime vision of my life is to help others. And if I can’t help them, atleast I do not try to disappoint them.


My weakness is that I care so much!!! She knew my weakness and USED ME as long as she wants!


Always forgive the person, who hurts you, because they are sick inside. But never forgive the person, who insults your love, because they are hell inside.


Most of the people want to be a leader of winners, but I want to be a leader of losers because losers are the people who truly know the value of winning and they also know how to use and respect it.


Every god creature has a “Life Cycle” and we all worth it as our right but my question is that who is more innocent, Human Being or Animal Being?


The only way to know the honesty of any person is to love them without desire.



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