Top 15 Shannon Wiersbitzky Quotes

I’ve noticed that houses take on the personality of the people who live in them. I’m not sure how it happens, but they become alive in some way, as if they have their own spirit.


Being forgiven is like having all the worst bits of yourself stuffed into a balloon and then having that balloon set free.


The fear of losing someone you love can turn people inside out.


It’s funny how even when you’ve lived with someone your whole life, they can still surprise you.


It’s harder to hate someone when they like the same ice cream as you.


Memories are powerful that way. They can bring a person back to another place and time and make them laugh or cry all over again.


Sunshine is helpful for thinking. It warms up the brain cells.


Memories are powerful that way. They can bring back to another place and time and make them laugh or cry all over again.


There’s comfort in hearing a voice when the world is silent.


It’s hard not to smile when you’re going eyeball to eyeball with a frosted chocolate cupcake.


Good storytellers are always ready for the next question.


They don’t have classes on bravery in middle school. If they did I’d have signed up. It would have been helpful to learn how to stare down what I feared most and not blink.


There’s no accounting for the opinions of old ladies. They think everyone is cute.


There is nothing in the world more pathetic than a bunch of wilted dandelions.


I’m not sure why, but when a person expects something to last forever, they don’t notice the little things. It’s only when the clock is ticking all those little things add up and become bigger.



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