Top 15 Nikki Sixx Quotes

Selling my soul would be a lot easier if I could just find it.


Friends tell each other what nobody else is willing to tell you.


I am pushing you, even if it’s off a cliff, to create. Write that book, that song; pore over the concept of redecorating your life. I meet people all the time who say they’re not creative. Bullshit, motherfuckers, you are creative.


I just think if I can go from being a homeless kid with a dream of being in the biggest band in the world and making that happen, I can do a lot of other cool stuff, too.


If your album sells, that’s cool, more people find out about you, more people get turned on to what we’re really about-which is a live rock and roll band.


Reflecting back, we all make mistakes; we all go through our stuff – relationships, financial, all kinds of stuff – and if you can grow from that and pass that message on, it’s a pretty cool thing.


It’s really cool to know that there are so many people out there that are attached to me or projects that I’ve done to really feel that it’s a personal relationship.


Nothing that Robert Plant does will ever equal Led Zeppelin, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to stop being creative. Jimmy Page has so many incredibly cool projects, but it’s not Led Zeppelin; there will only ever be one Led Zeppelin.


The music industry is saying, This is the format, and if you’ll fit into this format, you can be on radio, and if radio will play you, MTV will expose you, and MTV will expose you, we’ll sell records.


I love Starbucks. Maybe that’s a bit sad. But I definitely need my caffeine. It’s what gets me out of bed in the morning.


I love the way my tattoos look. I especially love Japanese-style tattoos and being completely sleeved by them, so it’s not just these little individual and unrelated pieces, but everything’s working together to create a larger design.


Beauty, to me, is kind, generous, and people that are humble.


I forgive my mom for being a psycho and my dad for being a loser.


My mom, you know, took off when I was about 6. What ended up happening is I ended up being with my grandparents.


I know some people who’ve gotten tattoos that they probably shouldn’t have, like the name of somebody they were dating, and that never ends well.



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