Top 146 Gift Gugu Mona Quotes

It is wise to admit one’s wrongs because it creates room for correction.


I will always appreciate those who made me go through rough times because without those, I wouldn’t have the wisdom and power that lies within me now.


From the sadness, learn something; from the happiness, learn something. From the setback, learn something and even from the success learn something. Never stop learning from any situation in life, for that is where the wisdom lies.


I understand why King Solomon asked for wisdom from God. For wisdom is like oil to a lamp, what would be the essence of having a lamp without oil in darkness?.


Never stop dreaming, wake up and chase your dreams.


Right now I may not have it all, but I know my future is bright because as long as I live there is hope for my situation.


Never underestimate the power of Faith because when nothing seems possible, Faith makes it possible.


Never let fear control you, let faith take control.


Faith is when you choose to trust the Lord, even when there’s a lot at stake.


Trials are a measure of your faith, so be courageous when going through trials in life.


Never underestimate the power of Faith because when nothing seems impossible, Faith makes it possible.


God has been FAITHFUL to me, that why I have FAITH in Him.


God has been FAITHFUL to me, He still is and always will be; that’s why I have FAITH in Him.


Sometimes you should ask yourself if the world would be a better place without your existence, then you would know if you are on the right path or not.


There are some people who may be good yet toxic for you, so be careful of who you surround yourself with.


The best investment to make an impact on others, because even when you’re dead money alone will not bury you.


Some choices will either make you perish or prosper, choose properly.


Time is often wasted by those who don’t understand that time is worth more than money because when lost, money can be regained but time cannot.


You know it is a broken society when people fear each other more than they fear wild animals.


You will not find joy out of fear, therefore eliminate every component of fear in your life if joy is what you need.


Do not fear to give yourself a chance that will change you for the better.


Great leaders do not fear challenges, because challenges don’t break leaders but sharpens them.


Avoid fear because it will blind you from seeing God’s purpose about your life and limit your potential.


Life is worthwhile when you walk on a path aligned to your purpose.


I will not cease to walk in the direction towards my purpose, even if it means constantly walking on a bumpy road.


When people reject you, don’t be discouraged, because you can still fulfill your God given purpose without them. Remember that your destiny is not tied to any human being, but designed specially for you, by your Creator.


You will have to defy the odds, for you to be extraordinary.


You will have to defy the odds, for you to become extraordinary.


It is reasonable to reason with God because when you only rely on human reasoning, you will be diverted from your purpose.


People who know their worth understand the power of their own words.


The reason why we need love more than street lights is because love illuminates the world, no matter the time of day. Where there is no love, even with street lights on, the world would still be lost in the darkness of hatred.


Don’t expect too much from people who don’t even have respect for themselves.


The reason why people do not have price tags is, because life is priceless.


People should avoid hatred at all costs, because not only does it affect the hater’s health; it also prevents them from enjoying the goodness of love.


The most progressive approach to life is to discuss ideas than people.


Do not distance yourself from the people who need you most today, because tomorrow you will need them the most.


Any leadership that is observant and committed to its people, will always find better ways to solve problems.


Do not distance yourself from people who need you most today, because tomorrow you will need them the most.


Do not surrender your dreams based on the seasonality, chase them until they become a reality.


When people don’t understand the meaning of freedom in their lives, they will continue to live as if they’re still oppressed.


The beauty of being alive is that each day you are given another chance to correct what you did wrong and improve on what you can do right.


Poverty should first be addressed in the mind because even if you give millions to a poor person, until there’s a change of mindset, they will still remain the same.


No matter how bitter the truth is, the beauty is that it liberates.


It is so much easier to honour the leaders who are honourable.


When you strive for excellence in leadership, then you will excel as a leader.


Any leadership that disempowers its followers cannot be entrusted to lead.


Leaders should never look down on the people who put them into power because every leadership requires followers.


Poverty deprives humanity of the basic necessities to live a meaningful life.


Humanity is when the society is able to care, protect and value one another.


The most rewarding times are those spent in changing lives for the sake of humanity.


When at work, be diligent because there are many people who wish they had your job, but they couldn’t since you are the one who got.


Peace is a very powerful approach than war, choose peace when solving any problem in the world.


When in trouble, run to God. When in pain, dwell in His presence. When you don’t know what to say or do, ask God and for every moment praise God. He is always by your side!


I almost thought that marriage was a cure to loneliness, alas! so many are lonely inside marriage. Then I realized it’s not marriage that takes the loneliness away, but when both within marriage honour God and the vows made before Him.


Since marriage is for two people, it is difficult to remain in it when one person steps out of it.


Any marriage can last forever, as long as both partners remain committed to their vows.


You know you are alone in marriage when your spouse is ignorant of your daily needs.


I realized that marriage is not only about exchanging vows, but it’s about two people who equally make a continuous effort to honour their vows.


Every day you have a new chapter to write about your journey of life. As you write that chapter, do it so well such that when others read it; you would still be proud of yourself.


It is the best investment to make an impact on others, because even when you’re dead money alone will not bury you.


Prayer is not a court hearing, so when you pray don’t aim to prove before God how others wronged you; because He knows every heart already.


Every time you hurt my heart, you are actually making it stronger than before.


You are the sole owner of your heart, so be careful of whom you give access to.


We all want to look good, but genuine goodness is in the heart.


It is not the Church name that matters, but a Christ like character from every Christian that makes a difference.


Prayer and fasting is what every Christian needs because prayer empowers you while fasting humbles you to be a better child of God.


Powerful leaders use their position of power to empower others.


Prayer is a phenomenal tool for power, prudence and prosperity.


I am thankful to God everyday for the Gift of Life because even if I were the richest in the world, I still wouldn’t afford to buy Life.


Be thankful for every mountain, because it’s the mountaintop that will give you best view of the world.


Sometimes you will do good things and not get an acknowledgement for it. Don’t let that dishearten you, the world is a better place with your good deeds.


One day I asked God to move the mountain ahead of me, but he said no because he wanted me to experience the joy of being on a mountain top.


We need to protect and care for our children because when society fails to protect its children, there will be no one else to learn from.


It’s amazing to be a woman because even without children of your own, you can still be an excellent mother.


Motherhood has taught me that love is the best gift you can ever give to your children.


The problem with our society today is that when things fall apart we do remember to call upon the Lord, but when God answers our prayers we are too quick to exclude Him from those answered prayers.


The weakness of one man is the strength of another, hence we all are different for a reason.


Strength is not determined by the looks, but action.


When you surround yourself with dramatic people, your life will be driven by drama instead of destiny.


My life doesn’t bore me, because I know its worth. So when I let you be part of it, ensure you add value and not attempt to devalue it; or else you can never be part of my future.


I may not have had a great background, but I am grateful because nothing could have prepared me for the future than the past I’ve been through.


Words have an immeasurable impact, they can either build or destroy so be careful of your words.


Words are powerful, so use every word wisely to create a better world.


There is a huge difference between those who follow Christ by words only and those who do so by action. The latter will always let you experience the steadfast love of God whenever you come into contact with them.


Pray for others because others are selflessly praying for you as well.


Every challenge presents a good chance for learning something new.


You know you walk in the light when the enemy keeps reminding you of your past mistakes, because the enemy’s role is to derail into darkness.


Remember that whatsoever you desire, God is the most dependable provider.


Even when told to trust no one, the truth is, no one feels comfortable around people they cannot trust.


You will find it possible to forgive when you realize that forgiveness is a remedy to self.


Forgiveness is the best way to disempower the enemy.


Learn to be your own best friend first then you will find true happiness, because happiness is from within.


No one should ever be allowed to make you feel unworthy of becoming wealthy. Your wealth lies mainly upon your understanding of your worth.


You will not live the life of royalty, if you don’t understand the meaning of loyalty.


God will let you into the battlefield so you can understand the meaning of victory.


Always distance yourself from gossip, because it is the worst form of self-disruption.


Leaders should never alienate themselves from the poor, if their main aim is to alleviate poverty.


You can never escape God’s Grace because as you run from it, you run to it.


Be cautious of every motive behind any action, because not every smile is genuine; sometimes it’s just a grin.


The word of God is more powerful when put into action than when only spoken.


It is very sad to see children live like orphans whilst their parents are still alive. After all, children need the constant love of parents.


I still believe in miracles, because being alive is a miracle on its own.


There can be no one better than yourself, so be the best version of you because no one is born to represent another.


Real love does not hurt, but the rotten lies about love can cause you to hate love.


Never underestimate the power within you, because you may be the only person in the entire universe to solve a specific problem.


Had I not gone through my past struggles, I wouldn’t be as strong as I am at present.


The reason we have choices in life, is so we don’t blame anyone for the consequences of our decisions.


Although it’s good to have talent, character is so much important because bad character is an enemy of great talent.


Better things will follow you when you do good things to others.


Humility is the acknowledgement that without God you wouldn’t have made it thus far.


Gratitude will make you feel great, choose to be grateful.


I choose to say it is well even when it is not, because in every situation I find myself in, I still learn from it.


Gratitude does not mean the absence of solitude, but the presence of a positive attitude in spite of.


Validate yourself and know that you can achieve great things.


It’s disheartening that most Christians will still miss Heaven because Christians today have forgotten that Heaven is meant for those who declare Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, then confirm that declaration with action


Great leaders think beyond yesterday, deal with the issues of today and focus on addressing the problems of tomorrow.


The reason why I smile even in the midst of the storm is because I know that Jesus Christ will carry me through.


When you wake up each morning, remember to live as though it were your last day on earth, because you never know if it’s going to be.


You weren’t born to be a spectator of others while they live life to the fullest. You too were born to make the world a better place, so put your talents into good use.


No matter how rich you can ever be! The greatest wealth is in loving yourself and fulfilling your God-Given purpose on earth.


Leaders can set targets as high as they like, but when followers are not aware of the vision in place; it may just be another futile endeavor.


The right vision to a wrong person is like the right seed to wrong soil.


Never attempt to take your own or somebody else’s life because someday you will account for that.


When you run your own race, don’t worry about the next person’s pace; mind yours, after all this is your own race not theirs.


Every leader has a right to lead followers in the right direction and the responsibility to empower them to achieve much more.


Great leaders do not shift responsibility even if it means acknowledging their own failures.


Rather be alone, than being with someone who is aloof.


Empowerment is the most effective and sustainable way to improve the lives of others.


The success of any country relies on the commitment of its leaders to serve others.


Don’t stop searching for opportunities until opportunities find you.


It is always wonderful to see how beautiful other people’s hearts can be.


There are some lessons you can never find in a classroom, hence you need to learn from every person and every situation that you encounter.


Some want more than they need, and others think they need more than they want. That’s why we have so many greedy people who can’t share with the poor.


Do not risk your life for someone who does not care about you.


When faced with trials, pray so that you cannot be the trial yourself.


When I look back at where I come from, I realize it’s for a good reason that God changed my life.


Visionaries see beyond the boundaries of an eyesight.


You find your greatest joy the moment when you discover your purpose in life.


You should love yourself to an extent where you can’t let anyone take advantage of you, no matter who they are.


I like visionaries because they choose to see the best in the worst of situations.


Whatever you say or do, remember there’s always someone watching you.


Remember that it is quicker to destroy than build, so be careful of what you do even with your own tongue.


Today is the best time to do what you couldn’t do yesterday, because tomorrow might be too late.


Oh! Lord should I forget anything, never let me forget that without you I am nothing.


It is better to wait until you get the right thing, at the right time and in the right place; than to race for the wrong thing, at the wrong time and in the wrong place, for it yields nothing but disgrace.


Wise people do not claim to know it all, they always choose to learn from others.



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