Top 14 Pete Townshend Quotes

The Who got paid 4000 pounds during those days, but we always smashed our equipment that cost more than 5000 pounds.


Nothing else in nature behaves so consistently and rigidly as a human being in pursuit of hell.


I heard in my own voice the tulmult of a young man playig a role, uneasily, repackaging black R&B music from America, relying on gimmicky outfits, and pretending to be wild & free when in reality he needed to be looked after by his mother.


I am growing old of course, but I am still in the early stages of disintegration, and regarded as just about cool enough by some fashionable young ppl to be permitted to think aloud.


Wiggy & I were drug buddies. There is no tighter compact for friendship. There is no greater potential for deceit.


I slept badly that night, my vivid dreams populated by ghosts. As much as it revived ailing spirits in day light, the fizzy energy of NY seemed to feed on human frailty at night.


Barriers were being torn down. Where Freddie Mercury was trying to keep his homosexuality from the front pages, Boy George was openly & outrageously gay.


His broken heart was unfeeling, like shattered glass in an acid bath.


All good art cannot help but confront denial on its way to truth.


The problem for me, still today, is that I write purely with one dramatic structure and that is the rite of passage. I’m not really skilled in any other. Rock and roll itself can be described as music to accompany the rite of passage.


I have terrible hearing trouble. I have unwittingly helped to invent and refine a type of music that makes its principal proponents deaf.


In order to have faith, or follow any other organized religion, I’d have to suspend a degree of disbelief.


Even modern English people are imperious, superior, ridden by class. All of the hypocrisy and the difficulties that are endemic in being British also make it an incredibly fertile place culturally. A brilliant place to live. Sad but true.


I have to say that anger is the blanket that comes around me, and that blunts and blurs my sense of proportion.



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