Top 14 Darren Main Quotes

Like the tightly closed eyelids of a child trying to escape the reprimand of a parent, there is a part of the mind that needs to shut down in the face of an internal dialogue that is steeped in guilt, shame, and self-loathing.


Meditation alone cannot heal the world, but it can and does speed up the healing process.


Jesus wisely counseled his followers to search for the kingdom of heaven within themselves; but to go within, one needs a door, a key, and the courage to turn the knob. Spiritual practice gives you all three.


The hardest part of any yoga practice is rolling out your mat.


When infused with compassion, even the most useless snake oils have the power to heal broken hearts and shattered souls.


The narrow edge between comfort and discomfort is to a yogi what a grain of sand is to an oyster.


The great paradox of life is that to fully live, we must let a piece of ourselves die.


Instead of asking, “How can I ease my suffering?” yoga would have us ask,“How can I better serve my brothers and sisters?” Because only in answering the latter can we hope to answer the former.


Standing at the end of a diving board looking at the water never made the water warmer, but it will make taking the plunge unnecessarily hard.


Mindfulness is the bedrock of all spiritual practice. With mindfulness, the simple becomes profound, and the common becomes extraordinary. Without mindfulness, even gold and silver will quickly lose their luster.


Gratitude is both a vaccine and an antidote for grief. Grief may be an inevitable fact of life, but gratitude has the power to transform the experience of grief from agonizing suffering to profound joy.


Sculpting the future and healing the past can only happen through mindful action in the present moment.


True power—not to be confused with worldly power—is found at that beautifuland sacred spot where will and surrender merge into an unstoppable force.


Forcing Your body into a yoga pose is like brushing your teeth with a wire brush. You may get rid of the plaque but gingivitis will be the least of your concerns.



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