Top 138 Euginia Herlihy Quotes

God is the greatest problem solver, without Him we are doomed.


Love is a place of rest, a place of comfort and a place of peace and enjoyment.


A genuine love gives it all, it protects and no strings attached. Love someone today.


Love should be a 365 days dose not some occasional yearly event. Happy New Year 2017.


Love requires commitment, flexibility, transparency and loyalty. Happy Valentines Day 2017.


To love someone is to give her or him your entire heart and she or he should give that love back to you 100% as well. That’s called two way street relationship. Happy Valentines Day 2017.


To expect the other people to spoon-feed you shows the lack of hunger, thirst or drive to push forward the things you desire to accomplish.


Joy brings smiles on our faces, it brings power, peace and sound mind.


It is good to know that every single title/rank you hold is earned in a high cost of hard work, not some random self given title/rank.


The time of neutrality is over,this is the time of intervention where we can learn to grab the bull by the horns.


Most people like normality because they feel safe and comfortable around it.


Fear is the greatest enemy of humanity, it paralyses tons and tons of people around the globe.


The world is not interested in titles and positions, all it wants is your creative mind and the genuinity of the work of your hands.


Dreamers have a territorial seed in them that give them the power to possess, to dominate and to influence the world.


Be careful for the smooth sailing path because it doesn’t take you anywhere.


The world is not interested in titles and positions, all it wants is your creative mind and the genuinity of the work your hands.


To plan and talk is good but to plan and take action is even greater.


Creativity is an endless source that comes from above, from the most high source of creation[God].


When we pray, we pray according God’s word which helps us to grow in faith.


Prayer is a spiritual device that links humankind direct to the Father.


Prayer should not be a structured and complicated conversation. It should be a simply and spontaneous conversation between heavenly Father and His sons and daughters.


Learning is the source of growth and we become stagnant without it.


Imaginative mind is the seed of every dream and every vision. It always starts from our minds before the manifestation.


Authenticity is the seed of your identity and you can’t go wrong with it in life.


In life you dream, you step out and you make it happen.


The good company counts in your life, make a right choice because bad company will eat you alive.


What ever you do choose life, don’t neglect your dream invest time to make it happen.


Fear is not my portion, limitation is not my portion for that reason I will dream massive dreams and I will continue to dream until the end of my road.


Make a time to enjoy, to celebrate the life that’s given to you by God.


Everyone of us has a new name that winks at us daily because there are rivers of life in our bellies, we just need our mentors to help us to give birth to those new names.


We shouldn’t be fearful of failure because is not a monster as we think it is. It’s just a training ground for those who are really striving for excellence in life.


We are growing day by day as we are continuously striving for excellence in life.


To know that you are loved gives you confidence, security and fulfilment in life.


Death an absolute mystery. No one knows the day and the time, no one knows where and how. Death is an absolute mystery.


Look at mirror! What do you see in you? Do you see someone who can’t amount anything in life or do you see a unique human being that was born to dream and conquer the world.


God promised you to give you dreams and visions, see Him as your great dream/vision giver.


Create a massive drawing of what God has promised you.


Your mind couldn’t rest like the other little boys. You looked around and you saw the blanket of fear covered the whole country.


Your thoughts were deeper than your mind, your little eyes pierced through the heart of your nation.


Undeniable obsession of words that quickens my spirit.


You’ve slipped away like a fistful of sand. You’ve vanished so quickly like a wind. Do you know how I long to hold you love of my life.


When I feel lonely you are here beside me with your loving and caring touch.


In times of need I call unto you Abba Father and you answer.


Everything I do you are here to give me an assurance that I will succeed. What an awesome Father you are.


My heart is crushed, my knees are weakened. My tears drench my pillow, my tears flood my bed every night. Do you know how much I miss you father of my children.


Death stings so harshly, no escape and hiding zone from it.


The gift of words, the source of enjoyment, the source of delight that comes within and the unfading beauty and energy of words.


Rivers, water streams, water falls, water lakes, seas and oceans confirm Your creativity.


Animals, birds, and fish confirm Your power and Your existence.


Rising and falling of the sun confirm Your kingship and Your rulership.


The rainbow across the sky after a storm confirms Your kindness and Your forgiving heart.


The amazing feeling that triggers the fountain of words that flow in my belly.


The enemy came to steal,kill and destroy our hero Steve Biko. He was chosen by God and no one can deny that.


Mountains, hills and valleys confirm the beauty of Your holiness.


This separation happened for a reason, this esason is for our own good; God is just positioning us.


Great Britain be proud, be blessed, be bold! Show the world what are you made of; show them you are made of gold not bronze. Be proud, be blessed,be bold!


The enemy came to steel,destroy and kill our leader, our hero Steve Biko. He was chosen by God and no one can deny that.


Anger is an indication of pain and pain is an indication of sadness that grows inward and creates a lot of discomfort.


The dream giver [God] will remove mountains, He’ll fill valleys, He’ll straighten crocket ways for you to fulfil your dreams. And His timing is the best.


When you decided to share your dreams with others be aware of discouraging response. Don’t try to justify yourself when it happens. Keep calm and keep your eyes on the prize (your dreams).


We are all special in God’s eyes because He has designed us to carry His treasures.


A great mentor is full of understanding, trust, respect and willing to help his/her mentees to reach the right direction in life.


Sow something positive to somebody’s life and you’ll get that positivity back to your life because you reap what you sow.


You don’t have to wait for an inspiration to fulfil your dream because a dream is an inspiration itself.


To manage to smile and have a good laugh in the midst of difficult times makes you look younger.


Let those who can sing to sing on top of their voices and those who dance to dance to their very best rhythm.


You don’t have to be ashamed feel down, to have a good cry; we are human after all and it’s the part of humanity.


Thank you Father for another day, for another week, for another month and for another year. Your grace is sufficient for me.


Gratitude should run through our veins, it should reside in us, it should live in our bones as long we live.


Try to be patient when it comes to your destiny because there are unskippable stages and seasons on the journey to it. Be more patient and know that God doesn’t cut corners, so it’s really pointless to try twist His arm.


Desire is the key to your achievement and to your destiny.


We just have to believe and excise our faith: The Lord answered, ‘If you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to thi mulberry tree, ‘May you be uprooted and thrown into the sea,’ and it would obey you!(Luke 17:6, NLT).


There are times in life our dreams seemed to be scattered all over the place like jigsaw puzzles. We just have to take time and continue to assemble them into a unique shape.


God had assigned us with our dreams, visions and callings before the foundations of the earth; it’s up to us to allow ourselves to have an access to those dreams, visions and callings.


Fighting or ignoring our dreams is not helping us because our dreams will keep us awake until the very day we say yes, so don’t waist time get on with it.


Love is the greatest nourishment of the soul. To be loved creates a strong back bone, joy, peace and soundness.


Writing is my joy, is my comfort zone, it strengthens my feeble knees and it frees my troubled heart.


Words can be said but it’s the attitude that defines their value. Attitude is the anchor of every word we say or everything we do.


We should express our daily gratitude to our Heavenly Father for He’s our God, He’s our righteousness. He’s the breather of life.


God you are the only legend of love and truth that we all long for. Thank you Lord.


Laughter clears the atmosphere and it gives liberty to every soul.


Let your gift of positive influence to be roused and spread like a wildfire from the east to the west and from the south to the north. All nations are waiting for it.


You were born to influence, you were called to influence, your existence is a great influence to all nations.


Your gift of positive influence will open the eyes of many people. They’ll be able to recognise their personal values which will lead them to live authentic lives and achieve the impossible.


When we bless one another we shouldn’t expect returned favours because blessings have no strings attached and they hold no sorrow.


I learned to ambush the fear and I managed to turn vulnerability to ruthlessness.


What ever we desire to do should start with authenticity and end with authenticity. This simply means we should be ourselves in every step we take to pursue our dreams. Authenticity is the back bone of every dream that lives inside of us.


Never forget who you are, never forget where you came from and why you are here on this beautiful planet.


Voicing out your concerns in a calmly way is a great thing to do and it helps and saves lives of those who can’t speak up.


Every thought creates a plan,every decision creates a way forward, every action brings forth tangible assets. Everything starts from the mind my friend.


Dreamers and thinkers believe in innovative ideas and they become the greatest students of all time.


Everyone of us has a high mountain to climb and a deep valley to level but the only thing makes us different to each other is the way we deal with these obstacles.


Let your words to be a cushion to those who are around you, especially to those who are in a vulnerable state.


We need to strive for more than normality because normality brings lack of fruitfulness, lack of growth, lack of increase and lack of success.


Learning is the chief goal to those who aim high in life.


Love is a powerful device that builds the broken bridges.


Teachable spirit makes you crave for more wisdom and knowledge.


Those who have teachable spirit get wiser and wiser daily.


Learning is a life time journey that opens flood gates of opportunities.


I am a learner, my desire is to be a good listener and to have a teachable spirit in my life time.


You could feel hurt and rejected right now but you must know that both pain and rejection are not here to stay. They just passing by and they’ll never take away the burning fire that resides in you called desire.


Spirit of excellence can take you to the place of favor.


Authenticity is the back bone of every dream and the source of open doors.


Dreamers do not believe in power, they believe in imagination the source of creativity.


Dream chasers are full of strength, are full of desire, are passionate and they cling unto their dreams until they produce life.


The dreams we dream today will be the light to the generation to come.


Knowledge and wisdom are both the signs of hunger and thirst of creativity.


It’s time to know who you are and why you are on this planet. It’s time to grow up and know what God has invested in you, start to embrace it and use it before the world devour you alive.


Uproot the spirit of reluctancy out of your life and invest the spirit of stickability in this year of 2014.


God is the captain of our lives, sometimes He diverts our plans and our ideas, let Him do so because he will never let us do something daft.


Keep dreaming because your dream will be the message that brings change to the others.


Dreamers strive to live life to the fullest abilities and they fight for their dreams.


Dreamers have sharp ears like spear and sharp eyes like an eagle.


A mentor is a trusted teacher that develops lives of the vulnerable ones.


You don’t need to blow the trumpet when you accomplished something because your work, your action will speak itself.


Quit living for the world, live for yourself just you alone because it’s starts with you.


Let your kindness, your compassion and your listening ear speaks itself.


Even the pool of ink could be dried out and writing papers could be burnt to ashes forever but the spoken word will never die so as the editor.


As a mentor you have to learn how to tackle the past of your mentee, be able to put it to sleep and focus to the promising future of him/her.


Those who haven’t visualise their dreams yet talk about people and things but those who already grasped their dreams talk about desires and ideas.


A great quality of your preparation will manifest on your performance.


To be a great dreamer you have to keep pushing and pushing through this crowded world.


Be creative, be inventive minded, dream bigger that’s the way to the promised land (your destiny).


I believe every single person on this planet is a dreamer but you have to make a vigorous effort to make it in life.


Rising and falling of my journey made me strive for more in life.


Dreamers are full of inventive minds, willing to find new possibilities and new ways to grow in life.


Positive thinking can move mountains, fill up valleys and it can make dry bones to become alive again.


One positive idea can solve the situation you in, can make a massive difference and change your life forever.


Love creates acceptance, respect, passion and security.


Every word, every sentence, every poem and every chapter of a book I have written came from the bottom of my heart, it’s very special and very unique to me.


Creativity is a massive and the sharpest voice that reaches every corner of the globe.


Creativity is the work of your hands or the work of your tongue so you have to be careful what you say because it would cost you big time.


Every right decision you create opens a wide gate to your destiny.


Try to create a wall of inspiration around yourself in order to succeed in life.


What ever you do, try to do it perfectly because the world is watching you; every step and every move you make. It’s ready to crush you down or to build you up. That’s the world for you.


Every journey we take requires a good pair of wellingtons because there are some thorns and puddles along the way.


Writing is my life,a God given gift; no one on this planet can separate me from it.


Stick on your originality, yes I know few people will call you a boring person but millions will fall in love with you because of your authenticity.



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