Top 138 Colleen Hoover Quotes

You’ll never be able to find yourself if you’re lost in someone else.


Sometimes two people have to fall apart, to realize how much they need to fall back together.


When you find love, you take it. You grab it with both hands and you do everything in your power not to let it go. You can’t just walk away from it and expect it to linger until you’re ready for it.


This thing about you that you think is your flaw – it’s the reason I’m falling in love with you.


You can’t leave yet. I’m not finished falling in love with you.


I would never let anyone else borrow my heart if I know there’s a chance in hell you might want it back.


The only difference between falling in love and being in love is that your heart already knows how you feel, but your mind is too stubborn to admit it.


I think about you every second of every day and I don’t know how to get over you,” she says.“Don’t,” I beg her. “Please don’t get over me.


You left with my soul in your fists and my heart in your teeth, and I don’t want either of them back.” ~Ben


Don’t take life too seriously. Punch it in the face when it needs a good hit. Laugh at it.


Life happens. Shit happens. And it happens a lot. To a lot of people.


Life is a funny thing. We only get so many years to live it, so we have to do everything we can to make sure those years are as full as they can be. We shouldn’t waste time on things that might happen someday, or maybe even never.


Regret is counterproductive. It’s looking back on a past that you can’t change. Questioning things as they occur can prevent regret in the future.


Sometimes life doesn’t happen in chronological order.


Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.


Sometimes we don’t get second chances, Owen. Sometimes things just end.”He winces. “We didn’t even get a first chance.


and that’s where love finds you… in the tragedies.


Until then, never lose hope. Never stop loving me. Never forget.
 Never Never


I hope you defy the odds of most dreams and actually accomplish yours


Nothing is permanent. The only thing any of us have in common is the inevitable.


I’d rather love you at the bottom than despise you at the top.


Truths are written, never said… Lines are drawn, but then they fade.


I feel like my maybe someday just became my right now.


I don’t understand my sudden obsession with staring at her, but i can’t seem to stop.


His memory is the last place i want to be. I would give anything to always be in his present.


People don’t get to choose who they fall in love with. The only get to choose who they stay in love with.


There can’t be a maybe someday between us. There will never be a maybe someday.


When life gets you down do you wanna know what you’ve gotta do? . . . Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.


What a nickname. Teenagers can be so cruel. I’m embarrassed to be one of them.


I’m pretty sure my addiction to reading has just reached a whole new level.


Should it matter what genre it is if the book is good?


But the second she opened her eyes and looked at me, I knew. She was either going to be the death of me . . . or she was going to be the one who finally brought me back to life.


Okay, so how does this work exactly?” I ask as we walk toward his car. “Do we float down the bayou in rowboat while little critters sing ‘Kiss the Girl’.


I think about all the people I wish could die instead of you.


Tate lays her head on my arm, and we both watch her.Our daughter.I love you so much, Sam.I’m looking down at the perfection we created when it hits me.It’s all worth it.It’s the beautiful moments like these that make up for the uglylove.


The old me is sure making things difficult for the current me.


Who cares about tomorrow?What more is tomorrow,than another day?(-The Avett Brothers, “Swept Away”)


As an author, I want to write what I’m inspired to write. Not what my readers want me to write. I feel like the books will ultimately be better if my heart is fully into what I’m writing.


You can’t get mad at a real ending. Some of them are ugly. It’s the fake happily ever afters that should piss you off.


Whether or not the couple ends up together at the end of a book doesn’t determine whether the book has a happy ending or not. As long as the two people end up happy, it doesn’t really matter if they end up happy together.


I’ve lost a lot in my long life. Yes, I’ve seen pain and I’ve seen strife. But I’ll never give up; I’ll never let go. Because I’ll always have my ray of hope.


Thank you for loving me like you love me. Thank you for showing me that we don’t always have to be strong to be there for each other–that it’s okay to be weak, so long as we’re there.


There will be days that I don’t think we’ll know how to survive. But we will, because we have each other.


Don’t ask about my past. And never expect a future.


Sometimes not speaking says more than all the words in the world.


Sky, wait.” The way his voice wraps around my name makes me wish the only word in his entire vocabulary way Sky.


Sometimes we don’t get second chances. Sometimes things just end.


There is no such thing as bad people.we’re all just people who sometimes do bad things.


Whatever he goes through, I feel. Whatever I go through, he feels. It’s what happens when two people become one: they no longer only share love. They also share all of the pain, heartache, sorrow, and grief.


Nothing in my life has ever felt so good yet it hurt so achingly bad.


I’ll love you even when I can’t””I’ll love you even when I shouldn’t


When someone close to you dies, the memories and recollections of them are painful.


I would give anything to have that memory back–to see what it was like between us when we loved each other enough to believe it was forever.


While he spends all of his time trying to remember, I spend all of my time trying to forget.I don’t want to remember how it feels to love him.I want to forget everything in this world that reminds me of him.


I’ve never looked forward before. I’ve always looked back. I think about the past way too much and I think about what I should have done and everything I did wrong and I’ve never once looked forward in my life.


Desire is easy to fight. Especially when the only weapon desire possesses is attraction. It’s not so easy when you’re trying to win a war against the heart.


Desire is easy to fight. Especially when the only weapon desire possess is attraction. It’s not so easy when you’re trying to win a war against the heart.


I never realised how powerful desire could be. It consumes every part of you, enhancing your senses by a million.


Fate.A word meaning destiny.Fate. A word meaning doom.


And sometimes when I feel that much emotion, something inside of me just snaps.


You don’t put pressure on me to be something I’m incapable of being. You accept me exactly how I am.


And when you love someone, seeing them sad also makes you sad.


What rules?”“Well, for one, I’m not allowed to break your heart,” he says. “Second, I’m also not allowed to break your damn heart. And last, I’m not allowed to fucking break your damn heart.


People don’t like to talk about death because it makes them sad.


I know my mouth is agape and my eyes are wide, but I’m relieved that hope isn’t a tangible thing, because everyone around me would see mine crumbling.


We try so hard to hide everything we’re really feeling from those who probably need to know our true feelings the most. People try to bottle up their emotions, as if it’s somehow wrong to have natural reactions to life.


To me, lyrics are harder to write when you have to invent the feelings behind them. That’s when lyrics take a lot of thought, when they aren’t genuine.


When you aren’t sure what it is you hate or why you even hate it, it’s hard to hold onto the details…you just hold on to the feelings.


I tell myself that with enough effort, I can control my feelings.


I absolutely, positively hate this beautiful, magical feeling.


Love and hate, despite their polar opposites, are both feelings that are induced by passion. I can handle that. It’s the indifference I don’t know how to process.


She’s absolutely beautiful. Her hope is beautiful. The smile on her face is beautiful. The tears streaming down her cheeks are beautiful.Herloveisbeautiful.


The truth is an excruciatingly painful son of a bitch.


Her suspicion brings me a small sense of gratification. She thinks I’m lying about something. Now we’re even.Lake


His fingers have been slowly lacing through my hair.


i hate that its my favorite thing to watch her, because it shouldn’t be. It triggers all these what-ifs in my head, and my mind begins imagining things it shouldn’t be imagining…


people don’t get to choose who they fell in love with. they only get to choose who they stay in love with..


Sometimes you have to choose between a bunch of wrong choices and no right ones. You just have to choose which wrong choices feels the least wrong.


I’ve never been so sure about the rest of my life than I am in this moment. This girl is the rest of my life.


I know it’s hard for you to allow yourself to feel this. You’ve gone so long training yourself to block the feelings and emotions out any time someone touches you.


Today is a really bad day, Syd. A really, really bad day. Sometimes in life, we need a few bad days in order to keep the good ones in perspective


Nothing in my life has ever felt so good, yet hurt so achingly bad.


I don’t want him to hurt like I’m hurting. I don’t want him to miss me like I’ll miss him. I don’t want him to be falling for me like I’ve been falling for him.


Lines are drawn, but then they fade. For her I bend, for you I break.


I don’t want Sydney ever to feel like my second choice, when I know in my heart that she’s the right choice. The only choice.


She’s familiar. My only familiar thing in a world of inconsistency and confusion.


The way he’s watching me makes me feel needed like no one’s ever been able to make me feel. In a way, he makes me feel necessary. Like my existence alone is necessary for his survival.


This is why I choose not to have real-life girlfriends. I can’t even pretend without starting a fight.


Because it’s not muscles that make men strong. Secret do. The more secret you keep, the stronger you are on the inside.


You need to be proud of the fact that you survived everything you went through as a child. Don’t seperate yourself from that life. Embrace it, because I’m so fucking proud of you.


He kisses me like he’s giving me every kiss he wishes he could have given me the past, and every kiss he’ll wish he could give me in the future.All at once.


Fallon, I’m worked up so damn tight. I’m going to kiss you now and I’m not sorry.


His mouth, coupled with the way his hand is sliding down my arm, is all too much. So much. Good much. So good. I just whimpered.


Loving someone doesn’t just include that person, Ben. Loving someone means accepting all the things and people that person loves, too. And I will. I do. I promise.


Only one day at public school and the bitches already made your locker rain?” she laughs. “Impressive.


Shouldn’t there be more distaste in our mouths for the abusers than for those who continue to love the abusers?


I don’t want you to change, Bridgette. I’m not in love with who you could be, or who you used to be, or who the world says you should be. I’m in love with you. Right now. Just like this.


Ugh! I absolutely hate lust. Hate. It. Every fiber of my being knows he’s not a good person, yet my body doesn’t seem to give a shit at all.


There’s a difference between regret and questioning your decision. Regret is counterproductive. It’s looking back on a past that you can’t change. Questioning things as they occur can prevent regret in the future.


Now I know it’s because somewhere in my mind, I still harboured hatred and fear for that man, so it was just easier to erect the brick wall and never look back.


Whenever I’m around him, all I can think about is how much more I want to be around him.


But it feels good just getting it out—letting someone else know how much hatred I’m harboring.


He unclenched his fists and dropped her worries, unable to catch them for her. But she picked them back up and dusted them off. She wants to be able to hold them herself now.


He never looks away, searching my eyes for truth. His reaction has left my heart pounding, shocked at how quick he was to dismiss any fault I may have had. I wish he was just as quick to dismiss his own faults, but he isn’t.


Tears won’t help me right now. They’ll just make me weaker.


I grab the pillows off the bed and chuck them at the reflection in the mirror of the girl I no longer know. I watch as the girl in the mirror stares back at me, sobbing pathetically. The weakness in her tears infuriates me.


Are you bisexual””Labels were invented for people like you who can’t grasp a reality outside of a defined gender role. I like what i like.


Breckin shrugs. “I’m new here. And if you haven’t deducted from my impeccable fashion sense, I think it’s safe to say that I’m…” he leans forward and cups his hand to his mouth in secrecy. “Mormon,” he whispers.


Whatever burden it was that she was carrying around, I wanted to carry it for her.


You’re so blantantly attracted to me, it’s hard not to tease you


It feels sort of euphoric, like we’re in some sort of fairytale. Like she’s Tinkerbell and I’m Peter Pan. No, wait. I don’t want to be Peter Pan. Maybe she can be like Cinderella and I’ll be her Prince Charming.


The weight of lies will bring you down, follow you to every town ’cause nothing happens here that doesn’t happen there.


I need someone who is willing to watch me brave the ocean and then dare me not to drown.


I’m not a sucker for happily ever afters, but if these two characters don’t get theirs I might climb inside this e-reader and lock them both inside that damn garage forever.


Breckin, this is Holder. Holder is not my boyfriend, but if I catch him trying to break the record for best first kiss with another girl, then he’ll soon be my not breathing non-boyfriend.


I can already tell he isn’t the kind of guy a girl gets a simple crush on. He’s the kind of guy you fall hard for, and the thought of that terrifies me.


You probably faked passing out the other day, just so you could be carried in my hot, sweaty, manly arms.


I need one of those chapter breaks. I just want to catch my breath, but I have no idea how.


Your name. That’s all I want.” I debate on whether or not I should explain to him that my name isn’t going to help him in his stalking endeavours.


You have to let it go. You can hold on to the hate and the love and even the bitterness, but you have to go of the blame. The blame is what’s tearing you down, babe.” -Sky


My eyes trail from his hand to the tattoo written in small script across his forearm. Hopeless


I love how you aren’t weird and awkward, despite the fact that you’ve been severely cut off from socialization to the point where you make the Amish look trendy.


You have a nice mouth,” he says. “I can’t stop looking at it.””You should taste it. It’s quite lovely.


Feel free to look around, but being as though there aren’t any people eighteen or older here, stay off the bed. I’m not allowed to get pregnant this weekend.


I think I’d rather be heading to detention right now than to talk to him. My stomach is tied up in so many knots it could make a boy scout envious.


I can’t help but watch his lips as they cover the opening of the bottle that my lips were just touching. We’re practically kissing.


Does not-your boyfriend realize I’m Mormon?”I nod. “It turns out, Holder doesn’t have an issue with Mormons at all. He just has an issue with assholes.


It’s crap that you’re letting on bad year determine your fate for the rest of your life.


Never judge others. You both know good and well how unexpected events can change who a person is. Always keep that in mind. You never know what someone else is experiencing within their own life.


Maybe I’m not the hero to her I’ve always tried so hard to be, because right now, I feel as if she doesn’t even need a hero. Why would she? She has someone so much stronger than I’ll ever be for her. She has herself.


I’ve done nothing for the past five years but try to be the hero who protects her. The problem? Heroines don’t need protecting.


How do you not fall in love with him?”The tears begin flowing just as quickly as they were ceasing. I grab yet another tissue.  “I don’t not fall in love with him. I don’t not fall in love with him a lot!


My grandfather used to say the placement of a birthmark was the story of how a person lost the battle in their past.


You sort of don’t find me attractive? That can also mean you sort of do find me attractive.


I’m kissing you because sometimes I can’t not kiss you.


A palindrome,” I said the first time she told me. She looked at me, perplexed, and that’s when I knew I could never love her. What a waste of a palindrome she was, that Hannah.-Owen Gentry


Don’ttempt the scorpion if you don’t want toget stung.


… I have just experienced the most passionate kiss I’ve ever received from a guy, and it was on the freaking forehead!



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