Top 13 Preeth Nambiar Quotes

Give me all your pain, I will give you all my love!


Within my palm there is a world, a world as delicate as a bubble!


Our lives are written by the divine hands of Him we are merely actors destined to complete the roles in the cosmic play. All that would make difference would be how well will you act!


Within my words there is a longingTo be written, through the senses to travel across the mindTo be perceived by your heart, to rest in your deep.


Everything was for this moment- of silence, of bliss! I am speechless at this shrine of You and I understand that life was just a journey to find You, the deepest consciousness living in even the dead!


It’s all about inner silence! Everything else would just take you there!


Seek O mortal, the meaning of life in your innermost silence!


Yet, the most wonderful in my heart remains unsaid and it will remain so forever!


In the silence, while awaiting the distant footsteps of death he heard someone weeping! O God, was that you?


Know, O man you are a particle of the supreme feminine being sucked to an obscure vacuum – of a bliss but that we can only name – universe!


When I die, bury me with a few garden tools, I shall make a garden in the heaven too.


Such is the joy of concluding a day performing duties earnestly leaving ends upon His feet! I have nothing to gain here except virtues, nothing to lose except love, O Lord, I am here to breathe the beauty of life!


Within this raindrop there must be a heart- a heart that weeps the pain of longing. I have her in my palm where the silvery rays of the morn reflect the beauty of the whole cosmos and I kiss her with all my yearning!



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