Top 13 Nishikant Quotes

His pen spoke more to her than he ever did”.In the war of words, some are unwritten and some are unspoken.


After all these years, all I know is, I need not to do anything as a part of remorse.All I need is to write.Because,’Poetry forgives.


The world is made out of Nutella. You just need to stick your tongue out, so that you could really taste it.


For one more time, he decided to give away smoking.And then, she happened one more time in his head.


He was lying there on his death bed, and he asked for her as his last wish.She came with tears in her eyes. He held her hand and said with a smile,” I wish I died daily”, And then a flat line.


Is there a particular way of looking at your love?” she asked.…..Yes… The way you look at me.


Until I knew that it was you inside me, who has so much to say, I hesitated writing.


It was the best start of the day. A day started with a rejection. Maybe, by the end of the day, I would spend the majority of my vitality making the thing occur all alone.Maybe, tonight would be distinctive.


Why cannot you be loud in saying ‘I love you’ ?”, she asked.Me:- It is just because I have got a great depth inside me that will take some time to reach the horizon. But believe me, it would be the loudest of all, anyone has ever heard.


You are so adorable. You can never be bad. Everyone has a hysterical part in himself, and I may be that part you. I’m just a lunatic. Maybe, a demon. And you.You’re the world.


A thing is never untold, It is always misperceived.


In the search of spark, we forget the beauty of darkness. We forget the purpose of the light.


In the room full of individuals for whom I hold feelings of resentment about, Who might be the first I would converse with, when I am about to bite the dust?



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