Top 13 F. Sionil Jose Quotes

November is auspicious in so many parts of the country: the rice harvest is already in, the weather starts to cool, and the festive glow which precedes Christmas has began to brighten the landscape.


Language as a communication tool is the primary element from which literature is created. Even in pre-literate societies, it exists as songs, riddles, or epics that are chanted.


Art, whatever form it takes, requires hard work, craftsmanship and creativity. As a writer, I know my grammar, cadence, the music of prose, and the art of the narrative.


All dictators, the rich and famous, to the lowest security guard who holds a gun, easily forget that power is transitory.


I have always admired teachers because teaching, like the priesthood, medicine and writing, is a vocation. You don’t become a teacher because you want wealth. It is the same with writing.


The Japanese bureaucracy is unique. It is also very powerful, although it is now the object of so much criticism. Many of Japan’s brightest made it a pillar of strength and continuity.


When I wake up every morning, I thank God for the new day.


We are shallow because our media are so horribly shallow. Every morning, I peruse the papers, and there is so little to read in them. It is the same with radio – all that noise, that artifice.


We are shallow because we are ‘mayabang,’ ego driven, and do not have the humility to understand that we are only human, much too human to mistake knowledge for wisdom.


Poetry is emotion, passion, love, grief – everything that is human. It is not for zombies by zombies.


Poetry, fiction as novels or short stories – these are autonomous as created by their authors. They should stand on their own, like pieces of furniture that should be judged as to their usefulness, elegance.


I am for poetry that is admired by peasant and aristocrat alike.


The influence of teachers extends beyond the classroom, well into the future. It is they who shape and enrich the minds of the young, who touch their hearts and souls. It is they who shape a nation’s future.



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