Top 12 Jean-Michel Jarre Quotes

Generation after generation, there is this never-ending, contemptuous, condescending attitude to the next generation or the next way of thinking: music, art, politics, whatever. And I have never been like that.


Back in the Seventies, we had a romantic, poetic vision of the future, like it was in the movie ‘2001: A Space Odyssey.’ It felt as if everything was still ahead of us.


When I began making electronic music, the only thing I was thinking about was creating music that I really liked. I didn’t think about what effect it would have; I was busy doing it.


I have played a few times in Barcelona, including the fantastic Olympic Stadium. It’s undoubtedly one of my favourite cities in terms of the people, arts, food, architecture and design.


I understand more when I travel why people believe that the French are arrogant.


People are rejecting the power of the elite, but individuals such as Snowden are doing so in a positive way, trying to change things for the better. He is a very intelligent man and obviously interested in electronic music.


I had no precise plan when I started ‘Electronica,’ but I think it has been a very positive journey for me.


I remember, for my fifth birthday, Chet Baker sat me on the upright piano, and he played just for me for a few minutes. I can still remember the pressure of the air on my chest. It was my first physical contact with sound.


Technology does not always rhyme with perfection and reliability. Far from it in reality!


Creative industries are more important than the car industry, luxury jewels, and fashion.


In my opinion, British women are more romantic than French ones.


Saying that you don’t care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don’t care about freedom of speech because you have nothing to say.



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