Top 111 Pawan Mishra Quotes

There are things in life that science will never be able to see. We have to rely on what has been passed from our ancestors, generation to generation.


Availability of knowledge is only next to prevalence of stupidity in its overwhelming abundance.


Knowledge that can make miracles happen needs to be guarded carefully. If it falls into the wrong hands, miracles become disasters in no time.


It was a time when a degree was expected but not much respected.


A man wants too many things before marriage, but only peace after it.


No great soul, as they say, lives for very long. Because God desperately wants all the great people near him.


When the soul heals, the issues of the body disappear like they never happened.


A meeting is a collective tacit confession of participants’ unwillingness to work.


All the progress in science can’t be used to build a smell receptor as capable as the one that a true leader possesses—to smell trouble or just something fishy.


Be a good reader first, if you wish to become a good writer.


A writer gets to live yet another life every time she creates a new story.


Writing a story is like going on a date—you will spoil it if you aren’t living in the moment.


Don’t break the rules when you haven’t fully figured them out yet.


Dreams are good at playing with your memory. They love leaving no trace behind and hate to show up once again in the morning.


The good writing ideas don’t have to be about political turmoil, mass killings, capitalism, racism, injustice, etc. Find that one idea that has deep roots in your heart.


Create a world in front of your readers where they can taste, smell, touch, hear, see, and move. Else they are likely going to move on to another book.


A writer can do without food for a few hours, but not without the sight of books.


Turn those deep feelings and obsessions of your heart into captivating pieces of literature.


Ideas either age like fine wine or rot like potatoes over time.


If you are a singer, you must sing. If you are a dancer, you must dance. If you are a writer, you must write. Don’t suffocate your heart.


As you become a better writer, the writing becomes more difficult. You toil harder to tell a story in a lesser number of words.


Don’t interrupt when your characters take a flight of their own.


Cliches are the viruses that infect your writing with diseases.


If you think there is no time to write now, there would never be.


If certain aspect needs to be inconsistent, it must better be consistently inconsistent throughout the story.


Most of a husband’s life is spent in doing research on his wife.


Despite progress witnessed elsewhere in the matters of heart, parents in this part of the world hadn’t quite come around to letting their adult offspring choose their lovers.


The thirty-plus years of marriage between the ceiling and the cement plaster showed signs of weakness by frequently developing cracks and holes.


Her beauty effortlessly managed to arrest the pulse of each heart at the office and keep it in a dreamlike cage where she could have a look at each at her will and derive pleasure which, it had to be said, was a touch malicious in nature.


This is where the whole thing entered into a vicious cycle, for her proximity always inebriated the hearts, thus only deepening their desire to remain hostages in the cage so that they could booze even more on that beauty.


Talented minds have always been stealthily targeted by mediocre ones.


Everyone’s mind has sort of a slum division—a flirtatious spot that doesn’t give a hoot about how grave a situation is but constantly endeavors to derail more earnest thoughts, almost like a death-wish backseat driver.


If you thought with your minds and not your roosters, you would get the point!


I wonder if they were aware of the power of complimentary alcohol during World War I.


He was a chicken in the outside world that turned into a lion on entering the house.


Depression is a reality with everyone. What’s important is the ability to move on.


Our perception could either be our path to nirvana or an invisible cage that bottles us up.


Sometimes we all get dusty by a few mundane and tiring affairs—and merely need a gentle soul wash to see, and get deeply entangled with, the fervors of life again.


One is often unconsciously surrounded by one’s own personal reality


Perception is to be blamed. It, if given due attention, keeps changing.


As soon as anger knocks at one’s door, wisdom prepares to leave.


There is no God for sure, else how could one justify terminal diseases in small kids?


I have died every day in my mind with disgust for not being able to protect my own children.


The underprivileged are byproduct of society’s material progress.


One needs to pursue some sort of a creative interest in order to keep life from eating us alive.


It’s strange how necessary it is to have problems to be able to prepare for avoiding future disasters.


You aren’t in the ivy halls of your miserable literature pursuit now. Without wasting more time, will thou cometh to the pointeth? Dost thou wanteth us to stayeth or leaveth?


To his shock, as Saarang turned the first page, the words slowly transformed into small cylinders, except for one-letter words which preferred being spheres, and started rolling toward the vertical edges of the book.


Like a deep sad noteplayed beneath the oceanwaving through the orbthe memories of youthe bittersweet echoesinfixed forever in my heart


The traditional techniques used in getting sleep aren’t much effective any longer and our sleep techniques need to evolve as rapidly as our life style has, in order to cope with it.


If the world leaders can afford a 7 hours sleep, most of us probably can too.


Tonight is going to be a big night, like any other night, because certain 10 million Americans will not be able to sleep well tonight.


Our current bittersweet relationship with our sleep hasn’t had a long history.


Our faster than ever evolution has resulted in our undermining certain incredibly important aspects of humanity—like our sleep.


A breach in trust brings mistrust, followed by a multitude of troubles.


After all, nothing nurtures a friendship bond more than the ability to consistently bitch about someone else!


The problems are here to stay. We need to find a way to deal with them.


The art wouldn’t complain if we leave her alone. Losing a touch with art, however, is losing a touch with our imagination.


The loss of a reliance on others often helpfully forces a more sophisticated rumination that enables the opening of previously unknown avenues.


If you really want to talk to the big boss now, make sure you leave your balls here with me, for he likes no balls on people he is talking to.


It’s not the obviousness or the complexity of the things that’s deftly deluding mankind. It’s man himself.


There is no point in housing troubles inside your underwear if you can’t solve them by yourself.


Is that the biggest favor your vocal cords have done to anyone this week?


There are a thousand beautiful women out there, but only a handful of them possess the grace required by such beauty to stop it from looking ugly.


Fate has this weird way of making your wish come true by supplementing it with ten other spiteful things.


We had firsthand witnessed the ethereal evil of crushing hope just when it had peaked—like an open door, visible to you as you approach it from miles away, just closing on you when you have only two more yards to go.


Anyone can lecture from the butt, only very few can act.


Damn, the good words are all asterisked!”“The men only understand the asterisks. My worry is if they understand the rest!


If a muscleman like Hukum can write a poem, everyone can.


The only thing God is afraid of is a strong-willed human!


Bandar had effortlessly converted Ratiram’s grit into the smoke rings that he blew triumphantly in the air.


How many times can one have a heart attack within a week?


A healthy body is a platform for flourishing a healthy mind.


A lie for a good reason is better than a truth that destroys.


Good neighbors always spy on you to make sure you are doing well.


People say there are thousands of options we have in life. I say we have only two: we can either be happy or be unhappy.


The most ironic thing in the world is having no say when your name is determined for the first time (which is also for the last time for most), because newborns are not necessarily known for speaking their minds.


Think about death being inevitable, and unpredictable, exempt from the law of averages. Everyone has a turn, and no one knows when.


It was much easier to explain the veil than to answer questions about the wounds.


In troubled times, one wishes for a sound sleep more than usual, but on the contrary, realizing its amplified importance, sleep smugly impedes all attempts to woo it.


I feel like oversized trousers on sale, not even made of good material, that no one wants to buy. They just hang in there hoping that someone someday will compromise for its low cost.


While a democratic process is morally desirable for arriving at a decision, it doesn’t necessarily produce the best outcomes.


We are all born artists. The nature generally doesn’t discriminate among newborns with respect to art. Yet most of us try very hard as we grow, without knowing, to stop being artists.


On the first floor, the first rule of a rumor was humor.


He was one of those who are not born handsome, but develop charming features with age by continuously engaging their brains with intelligent thoughts.


High productivity and a healthy environment are two unconditionally entwined buddies. Our process allows us to abort any attempts toward crucifying either of the two—because as soon as one of them dies, the other follows suit.


…golf was no longer the most interesting sport to the corporate czars because they found playing with natural balls much more satisfying.


A good joke doesn’t necessarily need appreciation from others. One can freely laugh at one’s own deserving jokes.


Many a times a huge problem gets solved with a trivial move.


With the wolves around, your humbleness is your worst adversary.


A goatee is to beards what diamonds are to ornaments.


Many a time, you may not even have to speak, however difficult the situation; your goatee speaks for you.


When the world around is ready to back one unconditionally, one can become as unreasonable, unfair, and coldly sadistic as one likes.


A widespread meticulous consistency causes a bigger suspicion than the most obvious inconsistency does!


Acceptance of the danger is of the essence for playing a quality sport.


I swear by the self-assurance with which elderly men sitting in public tilt sideways to allow the gas to escape loudly.


Ahh, love, why is it so easy to let you in, but so difficult to let you out? Why couldn’t you subsist only two-sided?


The duel may go on for long, but the self-defense often wins over the self-reproach.


Now that I am past picking the knife to stab one, the reward of stabbing a few more comes at an unfairly lower risk!


We have a mental emergency here. Our noble pal Sevak has just been wickedly divorced by his mind.


Who might you be?” she demanded. “A wretched lord of cacophony and sheer decibels? Or a ruthless assassin of harmony?


Disappointment has quite a penchant for taking one by a surprise.


Hope meets a dead end when the only chance in sight comes to naught.


Isn’t life a collection of weird quizzes with no answers to half the questions?


Kasturi was in the seventh month of gestating Coinman—a high-attention and high-priority stage of a pregnancy—a time that requires utmost care in bringing one life safely to the world without losing the other.


Had we not decided to perform this as gracefully as a dancer’s leap? But we turned it into a dinosaur’s dance party!


Discipline at the office had long been enforced by use of three methods: the meeting of the first kind, the meeting of the second kind, and the meeting of the third kind.


It was definitely a rare situation where a career had started and ended simultaneously on a very high note.


You can make any promises as long as you are not going to be there to fulfill them.


The hope is the best and the worst thing at the same time.


Coinman lets out another legendary explosive from his hindquarters!



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