Top 10 Michele Bachmann Quotes

Small business is the backbone of our economy. I’m for big business, too. But small business is where the jobs are generated.


People think when you have a, quote, ‘bank failure,’ that that is the end of the bank. And it isn’t necessarily.


My parents were divorced when I was a young teenager, and I was raised by a single mother after that. So, I understand the difficulties that families have. I understand single parenting.


The Holy Spirit is our comforter, our teacher. That’s why, in prayer, we can ask the Lord to open up Scripture and make it come alive to us, to open our understanding. He left his Spirit with us until we join him in Heaven.


What people recognize is that there’s a fear that the United States is in an unstoppable decline. They see the rise of China, the rise of India, the rise of the Soviet Union and our loss militarily going forward.


Morals are built on religious faith. Virtue is built on morality and influences a culture.


I do support a constitutional amendment on marriage between a man and a woman, but I would not be going into the states to overturn their state law.


I don’t want the United States to be in a global economy where our economic future is bound to that of Zimbabwe. We can’t necessarily trust the decisions that are being made financially in other countries.


Certainly people make mistakes in their life. I’m no different, I’ve made mistakes. When people mess up, we forgive them. When I mess up, I ask for forgiveness.


The government has no business telling an individual what kind of light bulb to buy.



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