Top 10 Maryam Abdullah Alnaymi Quotes

The relationships flourish with exchanged respect, and not by pretending or beggary, as that expressing the opinions is the shortest way to build the bridges of confidence and expanding the circle of special relationships.


Story of civilization starts with reading, and story of creativity starts with writing


Why shall we talk? To spread positive ambiance in the house, and to stimulate the hearty feelings, and to achieve a perceptible psychological connection between family members.


Why shall we talk?To depend on the conversation style as a primary language of effectiveness on the other person, in a way that respects the feelings without hurting the human soul dignity, or humiliating it, or belittling it.


Why shall we talk?To follow the logical method in handling the problems and the other family members’ points of views, with quitting the pressure style, verbal violence, and actual violence towards family members.


Why shall we talk?We talk to enrich our children’s vocabulary, and to let them use their vocabulary balance so their language grows, and their balance of words doubles along with their self confidence.


The five qualities of a good goal; It has to ambitious, achievable, accurate and specified, measurable, leads to the feeling of life quality.


The skill of writing needs much patience, practicing, and time. There is no good writing from a quick effort, or a confused writer.


Make your heroes ambitious, always looking for more success and uniqueness.To write the best story you can, think of making your hero, or heroes, have an ambitious for an unlimited success.-How to write the best story-


Deal with your readers that theyare smart, and write a language thatsuits their intelligence.- How to write the best story-



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