Top 10 Frances Hardinge Quotes

Zeal was like gas, most dangerous when you could not see it. The wrong spark could light it at any time.


For a tiny instant Faith wondered whether it would benefit the doctor’s investigation if he experienced a cliff fall first-hand.


This is a battlefield, Faith! Women find themselves on battlefields, just as men do. We are given no weapons, and cannot be seen to fight. But fight we must, or perish.


Faith had always told herself that she was not like other ladies. But neither, it seemed, were other ladies.


It could be kindness. Faith felt hollow at the thought. She had needed kindness before, and has received none. Now it was too late, and she did not know what to do with it.


She had needed kindness before, and had received none. Now it was too late, and she did not know what to do with it.


People were animals, and animals were nothing but teeth. You bit first, and you bit often, That was the only way to survive.


Silence itself could be used as deftly and cruelly as a kire


Somehow the sting of guilt was always more acute when there was a risk that she might get caught.


My mother is not evil, Faith reminded herself. She is just a perfectly sensible snake, protecting her eggs and making her way in the world as best she can.



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