130 Peace Calligraphy Quotes

Top 130 Peace Calligraphy Quotes

Peace begins with a smile.

Peace begins with a smile.


Quiet the mind to find peace.

Quiet the mind to find peace.


Harmony over discord.

Harmony over discord.


Choose peace over chaos.

Choose peace over chaos.


Still waters run deep.

Still waters run deep.


Calm in the soul, peace global.

Calm in the soul, peace global.


Serenity is golden.

Serenity is golden.


Peace is an inside job.

Peace is an inside job.


Hold fast to peace.

Hold fast to peace.


Balance, not battles.

Balance, not battles.


Foster peace daily.

Foster peace daily.


Unity for tranquility.

Unity for tranquility.


Tranquility trumps turmoil.

Tranquility trumps turmoil.


Shanti within.

Shanti within.


Let peace reign.

Let peace reign.


Unite for serenity.

Unite for serenity.


Inner peace is key.

Inner peace is key.


Calm minds win.

Calm minds win.


Gentleness conquers.

Gentleness conquers.


Quieter minds, quieter world.

Quieter minds, quieter world.


Solace is strength.

Solace is strength.


Ease begets peace.

Ease begets peace.


Peace A heart’s whisper.

Peace A heart's whisper.


Zen out the noise.

Zen out the noise.


Choose mild over wild.

Choose mild over wild.


Soothe souls, spread peace.

Soothe souls, spread peace.


Peace is silent power.

Peace is silent power.


Pass on peace.

Pass on peace.


Hush the hate.

Hush the hate.


Bliss in calmness.

Bliss in calmness.


Live and let live.

Live and let live.


Peace seeds love.

Peace seeds love.


Be the stillness.

Be the stillness.


Love, live, peace.

Love, live, peace.


Nonviolence wins.

Nonviolence wins.


Serenity seeds harmony.

Serenity seeds harmony.


Soft words soothe.

Soft words soothe.


Gentle hearts unite.

Gentle hearts unite.


Calm, not calamity.

Calm, not calamity.


Silence speaks peace.

Silence speaks peace.


Dwell in peace.

Dwell in peace.


Hope whispers, peace.

Hope whispers, peace.


Peace, one step.

Peace, one step.


Tranquil minds prevail.

Tranquil minds prevail.


Peace over pain.

Peace over pain.


Breathe in peace.

Breathe in peace.


Ease over angst.

Ease over angst.


Simplicity births peace.

Simplicity births peace.


Quiet power prevails.

Quiet power prevails.


Spread harmony now.

Spread harmony now.


Tame temper, find peace.

Tame temper, find peace.


Be calm’s source.

Be calm's source.


Cease fire, start peace.

Cease fire, start peace.


Nurture all with peace.

Nurture all with peace.


Peace outshines all.

Peace outshines all.


Peace is pure.

Peace is pure.


Forgiveness fosters peace.

Forgiveness fosters peace.


Less ego, more peace.

Less ego, more peace.


Subdue strife with peace.

Subdue strife with peace.


Patience paves peace.

Patience paves peace.


End hatred, embrace peace.

End hatred, embrace peace.


Peace, not pieces.

Peace, not pieces.


Calm heals chaos.

Calm heals chaos.


Harmony heals hearts.

Harmony heals hearts.


Be peace personified.

Be peace personified.


Quietude cures conflict.

Quietude cures conflict.


Silence storms with peace.

Silence storms with peace.


Graceful in peace.

Graceful in peace.


Peace simplicity’s kin.

Peace simplicity's kin.


Let peace linger.

Let peace linger.


Flow in peace.

Flow in peace.


Harbor peace within.

Harbor peace within.


Tread gently, keep peace.

Tread gently, keep peace.


Calm precedes peace.

Calm precedes peace.


Cultivate compassion, harvest peace.

Cultivate compassion, harvest peace.


Peace wins wars.

Peace wins wars.


Balm for turmoil peace.

Balm for turmoil peace.


Invite peace in.

Invite peace in.


Tranquil thoughts triumph.

Tranquil thoughts triumph.


Kindness kindles peace.

Kindness kindles peace.


Mellow minds multiply peace.

Mellow minds multiply peace.


Alive in stillness.

Alive in stillness.


One world, one peace.

One world, one peace.


Embrace peace warmly.

Embrace peace warmly.


Quiet triumphs noise.

Quiet triumphs noise.


Peace everyone’s victory.

Peace everyone's victory.


Touch hearts, turn peace.

Touch hearts, turn peace.


Gift peace often.

Gift peace often.


Graciousness greets peace.

Graciousness greets peace.


Respite in serenity.

Respite in serenity.


Placid minds prosper.

Placid minds prosper.


A haven in peace.

A haven in peace.


Keep peace in focus.

Keep peace in focus.


Gentle spirits foster peace.

Gentle spirits foster peace.


Chart a peaceful course.

Chart a peaceful course.


Halt harm, heal peace.

Halt harm, heal peace.


Peace flows naturally.

Peace flows naturally.


Live less rushed, more peace.

Live less rushed, more peace.


Soothe with serenity.

Soothe with serenity.


Peace is priority.

Peace is priority.


Embody peace wholly.

Embody peace wholly.


Hush noise, nurture peace.

Hush noise, nurture peace.


Savor peace’s presence.

Savor peace's presence.


Unity is peace.

Unity is peace.


Placidity is power.

Placidity is power.


Meekness meets peace.

Meekness meets peace.


Solitude spawns serenity.

Solitude spawns serenity.


Peace is potency.

Peace is potency.


Ease minds, ease life.

Ease minds, ease life.


Coexist in peace.

Coexist in peace.


One pulse, peaceful.

One pulse, peaceful.


Venom out, peace in.

Venom out, peace in.


Truce triumphs.

Truce triumphs.


Values form peace.

Values form peace.


Peace paves futures.

Peace paves futures.


Tranquil tide rises.

Tranquil tide rises.


Steady peace, steady heart.

Steady peace, steady heart.


Lull life into peace.

Lull life into peace.


Infuse life with peace.

Infuse life with peace.


Peace the noblest aim.

Peace the noblest aim.


Soft tones, high peace.

Soft tones, high peace.


Unite in peace’s name.

Unite in peace's name.


March toward peace.

March toward peace.


Peace glows within.

Peace glows within.


Noble is the peacemaker.

Noble is the peacemaker.


Diplomacy over disharmony.

Diplomacy over disharmony.


Still souls shine.

Still souls shine.


Peace, our collective hope.

Peace, our collective hope.


Harmonize humanity.

Harmonize humanity.


Champion peace daily.

Champion peace daily.


Peace Quotes

Calligraphy Quotes

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