Best Patience Quotes With Images

Good character is not formed in a week or a month. It is created little by little, day by day. Protracted and patient effort is needed to develop good character.

 Good character is not formed in a week or a month. It is created little by little, day by day. Protracted and patient effort is needed to develop good character. - Heraclitus


Patience is the best remedy for every trouble.

 Patience is the best remedy for every trouble. - Plautus


Genius is eternal patience.

 Genius is eternal patience. - Michelangelo


There is something good in all seeming failures. You are not to see that now. Time will reveal it. Be patient.

Swami Sivananda
 There is something good in all seeming failures. You are not to see that now. Time will reveal it. Be patient. - Swami Sivananda


Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.

Napoleon Hill
 Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success. - Napoleon Hill


Our patience will achieve more than our force.

Edmund Burke
 Our patience will achieve more than our force. - Edmund Burke


Be patient and understanding. Life is too short to be vengeful or malicious.

Phillips Brooks
 Be patient and understanding. Life is too short to be vengeful or malicious. - Phillips Brooks


Endurance is nobler than strength, and patience than beauty.

John Ruskin
 Endurance is nobler than strength, and patience than beauty. - John Ruskin


The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.

Arnold H. Glasow
 The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it. - Arnold H. Glasow


For anything worth having one must pay the price; and the price is always work, patience, love, self-sacrifice – no paper currency, no promises to pay, but the gold of real service.

John Burroughs
 For anything worth having one must pay the price; and the price is always work, patience, love, self-sacrifice - no paper currency, no promises to pay, but the gold of real service. - John Burroughs


Work hard. And have patience. Because no matter who you are, you’re going to get hurt in your career and you have to be patient to get through the injuries.

Randy Johnson
 Work hard. And have patience. Because no matter who you are, you’re going to get hurt in your career and you have to be patient to get through the injuries. - Randy Johnson


Patience is the art of hoping.

Luc de Clapiers
 Patience is the art of hoping. - Luc de Clapiers


Patience and Diligence, like faith, remove mountains.

William Penn
 Patience and Diligence, like faith, remove mountains. - William Penn


We could never learn to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the world.

Helen Keller
 We could never learn to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the world. - Helen Keller


I am not a perfect servant. I am a public servant doing my best against the odds. As I develop and serve, be patient. God is not finished with me yet.

Jesse Jackson
 I am not a perfect servant. I am a public servant doing my best against the odds. As I develop and serve, be patient. God is not finished with me yet. - Jesse Jackson


Endurance is patience concentrated.

Thomas Carlyle
 Endurance is patience concentrated. - Thomas Carlyle


He that can have patience can have what he will.

Benjamin Franklin
 He that can have patience can have what he will. - Benjamin Franklin


Wise to resolve, and patient to perform.

 Wise to resolve, and patient to perform. - Homer


Only those who have patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily.

James J. Corbett
 Only those who have patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily. - James J. Corbett


Patience, n. A minor form of dispair, disguised as a virtue.

Ambrose Bierce
 Patience, n. A minor form of dispair, disguised as a virtue. - Ambrose Bierce


When I was 20, I thought I was 30 – but I was so far from it. When you’re young, you want everything to happen now. As you mature, you can look back and see all the great things you achieved with time and patience.

Elisha Cuthbert
 When I was 20, I thought I was 30 - but I was so far from it. When you’re young, you want everything to happen now. As you mature, you can look back and see all the great things you achieved with time and patience. - Elisha Cuthbert


He who rides the sea of the Nile must have sails woven of patience.

William Golding
 He who rides the sea of the Nile must have sails woven of patience. - William Golding


Patience is the support of weakness; impatience the ruin of strength.

Charles Caleb Colton
 Patience is the support of weakness; impatience the ruin of strength. - Charles Caleb Colton


There is no road too long to the man who advances deliberately and without undue haste; there are no honors too distant to the man who prepares himself for them with patience.

Jean de la Bruyere
 There is no road too long to the man who advances deliberately and without undue haste; there are no honors too distant to the man who prepares himself for them with patience. - Jean de la Bruyere


To bear with patience wrongs done to oneself is a mark of perfection, but to bear with patience wrongs done to someone else is a mark of imperfection and even of actual sin.

Thomas Aquinas
 To bear with patience wrongs done to oneself is a mark of perfection, but to bear with patience wrongs done to someone else is a mark of imperfection and even of actual sin. - Thomas Aquinas

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