130 Great Calligraphy Quotes

Top 130 Great Calligraphy Quotes

Dream big and dare to fail.

Dream big and dare to fail.


Act, don’t just intend.

Act, don't just intend.


Grow through what you go through.

Grow through what you go through.


Now is all you have.

Now is all you have.


Begin where you are.

Begin where you are.


Choose kindness always.

Choose kindness always.


Keep it simple, keep it true.

Keep it simple, keep it true.


Silence is a source of power.

Silence is a source of power.


Courage over comfort.

Courage over comfort.


Do small things with love.

Do small things with love.


Never stop learning.

Never stop learning.


One step at a time.

One step at a time.


Persistence beats resistance.

Persistence beats resistance.


Create your sunshine.

Create your sunshine.


Actions speak louder.

Actions speak louder.


Love is the answer.

Love is the answer.


The best is yet to come.

The best is yet to come.


Embrace the journey.

Embrace the journey.


Hope anchors the soul.

Hope anchors the soul.


Stay humble, hustle hard.

Stay humble, hustle hard.


Inspire and be inspired.

Inspire and be inspired.


Gratitude is a must.

Gratitude is a must.


Peace begins within.

Peace begins within.


Live, love, laugh.

Live, love, laugh.


Own your story.

Own your story.


Let your light shine.

Let your light shine.


Joy is an act of resistance.

Joy is an act of resistance.


Keep moving forward.

Keep moving forward.


Dare to be different.

Dare to be different.


Success is a journey.

Success is a journey.


Happiness is a choice.

Happiness is a choice.


Believe in yourself.

Believe in yourself.


Start where you stand.

Start where you stand.


Life is an adventure.

Life is an adventure.


Breathe and be brave.

Breathe and be brave.


Change is a gift.

Change is a gift.


Purpose over popularity.

Purpose over popularity.


Goals transform dreams.

Goals transform dreams.


Simplicity is key.

Simplicity is key.


Progress, not perfection.

Progress, not perfection.


Rise above the storm.

Rise above the storm.


Stay true to you.

Stay true to you.


Time heals and reveals.

Time heals and reveals.


Fail, learn, repeat.

Fail, learn, repeat.


Impact over income.

Impact over income.


Create your destiny.

Create your destiny.


Less is more.

Less is more.


Fear is a liar.

Fear is a liar.


Shine your own light.

Shine your own light.


Lead with love.

Lead with love.


Strength in softness.

Strength in softness.


Trust the process.

Trust the process.


Be a warrior, not a worrier.

Be a warrior, not a worrier.


Balance is power.

Balance is power.


Make it happen.

Make it happen.


Be the change.

Be the change.


Recharge and resist.

Recharge and resist.


Freedom is a choice.

Freedom is a choice.


Worry less, live more.

Worry less, live more.


Seek beauty everywhere.

Seek beauty everywhere.


Joy is contagious.

Joy is contagious.


Listen to understand.

Listen to understand.


Be uniquely you.

Be uniquely you.


Stress less, smile more.

Stress less, smile more.


Wander and wonder.

Wander and wonder.


Legacy over currency.

Legacy over currency.


Savor every moment.

Savor every moment.


Rise, don’t relent.

Rise, don't relent.


Discipline is freedom.

Discipline is freedom.


Stay curious always.

Stay curious always.


Empathy wins hearts.

Empathy wins hearts.


Harmony over haste.

Harmony over haste.


Give more, expect less.

Give more, expect less.


Focus fuels growth.

Focus fuels growth.


Patience is strength.

Patience is strength.


Anger fades, love lasts.

Anger fades, love lasts.


Struggle shapes strength.

Struggle shapes strength.


Mindset is everything.

Mindset is everything.


Love outlives us.

Love outlives us.


Unity in diversity.

Unity in diversity.


Heal, not harm.

Heal, not harm.


Adventure calls you.

Adventure calls you.


Compassion conquers.

Compassion conquers.


Laughter is timeless.

Laughter is timeless.


Calm is a superpower.

Calm is a superpower.


Optimism pays off.

Optimism pays off.


Smile, breathe, go.

Smile, breathe, go.


Life loves the liver.

Life loves the liver.


Stillness speaks volumes.

Stillness speaks volumes.


Purpose ignites passion.

Purpose ignites passion.


Kindness echoes.

Kindness echoes.


Words wield power.

Words wield power.


Challenge ignites change.

Challenge ignites change.


Solitude brings clarity.

Solitude brings clarity.


Endure, then bloom.

Endure, then bloom.


Quality trumps quantity.

Quality trumps quantity.


Mindful, not mind full.

Mindful, not mind full.


Elevate your spirit.

Elevate your spirit.


Truth trumps trend.

Truth trumps trend.


Passion propels progress.

Passion propels progress.


Contentment is wealth.

Contentment is wealth.


You evolve everyday.

You evolve everyday.


Vision ignites the heart.

Vision ignites the heart.


Dreams fuel life.

Dreams fuel life.


Defeat doubt with do.

Defeat doubt with do.


Persist with purpose.

Persist with purpose.


Art beats apathy.

Art beats apathy.


Lead, don’t follow.

Lead, don't follow.


Dust off and dream.

Dust off and dream.


Glow through growth.

Glow through growth.


Grind now, glow later.

Grind now, glow later.


Sweat, then sparkle.

Sweat, then sparkle.


Magic in the mundane.

Magic in the mundane.


Champions keep playing.

Champions keep playing.


Life’s short, smile often.

Life's short, smile often.


Venture outside your comfort.

Venture outside your comfort.


Limitless in potential.

Limitless in potential.


Consciousness is courage.

Consciousness is courage.


Creativity is courage.

Creativity is courage.


Explore more, fear less.

Explore more, fear less.


Bravery builds brilliance.

Bravery builds brilliance.


Conquer from within.

Conquer from within.


Power is in peace.

Power is in peace.


Love multiplied returns.

Love multiplied returns.


Blaze your own trail.

Blaze your own trail.


Inhale courage, exhale fear.

Inhale courage, exhale fear.


Celebrate every win.

Celebrate every win.


Moment by moment, live.

Moment by moment, live.


Energy flows where focus goes.

Energy flows where focus goes.


Courage, not circumstances.

Courage, not circumstances.


Great Quotes

Calligraphy Quotes

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