140 Government Calligraphy Quotes

Best 140 Government Calligraphy Quotes

Vote wisely, shape your future.

Vote wisely, shape your future.


Power through service.

Power through service.


Every vote counts.

Every vote counts.


Democracy is dialogue.

Democracy is dialogue.


Justice for all.

Justice for all.


Serve the people.

Serve the people.


Corruption kills.

Corruption kills.


Equality in law.

Equality in law.


Freedom prevails.

Freedom prevails.


Progress for all.

Progress for all.


Rights are mighty.

Rights are mighty.


Honor the office.

Honor the office.


Lead with ethics.

Lead with ethics.


Govern with heart.

Govern with heart.


Policy shapes life.

Policy shapes life.


Fairness in action.

Fairness in action.


Keep governments honest.

Keep governments honest.


Privacy is a right.

Privacy is a right.


Unity is strength.

Unity is strength.


Dissent is patriotic.

Dissent is patriotic.


Taxation with representation.

Taxation with representation.


Peace through power.

Peace through power.


Leadership matters.

Leadership matters.


Courage in policy.

Courage in policy.


Educate to empower.

Educate to empower.


Speak truth to power.

Speak truth to power.


Strength in law.

Strength in law.


Transparency wins trust.

Transparency wins trust.


Order ensures freedom.

Order ensures freedom.


Ballots beat bullets.

Ballots beat bullets.


The people’s voice.

The people's voice.


Civic duty calls.

Civic duty calls.


Reform for progress.

Reform for progress.


Security and liberty.

Security and liberty.


Welfare of many.

Welfare of many.


Civil rights for life.

Civil rights for life.


Sovereignty is sacred.

Sovereignty is sacred.


Public good first.

Public good first.


Governance is key.

Governance is key.


Think globally, act locally.

Think globally, act locally.


Budget with care.

Budget with care.


Vote for change.

Vote for change.


Public office privilege.

Public office privilege.


Liberty and law.

Liberty and law.


Freedom isn’t free.

Freedom isn't free.


Equality under law.

Equality under law.


Checks and balances.

Checks and balances.


The people decide.

The people decide.


Laws protect.

Laws protect.


Serve with honor.

Serve with honor.


Duty to taxpayers.

Duty to taxpayers.


Policy for peace.

Policy for peace.


Law above all.

Law above all.


Public trust vital.

Public trust vital.


Debate brings depth.

Debate brings depth.


Uphold the constitution.

Uphold the constitution.


Listen and lead.

Listen and lead.


Balance the books.

Balance the books.


Justice prevails.

Justice prevails.


Integrity in governance.

Integrity in governance.


Country over self.

Country over self.


Service is noble.

Service is noble.


Vote for tomorrow.

Vote for tomorrow.


Truth in politics.

Truth in politics.


We elect fate.

We elect fate.


Uphold human rights.

Uphold human rights.


Promise and perform.

Promise and perform.


Fair trade, fair wage.

Fair trade, fair wage.


Build bridges, not walls.

Build bridges, not walls.


Office is a duty.

Office is a duty.


For the common good.

For the common good.


Fiscal sense matters.

Fiscal sense matters.


Power is trust.

Power is trust.


Freedom to speak.

Freedom to speak.


Stand for justice.

Stand for justice.


Spend wisely.

Spend wisely.


Act for the people.

Act for the people.


Empower the masses.

Empower the masses.


Public service wins.

Public service wins.


Accountability is key.

Accountability is key.


Defend democracy.

Defend democracy.


Invest in futures.

Invest in futures.


Seek the common good.

Seek the common good.


A government cares.

A government cares.


Liberty is life.

Liberty is life.


Humanity before politics.

Humanity before politics.


Rule of law reigns.

Rule of law reigns.


The future votes.

The future votes.


Power for progress.

Power for progress.


Politics affects life.

Politics affects life.


Govern, don’t rule.

Govern, don't rule.


Inform to empower.

Inform to empower.


Lead, don’t mislead.

Lead, don't mislead.


Fair laws, fair life.

Fair laws, fair life.


Choose leaders wisely.

Choose leaders wisely.


Patriotism in action.

Patriotism in action.


Policy over politics.

Policy over politics.


Safeguard our rights.

Safeguard our rights.


Vote, it’s a right.

Vote, it's a right.


For people’s sake.

For people's sake.


Promise less, do more.

Promise less, do more.


Honesty in office.

Honesty in office.


A just nation.

A just nation.


Civic virtue shines.

Civic virtue shines.


Policies for progress.

Policies for progress.


Freedom to flourish.

Freedom to flourish.


Voice of the people.

Voice of the people.


No justice, no peace.

No justice, no peace.


For the public.

For the public.


Peace over power.

Peace over power.


Rights are non-negotiable.

Rights are non-negotiable.


Equity in authority.

Equity in authority.


Accountable to all.

Accountable to all.


Unity over division.

Unity over division.


Change starts here.

Change starts here.


Rule justly.

Rule justly.


Decide with care.

Decide with care.


Serve, not rule.

Serve, not rule.


The ballot speaks.

The ballot speaks.


Hear the civic cry.

Hear the civic cry.


Guard our freedoms.

Guard our freedoms.


Citizens’ wellbeing first.

Citizens' wellbeing first.


Elected to serve.

Elected to serve.


Power to people.

Power to people.


Lead by example.

Lead by example.


Fair play in policy.

Fair play in policy.


Strength in unity.

Strength in unity.


Justice for each.

Justice for each.


Governance with grace.

Governance with grace.


Diplomacy prevails.

Diplomacy prevails.


Politics with purpose.

Politics with purpose.


Vote your values.

Vote your values.


Serve the state.

Serve the state.


Ethics over gain.

Ethics over gain.


Policy not politics.

Policy not politics.


Transparency triumphs.

Transparency triumphs.


Dignity in debate.

Dignity in debate.


Secure the nation.

Secure the nation.


Valuing citizens.

Valuing citizens.


Reform for renewal.

Reform for renewal.


Government Quotes

Calligraphy Quotes

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