130 Famous Calligraphy Quotes

Best 130 Famous Calligraphy Quotes

To be or not to be.

To be or not to be.


Carpe diem!

Carpe diem!


Know thyself.

Know thyself.


I think, therefore I am.

I think, therefore I am.


Live free or die.

Live free or die.


Time is money.

Time is money.


Knowledge is power.

Knowledge is power.


I came, I saw, I conquered.

I came, I saw, I conquered.


Love is blind.

Love is blind.


Fortune favors the bold.

Fortune favors the bold.


Actions speak louder.

Actions speak louder.


All is fair in love and war.

All is fair in love and war.


Dare to dream.

Dare to dream.


Silence is golden.

Silence is golden.


Hope springs eternal.

Hope springs eternal.


The die is cast.

The die is cast.


Seize the night!

Seize the night!


Speak the truth.

Speak the truth.


Mind over matter.

Mind over matter.


Follow your heart.

Follow your heart.


Never give up.

Never give up.


Change is constant.

Change is constant.


Begin with the end.

Begin with the end.


Dream big dreams.

Dream big dreams.


Less is more.

Less is more.


Think different.

Think different.


Trust but verify.

Trust but verify.


Stay hungry. Stay foolish.

Stay hungry. Stay foolish.


Break the rules.

Break the rules.


Embrace the journey.

Embrace the journey.


Keep it simple.

Keep it simple.


Change your thoughts.

Change your thoughts.


Cleverness is not wisdom.

Cleverness is not wisdom.


Be the change.

Be the change.


Quality over quantity.

Quality over quantity.


Peace is power.

Peace is power.


Risk it all.

Risk it all.


Create your future.

Create your future.


Lead with love.

Lead with love.


Truth will out.

Truth will out.


Art is eternal.

Art is eternal.


Doubt kills more.

Doubt kills more.


Energy flows where attention goes.

Energy flows where attention goes.


Ideas endure.

Ideas endure.


Stay foolish to stay sane.

Stay foolish to stay sane.


Joy is found within.

Joy is found within.


Begin anywhere.

Begin anywhere.


Grow or die.

Grow or die.


Winners never quit.

Winners never quit.


Never look back.

Never look back.


Be here now.

Be here now.


Work sets you free.

Work sets you free.


Wisdom comes with woe.

Wisdom comes with woe.


Make your mark.

Make your mark.


Do it now.

Do it now.


Laughter is life.

Laughter is life.


Never say never.

Never say never.


Love conquers all.

Love conquers all.


Only you can.

Only you can.


Believe you can.

Believe you can.


Failure is success.

Failure is success.


Awake and arise.

Awake and arise.


No pain, no gain.

No pain, no gain.


Dare to know.

Dare to know.


Life is change.

Life is change.


Dreams come true.

Dreams come true.


Always be kind.

Always be kind.


Simplicity is key.

Simplicity is key.


Act without expectation.

Act without expectation.


Beauty is truth.

Beauty is truth.


Smile, breathe, go slowly.

Smile, breathe, go slowly.


Keep moving forward.

Keep moving forward.


Live and let live.

Live and let live.


Choose to shine.

Choose to shine.


Own your life.

Own your life.


Create your reality.

Create your reality.


Find your balance.

Find your balance.


Stay curious always.

Stay curious always.


Adapt and overcome.

Adapt and overcome.


Speak your mind.

Speak your mind.


Love wins always.

Love wins always.


Keep your word.

Keep your word.


Lose to gain.

Lose to gain.


Courage conquers all.

Courage conquers all.


True to you.

True to you.


Act with honor.

Act with honor.


Seek to simplify.

Seek to simplify.


Stay the course.

Stay the course.


Passion creates change.

Passion creates change.


Patience is key.

Patience is key.


Hold the vision.

Hold the vision.


Honesty breeds trust.

Honesty breeds trust.


Listen to learn.

Listen to learn.


Stand your ground.

Stand your ground.


Leap and net will appear.

Leap and net will appear.


Begin. The rest is easy.

Begin. The rest is easy.


Aim for the stars.

Aim for the stars.


Choose joy daily.

Choose joy daily.


Challenge everything.

Challenge everything.


Live your truth.

Live your truth.


Love what you do.

Love what you do.


Take the leap.

Take the leap.


Pursue excellence.

Pursue excellence.


Hope, not fear.

Hope, not fear.


Keep faith in yourself.

Keep faith in yourself.


Justice for all.

Justice for all.


Wake up determined.

Wake up determined.


Free your mind.

Free your mind.


Let it be.

Let it be.


Now is all.

Now is all.


Peace begins with a smile.

Peace begins with a smile.


Practice makes perfect.

Practice makes perfect.


Savor every moment.

Savor every moment.


Stay true.

Stay true.


The soul shines on.

The soul shines on.


Stars can’t shine without darkness.

Stars can't shine without darkness.


Win with humility.

Win with humility.


Write your story.

Write your story.


Yes to life.

Yes to life.


You hold the key.

You hold the key.


Zero in on your goals.

Zero in on your goals.


Heads high.

Heads high.


Aim to impact.

Aim to impact.


Best is yet to come.

Best is yet to come.


Create, not hate.

Create, not hate.


Dance in the rain.

Dance in the rain.


Every day counts.

Every day counts.


Faith over fear.

Faith over fear.


Give more, get more.

Give more, get more.


Happiness is choice.

Happiness is choice.


Calligraphy Quotes

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