Best Courage Quotes With Images

Cold and fire has a way of creeping into the tiniest crack in your courage and finding that coward.

Tim Kennedy
 Cold and fire has a way of creeping into the tiniest crack in your courage and finding that coward. - Tim Kennedy


All of us have moments in our lives that test our courage. Taking children into a house with a white carpet is one of them.

Erma Bombeck
 All of us have moments in our lives that test our courage. Taking children into a house with a white carpet is one of them. - Erma Bombeck


Just remaining quietly in the presence of God, listening to Him, being attentive to Him, requires a lot of courage and know-how.

Thomas Merton
 Just remaining quietly in the presence of God, listening to Him, being attentive to Him, requires a lot of courage and know-how. - Thomas Merton


Whatever enlarges hope will also exalt courage.

William Samuel Johnson
 Whatever enlarges hope will also exalt courage. - William Samuel Johnson


The courage of life is often a less dramatic spectacle than the courage of a final moment; but it is no less a magnificent mixture of triumph and tragedy.

John F. Kennedy
 The courage of life is often a less dramatic spectacle than the courage of a final moment; but it is no less a magnificent mixture of triumph and tragedy. - John F. Kennedy


Darwin gives courage to the rest of science that we shall end up understanding literally everything, springing from almost nothing – a thought extremely hard to comprehend and believe.

Richard Dawkins
 Darwin gives courage to the rest of science that we shall end up understanding literally everything, springing from almost nothing - a thought extremely hard to comprehend and believe. - Richard Dawkins


I remember being a teenager and seeing Seymour Cassel across a crowded room and being incredibly star struck, and not having the courage to say, ‘Hello.’

Ira Sachs
 I remember being a teenager and seeing Seymour Cassel across a crowded room and being incredibly star struck, and not having the courage to say, ‘Hello.’ - Ira Sachs


I think there’s a great strength in having the courage and also having the support to do what you want to do when you’re an artist in any way, shape or form.

Dave Gahan
 I think there’s a great strength in having the courage and also having the support to do what you want to do when you’re an artist in any way, shape or form. - Dave Gahan


But after this natural burst of indignation, no man of sense, courage, or prudence will waste his time or his strength in retrospective reproaches or repinings.

Robert Peel
 But after this natural burst of indignation, no man of sense, courage, or prudence will waste his time or his strength in retrospective reproaches or repinings. - Robert Peel


Just as courage is the danger of life, so is fear its safeguard.

Leonardo da Vinci
 Just as courage is the danger of life, so is fear its safeguard. - Leonardo da Vinci


If you can find the courage, if you have in your heart even the slightest bit of rebellion against injustice, maybe you can channel that and become a leader.

Cherry Jones
 If you can find the courage, if you have in your heart even the slightest bit of rebellion against injustice, maybe you can channel that and become a leader. - Cherry Jones


It takes a certain courage and a certain greatness to be truly base.

Jean Anouilh
 It takes a certain courage and a certain greatness to be truly base. - Jean Anouilh


As for courage and will – we cannot measure how much of each lies within us, we can only trust there will be sufficient to carry through trials which may lie ahead.

Andre Norton
 As for courage and will - we cannot measure how much of each lies within us, we can only trust there will be sufficient to carry through trials which may lie ahead. - Andre Norton


Conscience is the root of all true courage; if a man would be brave let him obey his conscience.

James Freeman Clarke
 Conscience is the root of all true courage; if a man would be brave let him obey his conscience. - James Freeman Clarke


Have the courage to face a difficulty lest it kick you harder than you bargain for.

Stanislaus I
 Have the courage to face a difficulty lest it kick you harder than you bargain for. - Stanislaus I


Let me start with Yahoo. As we meet today, a Chinese citizen who had the courage to speak his mind on the Internet is in prison because Yahoo chose to share his name and address with the Chinese Government.

Tom Lantos
 Let me start with Yahoo. As we meet today, a Chinese citizen who had the courage to speak his mind on the Internet is in prison because Yahoo chose to share his name and address with the Chinese Government. - Tom Lantos


Courage consists not in blindly overlooking danger, but in seeing it, and conquering it.

Jean Paul
 Courage consists not in blindly overlooking danger, but in seeing it, and conquering it. - Jean Paul


The courage to imagine the otherwise is our greatest resource, adding color and suspense to all our life.

Daniel J. Boorstin
 The courage to imagine the otherwise is our greatest resource, adding color and suspense to all our life. - Daniel J. Boorstin


I wish we lived in a society that made it safe and provided the courage for everyone to come out.

Judith Light
 I wish we lived in a society that made it safe and provided the courage for everyone to come out. - Judith Light


More firm and sure the hand of courage strikes, when it obeys the watchful eye of caution.

James Thomson
 More firm and sure the hand of courage strikes, when it obeys the watchful eye of caution. - James Thomson


I have the courage of youth, and I’m not afraid of anything. My only enemies are illegality and corruption.

Alessandra Mussolini
 I have the courage of youth, and I’m not afraid of anything. My only enemies are illegality and corruption. - Alessandra Mussolini


One of the greatest gifts my father gave me – unintentionally – was witnessing the courage with which he bore adversity.

Ben Okri
 One of the greatest gifts my father gave me - unintentionally - was witnessing the courage with which he bore adversity. - Ben Okri


Rosa Parks’ courage, determination, and tenacity continue to be an inspiration to all those committed to non-violent protest and change nearly half a century later.

Bob Filner
 Rosa Parks’ courage, determination, and tenacity continue to be an inspiration to all those committed to non-violent protest and change nearly half a century later. - Bob Filner


Men was formed for society, and is neither capable of living alone, nor has the courage to do it.

William Blackstone
 Men was formed for society, and is neither capable of living alone, nor has the courage to do it. - William Blackstone


Courage can’t see around corners but goes around them anyway.

Mignon McLaughlin
 Courage can’t see around corners but goes around them anyway. - Mignon McLaughlin

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